Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 05, 2000, Image 73
JS||> Public Auction Of Real Estate Prime Lancaster Co. Farm T fS 1 (46.1 Acre Rural Zone Farm) 1035 MF Tractor, J.D. Rid. Lawn Tractors, Ansley Fox 20 gua. & Other Guns, Collects., Tools & Appls. Sat., Mar. 25, 2000 @ 10:00 AM Loc.: 233 Rock Hill Road, Millersville, Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. (Dir.) Approx. 3 mi. S from Millersville or 1 mi. N of Rock Hill Hotel) R. E. FEATURES: Secluded Farm w/Subdivision poss Rivei, creek & road frontage 10-room 2-famdy house Frame steer barn tobacco shed, 2 car block garage Good roots Pond Brochure & inspection avail upon icquest 109 f down 41 days to settle R/E sold at Noon Broker participa tion invited Realtors must have successful buyer registered w/Auctioneer 72 days ahead of auction Auction Order: Wagon items & Collects , Lawn & Farm Equip , Real Estate, Appls & Furn FOOD SERVED. Not responsible for accidents day of auction. Auction by: JOHN & ANN BELSTRA WILLIAM R. WHEATLY, Attorney PROBST FAMILY AUCTION ERIC R. PROBST, Auct. AU-001856-L, 717-464-3700 AUCTION SALE Surplus Machinery & Equipment of Microcom Division of: L 3 COMMUNICATIONS CNC MACHINING & DRILLING CENTERS, Mills, lathes, saws, grinders, COMPRESSORS, MANUAL SHEARS & BRAKE, OFFICE FURNITURE, CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT, MICROSCOPES, TEST EQUIPMENT, WIRE STRIPPER Thurs., Feb. 10 -10 AM 965 Thomas Drive. Warminster, PA Kitamura My center 1 Vertical CNC Center 16 ATC S/N 1879, Kitamura Mycenter O CNC Vertical Drilling Center 16ATC S/N; 123, Bridgeport Interact 412 V CNC Production Center 12ATC S/N; 75286 A, Bridgeport 1 1/2 H.P. Milling Machine S/N; 114383 Power Feed Table & DRO, Bridgeport 1 HP Milling Machine S/N: 128R242527 Power Feed Table, 2 Bridgeport Series 1 2 HP Boss S Milling Machines w/DRO S/N 1936 & 2742, Aliant Model TMV Milling Machine S/IJ4 730(53998 Power Feed Table &DRO, Leßlond 15” Regal Engine Lathe S/N. 12G-235X, Harrison M3OO Engine Lathe 13” Swing S/N: 150355, Delta Toolmaker Grinder S/N. 108-7590, Reid Precision Model 618 P Surface Grinder S/N: 16990, Cordax 1000 Measuring Machine, ICM Blast Cabinet Model ABI4ED, Parts Tumbler, Comparator, DiAcro 24” Hand Roller, DiAcro 18” Finger Brake, DiAcro lb -24 Manual Press Brake, Gnndei, Wysong 448HD 48” Foot Shear, Trademaster 19 1/2” Vertical Band Saw S/N: 18903, Johnson Model J Horizontal Band Saw S/N;j-12073, Tooling, Chucks, Vises, Drill Bits, 25 HP Gardner Denver Model EJBOFB 125P51 Air Compressor, Dn-Aire Model DA 125 Dryer, 25 HP Ingersoll Rand Intelhsys Compressor, Ingersoll Rand HG Series Oil Separator, Curtis Toledo Vacuum Air Unit. WIRE STRIPPING MACHINE. MICROSCOPES. TEST EQUIPMENT Eubanks Model 2700-IV Automatic Wire Stripper, Eubanks Model 67200 Wire Marking Machine, Eubanks, Model 6215 Electric Demand Prefeed, Lapmaster 12 Polisher, Trio Tech 4181 Bubble Tester, Blue M ESP 146 Oven, Blue M OV-18A Oven, 6 Kulicke & Soffa Model 648 Wire Bonder Machines w/Microscopes, Quality of Bausch Lomb’s Microscope Heads & Stands, Gravity Convection Oven, Humidity Control Cabinets, Oscilloscopes, Testers, FTS Air Jet System, Semiconductor Testers, Incubator, Gen Rad 1732 M Digital 1C Test System, CO2 Chillers, Micrometers, Power Meters, Electronic Counters, Wire Stripper Units, Multimeters, Oscillators, Sweep Signed Generators, Hot Plates, Weller Soldering Irons, Analyzers, Volumeters, Curve Tracers, Waveform Recorders, Model 505 Deposition Machines, 2-10’xl6’ & 14’xl4’ Electromagnetic Shielded Enclosure Rooms OFFICE FURNITURE. ETERIA E( Lobby & Office Furniture, Chairs, Desk, Credenzas, Storage & File Cabinets, Tables, Conference Tables, Executive Chairs, Projectors, Partitions, Printers, Computers, Matching Sofa & Chairs, 20 Pedestal Lunch Tables, 60 Stack Chairs, Refrigerator, 2-2 Dr. SS Refrigeration Units, SS Tables, Small Ovens, Fleetwood Sheer, Roaster Unit, 6’ Refrigerated 3 Dr Bain Mane Sandwich Center, Portable Salad Bar, Metal Shelving, Brunmg Bluepunt Copier. Blueprint Cabinets, Drafting Tables Over 100 Work Table/Test Stations. INSPECTION: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9-10 A.M. UNTIL 2 P.M. TERMS: CASH OR CERTIFIED FUNDS - 25% DEP. REQ. ($lOO.OO MIN) COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM ON ALL PURCHASES ■—■ Established in 1834 1825 East Boston Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215)634-2500* FAX (215) 634-0496 PA Auctioneers License No. RYOOOOB7-L e-mail: comlv@icdc com website: ww lIPMENT ilv com Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. CHILDREN’S | I CLOTHING | | SALE | I Tag Sale of | | Former Bankruptcy Inventory || | 4 Days Only - i | February 8-9-10-11, 2000 | I From 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. Daily | I @ | At Sprlngettsbury Fire Co. Social Hall i I 3013 E. Market St., York, PA. I I | | Boys & Girls Clothing - Infant | | to Preteen Sizes - All Name I | Brands - All First Quality - | I No Seconds or Irregulars. | | 10,000 Plus Pcs. I | Dresses - Shirts - Pants - | | Sweaters - Jackets -Etc...Etc... I I RETAIL PRICES TO $69.00 | | ALL ITEMS PRICED AT $3-$5-$9 | | TERMS: Cash & Personal Checks i | No Credit Cards. & I ALL SALES FINAL | I Sale Managed By: ij | Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers I I Lie. #336- 2256 i | Phone 252-1656 I i i Armstrong County • R.D. 1 Box 143 • Shelocta, PA Farm Sold - Owner Retiring Directions: Approximately 11 miles West of Indiana, PA or approximately 14 miles East of Kittanning, PA on Rt. 422 to Rt, 210 South (at Elderton, PA) or approximately 16 miles North of Apollo, PA on Rt. 210. Watch for Huey Auction Signs. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2000 STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. iif>M Grain Dryer & Bins MFIIOSW/4585 Hrs r' 1 19731 H 2010 A Tandem Dump 'll 1964 Ford F5OO Dump Read 30’ - 15000 BU w/Drying Floor- Sweep Auger - 5 Hp Hor/Vert Unloading Auger - 7 l/2 Hp Aireation Fan, (2) 3400 Bu 18’ w/Drying Floors w/3 Hp Unloading Augers, 600 BU Free Standing Bins On Skids, 6”x2o’ Aueer GRAIN BLOWER Kongskilde TRIOO - 10 H I Ph CAE 20 Airlock w/Approx 180’Pipe & Fittings - (Only 3 Yrs Old - Like New) SHOP TOOLS. MACHINERY PARTS & MISC. PL&IM iWW LUNCH AND RESTROOMS AVAILABLE OWNERS: Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming. Auction due to Farm Being Sold Owner Retiring. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an Excellent Line of Shed Kept - Well Maintained Farm Machinery. All Field Ready and in Very Good Condition JOHN R. HUEY 11, AU-001588-L CAI, NAA, PAA (724) 794-4737 JOHN FLEMING FARM AUCTION 10:00 A.M. - High Quality Shop Tools And Machinery Parts 12:00 Noon - Grain Bin And System Followed By Tractors - Trucks - Farm Equipment factors * Combine * Grain Dryer Bins * Handling System * Farm Equipment * Case 1H 2294 - Diesel (CAH - 3029 Hrs.) - Dual Hyds - Power Shift - Radar - w/20 8x38” Radials (Like New) (Tractor In Like New Condition), MF 1105 Diesel - w/4585 Hrs - Mul ti Power - Dual Hyds - 18 4x38” (Like New) Rubber (Excellet Condition); MF 1130 Diesel w/Multi Power - Dual Hyds - w/38” Rears (Like New) - Power Adj Rims w/Alhed 784 Quick-Tatch Loader w/Pallet Forks & Material Bucket (Sold 3 Ways) COMBINE JD 6600 Sidehill - Diesel - CAH - (2695 Hrs.) - Gear Drive - Good Rubber - Extremely Clean Machine; JD444 - 4 Row Wide Com Hd. (Very Nice): JD 915 Flex Hd w/Dbl Cutter Bar - Poly Sideshoes - (Like New). Note. This is an Extremely well Kept Machine TRUCKS 1973 Int 2010 A - 549 Gas Eng. -5 & 4 Sp. - Air Brakes - Power Divider - Tandem - w/14’ Steel Dump Bed - Good Rubber, 1964 Ford F5OO - 292 Eng -4 + 2 Sp. - w/12’ Flat Bed Dump w/Gram Sides; 1976 Chevy 1/2 Ton 4 W.D. - Auto - 350 Eng - Flat Bed Farm Truck ' CADU COI lIDIICMT JD 7000 4 Row Wide Plateless Corn Planter w/Dry Fert - Cross Auger - Not Till Coulters - Row Cleaners & Insecticide Boxes; Oliver 4x16 Semi-MTED Plow w/Hillside Hitch, Glen co 7 Shank Soil Saver w/300 Gal Anhydrous Tank & Pump, 1000 Anydros Nurse Tank on Running Gear; Kewance 18’ Manual Fold Wing Disc, Bnllion 18’ Hyd Fold Single Culti packer, IH 18’Hyd Fold Field Cultivator, 10’Bnllion Trans Cultimulcher, Hardi 500 Gal Trial Sprayer w/45’ Sell Leveling Hyd. Booms - Foam Markers w/ Elec Controls, Walsh 200 Gal. 3 Pt Sprayer w/Self Leveling Booms w/Elec Controls, Fressor 3 Pt Spin Spreader (Like New); Flatbed Hay Wagon w/Hyd Dump, N 1 Flail Type Manure Spreader, JD 3 Pr 4 Row Cultivator; Garber Draw Bar Seeder, Hi-Cap Gram Cleaner w/Corn - Soybean - Wheat Screens; Woods 10’ 3 Pt. Brush Hog, Rhino Hvy Duty 10' Hyd Backblade, Mayrath B”x6s’ Trans. - PTO Gram Auger, Snow-Go 6”x4o’ Trans - PTO Gram Auger, (3) 4” Grams Augers - 10’ to 16’; (4) Auger Hoppers; AND MORE 1 NOTE: This Is An Excellent Line Of Shed Kept - Field Ready Farm Equipment Cub Cadet 2140 Lawn Tractor w/42” Cut w/Bagger - I **4’x6’S. AXLE ENCLOSED CAI MC 375 Continuous Flow - LP or Natural Gas - 10 HP - I PH Motor w/Wheels & Tires GRAIN BINS fri feb 11 9am Tractors. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 5, 2000-833 Farm Eq & Supplies To Be held at A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St, New Hol land, Lane Co, Pa 717-355- 7253 CRI FEB 11-12 Noon Dairy Sale Middleburg Livestock Auc lion Sales, Inc FRI, FEB 11 - IPM State Grad ed Feeder Pig Sales Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 548 Alexander Spring Road Carlisle, °a _ FRI FEB 11-5 15PM Harry s Auction, Toy Auctions held at 3areville Fire Hall Leola, Pa Randy Stoltzfus Richard Harry aucls FRI FEB 11 5 30PM & SAT FEB 12 - 8 30AM Toys col lectibles furniture household goods, tools At Grassmyers Warehouse turn off Rt 22-522 in McVeytown at Minimart Don & Marlene Smith owners Ron Grassmyer, Mark Glick aucts SAT FEB 12 Older Farm Equip For Richard Reinhardt Sr Between Stroudsburg & Bangor SAT FEB 12-BAM - Antiques & Household Goods at Lincoln Fire PUBLIC SALE Of Fine Antiques Keeiey Columbia Parlor Stove, Oak Mahog. & Pine Furniture, Household Goods Wood, Iron & Tinware Guns -1874 M-80 w/Bayonet Thurs, Feb. 17,2000 At 9:00 A.M. Loc. 1091 Letort Road, Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., PA (Directions: About 5 miles west of Millersville, near Creswell.) Guns To Be Sold at 1:00 P.M. Food Served. Sale by: Miss Anna M. Kendig [Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 irc!,Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) Tools * Parte Pius Much More... TRACTORS LAWNTI GRAIN DRYER AUCTIONEERS Hall, 1438 W Mam St, Ephrata, Lancater Co By John Miller & Others Dale L Putt Aucts SAT FEB 12-SAM at Chance ford Community Center, 7 miles SE of Red Lion Antiques house hold goods guns & tools Sechnst Aucts 717-244-0295 SAT FEB 12 - 9AM TB Lumber Liverpool, Pa Lg Selection of Building Materials Hassmger & Courtney, aucts 570-539-6791 SAT FEB 12 - 9AM Antiques tools china baseball cards & balls, furniture redware pottery Held At Florin Fire Co 134 N Market Ave Mount Joy Pa lane Co Witman_Aucts SAT FEB 12 ■ 9AM Antiques HH Goods Fine Juno Brass Hanging Lamp Dolls Toys Snow Thrower Tools at Al Starr Firemen s Bldg Willow Street Lancaster Co PA Mr & Mrs James Petersen, Owners Howard E Shaub Inc Auct SAT FEB 12 9AM Gideon King Jr 5446 Elam Rd Kmzers Pa Produce equip Auct Mel I Hrs (Like New) GO TRAILER** SUE ANN WEIDNER, PAA AU-001781-L PAA 495 Slippery Rock Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057 Hoover SAT FEB 12 - 9AM Real estate Ford bronco, tractors tools, household goods At 515 S Cocalico Rd West Cocalico Twp, Lane Co, Pa For Charles W Wolfe Estate Horst Aucts SAT FEB 12 9AM Remholds Fire Co Banquet Hall Remholds Pa Antiques personal property 1986 Oldsmobile Wm Canty Estate and Hattie Hertzog Art Pannebecker Auction Service SAT FEB 12 9 30AM Tractors, combines, trucks farm machin ery Estate of Alfred (Big Al) Belledm Fraley Auction Co SAT FEB 12 -10 AM Farm machinery building matenals misc from Thurmont Rt 550 S to Craegerstown Steve Heims owner Mike Miller auct SAT FEB 12 -10 AM Ridge Fire Co along Rt 23 between Phoemxville & Rt 100 Huge 650 lot toy tram auction Ted Maurer auct SAT FEB 12 10AM Ridge Fire Co along Rt 23 between PhoenixvilTe & Rt 100 Blue Room Railroadiana & toy trains collection of Tony Bolognese Ted Maurer auct SAT FEB 12 10AM John Flem mg Farm Auction 11 mites W of Indiana Pa John R Huey II auct SAT FEB 12 10AM Older Farm Equipment Between Strouds burg & Bangor for Richard Rem hard! Sr Zettlemoyer Auction Co SAT FEB 12 10AM Chester Co Real Estate antiques furm ture glassware old toys col lectibles HH goods Sads buryville SadsburyTwp Chester Co For Anne L Babin Barr Davis aucts SAT FEB 12 10AM Tractors Trucks Combines Farm Lawn& Garden, Misc at Walters Farm US Rt 13 S of Dover DE Sam Walters 111 Auct SAT FEB 12 10AM Farm Equip, tools, corn silage haylage (or Amos Hurst, 40 Mt Rockßd Shippensburg Pa Martin's Aur tion Service 717-532-5382 SAT FEB 12 -10 AM Complete Farm Dispersal of the late Al (Big Al) Belledm, 8 JD tractors, 2 JD Combines Washmgtonville, PA Conducted by Fraley Auction Co (570) 546-6907 jocu. * - 5 Case 2294w/3029 Hrs. MF 1130 w/Allied Loader t. K Hardi 500 Gal. Sprayer JO 7000 4 Row Planter i JD 7000 4 Row Planter