Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 05, 2000, Image 70
830-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 5, 2000 Sale Reports BEILER SALE A Public Sale of hors- es and farm equipment was held Januaiy 27 by John I and Lydia Beiler, 41 Slay maker Hill Rd , Km/er, Pa m Lane Co Some prices were pair horses, $3,200. single horse, $2,000. I & J tan dem axle corn binder, $6,100, NH 311 baler, $4,300, NH 273 baler. $3,600. NH 276 baler, $3,050, NH. 273 baler, $2,900, Pequea rake w/Honda engine, $3,350, N H 456 mower w/Wis consm engine, $3,150, J D 7000 corn planter, $3,000, 45 hp Lombar dima diesel, $2,900, 120 hp. 471 Detroit diesel, $2,800, White Horse 2- way plow, $2,600; dis cbme, $2,650, 4 star hay tedder, $2,050, 840 Bradley 3-row stalk chop per, $2,000, Gehl 600 har vester with long table, $2,000, Wisconsin engine, $1,925, Farmall 450 tractor, $1,600; 36 ft N H elevator, $1,450, and flat bed wagon. $1,150 Mel Hoover was the auctioneer. WOSKOB SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held January 29 by Leah Woskob, 10 miles west of State College in Centre Co., Pa The 40 acre farm with a house and a barn brought $260,000. Ron J. and Ron S. Gilhgan were the auction eers Like New Combines, Tractors, & Good Trucks AUCTION SALE Since the recent death of William “Bill” Sterling, the family has decided to dis continue their farming operation and will sell the following farm equipment at Public Auction on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9, 2000 BEGINNING AT 10:30 A.M Seaside Rd a/k/a RT 679, Parksley, Virginia Directions: Parksley is located 50 miles South of Salisbury, MD and 55 miles north of Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on U.S. Rt. 13. Just North of the Stop Light in parksley next to the Owl Restaurant, Turn east on Whites Neck Rd, go .8 mile, turn Right on Rt. 679 go .4 mile Sale on Left. Bill Sterling was well known for keeping late model, well maintained equipment This is your opportunity to buy some low hour mint condition equipment In the event of snow or icy roads the sale will be held on Sat, Feb 12 Call 1-800-408-9384 to confirm cancellation Combines, Sprayer & TVactor Planters; Inspect and drive Sat. Feb. 5,10-2 John Deere 9610 Combine Maximize w/Greenstar (no global position) 4WD, Factory duals, 1998, 571 engine hrs , 396 separate hrs ,20 BR3B and 28L26 tires, heavy duty rear hydro. John Deere 9610 Combine Maximize, w/Greenstar (no global position) 1998,4WD, 643 engine hrs , 448 separator hrs, HD rear hydro drive, 18 4R46 Factory duals (Global position option can be easily added) 2-John Deere 920 grain tables to be offered separate and together with combine John Deere 893 corn head. 5n675652 John Deere 4700 Sprayer. 1998. 750 poly tank, hydro adj width, 60' booms, 1150 bn., 12 4x38, 1150 hrs mint cond 5N000237, recent updates, NEVEß used (4) 48-25.00 Goodyear terra tires & wheels; Wide Float to fit JD 4700 sprayer: John Deere 8300 MFWD. 960 hrs. 18 4R46 factory duals, 4 remote hitch, 1997, Case Inti. 7240 m MFWD, 2034 hrs 195 hp, 20 8R42 w/factory duals, sn 58106, 1995. Case IH 7210. 1994, 130 HP, 18 4R43 Factory duals, 1522 hrs , 3 remotes, Oliver 1950 tractor, 1253 Terra-- - tohn Dp°- ' itor w/Cummins. 1200 gal tank ere 750 no till drill, 15’ wide w/Yetter markers,. Planter, 6rn w/liquid, insect, max-merge, 2 vacu, 2 Case IH ble hitch, International 510, 21 spout drill w/double disc openers, TRUCKS 1989 Freightliner conventional, 821,000 miles, Cat 400, rebuilt with 250,000 miles, w/double sleeper, conventional cab, 858,000 miles, 13 speed, 425 Cat, 1967 International Transtar II tractor w/10 speed, 1981 CMC Brigadier w/22* ader. hydraulic drive: 1986 CMC 7000 w/big block Chevy, w/10’ Speedy Lincoln; Spread stainless hods, hydro drive, 366 engine, 5x2 trans, 15x22 5 tires, (3) 42’ Grain Trailers w/grain rails & tarp, 1977 Ford FBOO, twin screw, diesel dump. 1989 F-350 Pickup, 1977 Chevy 30 Step Van, 1985 Chevy farm truck, 1974 International dump truck/dump dirt body, 1989 GMC Pickup, Diamond Reo 6-200 Gas 1969 Dodge Tool Truck, 1977 Ford Tandem w/dump, 1989 Ford Ram, Dsl Chevy Bluebird Bus, GMC Motor Coach Bus, Mack 830, 1977 Ford IMPLEMENTS & MISC. ITEMS- 1550 gal poly unks John Deere 4600 rollover plow: John Blue 500 gal stainless slcc! sprayer Woods hvdrodme ollscl mower 2 John Deere 5x16 plows, John Deeic HD disc blade ( aidmal 50 Auger Ferguson 17 chisel KMC S tint culmator John Deere BWA Disc 40 bi id«. fold 9 Blade 6 BushHot* Unscrferlh hcadei carts Shop Tools Chisel Plow Disc loi( unpick I ist ( ill 410 546 242> I I,RMS ( ash m (»ood ( heck I)a> oj Sale i illes to Vehicles will be held 10 business thm unless paid bo In c.ishoi cashiei \ cluck V't work with Iclmark. all Farm (. ledits and \oui Rank la\ or bimy Icltci to sale 1 oi details call or ! a\ 410-BV^-5613. PETE S— . At CHON RICHARDSON V Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. FEB 2000 Sale Juniata Co Sale Managed - by Klmg s Auctions Inc Landis SAT FEB 5 - FSA Real Estate burg PA 717-789 3883 ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Monday, Feb . 14, 2000 5:00 pm (Doors open at 3:00 pm) r’s Auction Center. Bethel. P; exit #. off Call to consign or for information (717) 933-5736 Partial listing. Quilts; Butcher ladles; Crocks & Jugs; Vintage fabric from the ‘4os and ‘sos; Motion light; Pictures & Frames; Child’s tin gro cery store; Cast iron banks; Farmall 560 pedal tractor; Old sewing basket; Cast Army pcs.; Wooden wheelbarrow; Clay marbles; Old mortise shelf; Tin play games; Slant desk; Oak high back bench; Blanket chest; Old clock; Waterfall pcs.; Butcher block on legs; Cloths trees; Buttons; Old wooden skies w/bamboo poles; Oak chest of drawers; German pitcher and bowl set; Oak china closet, Depression dining room suite; Asst, oak stands; Sellers kitchen cabinet; Large Nippon vase. Cream separator; Depression glass; Oak apple basket; Reading Railroad caboose stove; Turn of the century advertisement in oak frame; Reed & Barton pewter; Aladdin bronze floor lamp w/ongmal parchment shade and mantles; Moss rose tea set; Coffee grinder; picture easel; Old children’s books, and MUCH MORE COM ING IN UNTIL SALE TIME. Hummels: Selling approx. 10 Hummels including Shepherd’s Boy; Goose Girl; Watchful Angel; Happy Traveler Coins: 1856 One Dollar Gold pc.; 1909 S Ten Dollar; 1913 Two & 1/2 Dollar pc.; 1904 Two and 1/2 Dollar Gold pc. You may drop off your antiques and collectibles during our regular receiving times: any Thursday from 9-Ioam or 4-6 pm Bad Weather Date: Sat., Feb. 19, 2000 at 9:00 am Anrtinnoor* V) Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L Bethel, PA 19507 (717)933-5736 10 no till drill, 20’ w/Yetter markers, in Deere 7200 Conservation ills w/factorv dou- Unvcrferth Zone Builder. 7 shank ni LI U I,1N(. AVAIL Mil I- >er w/coulters, PO Box 51 W i'drds MD 21BM f r tG 2425 or 9384 SAT FEB 5 Real estate & per- PmeSt Mt Joy Pa WitmanAuc sonal property For Florace & Bar lioneers Inc _ bara Good 294 Orchard Rd SAT'FEB 5 9AM Real estate Mohnton close to Bowmansville woodshop tools antiques per Pa Kline Kreider Good aucts sonal property riding mower SAT FEB 5 Tools & farm equip wood crafts 902 Hosier Rd Man- Located at 190 Musselman Rd heim RaphoTwp Lane Co Pa Bethel Pa 2 1/2 mi Nof Frys By Albert & Kathryn Miller Shenk town Clarence S Burkholder Auction Co Beef farm Martins Auct Service SAT FEB 5 9AM Antiques col- SAT FEB S SAM Household lectibles Mifflmburg Pa Bruce E Goods Antiques Furniture Haupt Jr owners MarkJ Jones Glassware at Lincoln Fire Hall ?yct 1438 West Mam St Ephrata SAT FEB 5 9AM Vintage tobac Lancaster Co PA Irene Tyler co & gum sportcards, comic Putt Auc books Fishing Creek Comm SAT FEB 5 8 30AM Private Coll Building, Etters Pa Little Ike Toy Auction at Gathering Place 6 Belleville Livestock Market Spring Machinery Sale Friday, March 3, 2000 at 9:00 AM We will be selling on consignment any type of horse drawn or con ventional farm equipment and all types of new hand tools for farm use. Hay, Straw, Tractors and cars will be sold at 1:00 PM, sale will start at 9:00 AM with several Mads of new tools. Consignments are welcome on Thursday March 2, 2000 until 6:00 PM. We are sorry but no consignments will be accepted on Friday. For more info Gene Click (717) 667-2703 Sale Barn (717) 935-2146 of Farm Equipment, Hay, Vehicles, Tools Located at: 550 Ridge Rd., Shippensburg, PA North through Shippensburg. Continue on Rt. 6! Rd. Go 2 1/2 miles to sale on right. TEN TRACTORS - EQUIPMENT FORD 9700 cab, dual power, dual P.T.O and hyd. JOHN DEERE 2010 diesel crawler loader 4200 hrs. w/Model 50 backhoe - selling separately FORD 6700 dual power, dual P.T.O. 6400 hrs. BOBCAT 371 gas skid loader 2- 5000 s, diesel - one sells with loader NEW HOLLAND 1500 self propelled tombine ALLIS CHALMERS Dl5 w/15’ flex grain head - selling separately is 962 A.C. L-200 loader 6RN com head 3- FARMALL “M” - one is for parts J.D. 337 baler w/kicker - nice FARMALL “FI2” -as is VERMEER 5041 round balled JOHN DEERE 1952 “B” w/cultivators N.H. 492 hay bine - nice AXLE Duals 20.8 - 38 N.H. 489 hay bine FORD 5000 engine - as is 2 - BUSH HOG 3 pt. 10 tooth chisel plows OLIVER 5-16” semi-mt. auto, reset plow TAYLERWAY 16” hyd. fold disc w/C springs INTERNATIONAL 45 pull type 16’ field cultivator GLENCO 3 pt. 12’ field cultivator w/buster bar CASE 8 ft. disc 6 FT. off set disc 2- CULTIPACKERS 17’ and 8’ WHITE 5400 6RN no till air planter; WHITE 543 4RN no till plate planter J.D. 13 hole grain drill w/grass box 5 - FEEDER TRAILERS 30’ 24’ 22’ 2-ROUND bale feeders 3 PT. 2 row cultivator FORD 100 pull type 8’ rotary mower 2-GEHL 72 flail choppers - as is JAMESWAY 20' ring drive silo unloader SURGE Model 85010 1000 gal. milk tank w/washer and compressor CORN drag elevator SEVERAL skeleton conveyors I Q B6 Chevy Silverado pickup, H.D. 4x4 auto. rebuilt engine 1967 Chevy 40 truck w/12’ grain dump bed - farm sticker 24 ft, tn-axle flat trailer, gooseneck, beavertail 16,000 GVW 2-I*soo gal poly tanks, several poly call hutches, new Ritchie cattle watercr, hyd auger for bin wagon liquid piescivei applicator, hyd cyhndeis gates, milk cans, butcher bench, head gate, seed clean er I mcoin " , 2‘5 A C DC V' elder W ton shop ptess 2an compiessors log chains 40 It wooden ext ladiiei miss shop and bam tools, LOI S<4 SCRAP IRON misc chcny, walnut liimbci. misc Household goods ,v\l 1 ORDI R Household goods tools hum equipment, collides. (Hay at I I 00) lemix an. cash in good check with piopci ID Out ol stale checks need ciuicnl hank cudil letlei 1 until sc i \c cl Not nspoioihic I<>i accidents PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2000 8:30 A.M. 100 TONS plus Hay 85 tons alfalfa, mixed in small bales 79 round bales orchard grass VEHICLES 16 ft. tandem axle cattle trailer, gooseneck, - rough 1989 Chevy Celebrity station wagon 1976 Chevy El Camino - restored Sait tor; Carl and Bettv Kelso 717-530-672' Martin's \iirlir'ii St-r', ite UIO7BL Mid rot "17-532-5382 Public Auction Farm Machinery Consignment Thurs., March 9,2000 9:00 AM Located In Centre County, 1/2 Mile North of Rebersburg, PA., Along Route 880. New And Used Faim Machinery, Farm Related Items, Building Materials, Shop Equip, Horses, Mules. Hay And Straw. Good Farm Tires Only And No Household! FOR ADVERTISING: CONTACT SAM ESH BEFORE FEBRUARY 12! Sam K. Esh HCR-l Box 34, Rebersburg, PA. 16872 Mark Click and Elam Stoltzfus Auctioneers AU-349-L AU-2452-L PUBLIC AUCTION JD TRACTORS - (*RH EQUIPMENT ‘79 CHEVY 25 TON ALFALFA MT- PROP. -Jr #vl|(li ' LOCATION: 3208 Mossier Rd , Manheim From Mt Joy take Milton Grove Rd North, turn right Mossier Rd , Ist farm on (eft OR from Manheim take W High Street turn right onto Mossier Rd appox 6 miles to farm on right, Rapho Twp Terms by: Auction By R. MERVIN MYERS ESTATE Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider, Executors: Marlin P. Myers Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers 717-653-5274 Lie *2116, #513 David C. Myers & Diana M. Myers 717-733-1006 AUCTIONEERS From: Interstate 81, (Shippensburg Exit 9) take Rt. 694 96 3 miles North of Shippensburg, turn right onto Ridge. FOUR 9’xlB’ steel rack wagons by Farmco and Oilier PEQUEA 710 P.T.O. hay tedder 2-VICON 6 wheel rakes 2- GEHL 600 forage harvesters, 30-38 2- row com head, H.A. 900 hay head BADGER forage wagon w/tandems and roof DION forage wagon w/roof BADGER forage blower N.H. 36 flail chopper NEW IDEA 362 tandem axle manure spreader w/tail gate DEMCO 500 gal. field sprayer, 40’ booms TWO gravity bin wagons SEVERAL wagon gears SURGE 30 K.W. P.T.O. alternator DANUSER 3 pt. wood splitter LELY 1250 3 pt. fert. spinner 3 PT. post hole digger 7 FT. scraper blade 3 Pt. bale carrier LIME drill TOOLS - MISC.