(Continued from Pago AID) New York Vegetable Confer ence, Holiday Inn and Con vention Center, Syracuse, N.Y., thru Feb. 10. Southeast Regional Winter Fruit Meeting, Berks County Ag Center, 9 a.m.-3;30 p.m. Empire State Potato Growers Inc. Annual Meeting, Holiday Inn Hotel, Liverpool, N.Y., 55th Pennsylvania Landscape and Nursery Conference, Penn State Conference Center Hotel, University Park, thru Feb. 10. Keystone Pork Expo, Lebanon Fairgrounds. Mounting A Successful Repro duction Program, Farmers Wife Family Restaurant, Ono. Schuylkill County Regional Fruit Meeting, Schuylkill County Ag Center, Pottsville, r -M, x With 21 trucks ready to serve you, Mt. Joy Co-Op Can Provide You With A Quality Milk Market To Meet Ail Your Needs. Give Us A Call Or Talk To A Neighbor Who Is Already A Member. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 29th Annual Western Pennsyl vania Turf Conference and Trade Show, Pittsburgh Expo Mart Radisson Hotel, Mon roeville, thru Feb. 11. Forage Crop Production Day, Walker Grange Hall. Mexico. Delmarva Corn/Soybean Con ference, northern location, Asbury United Methodist Church, W. Mt. Vernon St., Smyrna, Del. Franklin-Cumberland-Adams Counties Vegetable Growers Day, Huntsdale. Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress, Cincin nati, Ohio, thru Feb. 12. Dairy Records Analysis Work shop, Harrisonburg, Va., thru Feb. 11. Mounting A Successful Repro duction Program, Kutztown Grange Hall. New York State Berry Growers -w%e *or wlount J °Y Farn*^ rni *t s c °'Q Annual Meeting, New York State Vegetable Conference, Holiday Inn and Convention Center, Syracuse, N.Y. Northeast Fruit Growers’ Meet ing, Ratnada Inn, Chinchilla. Southeast Regional Fruit Meet ing, Berks County Ag Center. Farm Family Safety Confer ence, Farm and Home Center, Lancaster, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Ag Issues Forum, Farm and Home Center, 7:30 a.m. Penn Manor Ag Department Pesticide Safety Meeting, Penn Manor High School, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Crops Master’s: Farming After The Drought, Integrated Crops Production School, Holiday Inn, Bethlehem, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Passing On The Farm Work shop, Morrison’s Cove Memo- rial Park, Martinsburg, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Feeder School, Walker Town- ship Building, Pleasant Gap, lO a.m.-3 p.m. Delmarva Corn/SoybeanCorT ference, central location, Car oline County 4-H Park, Denton, Md. Mountain A Successful Repro duction Program, Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville. ’ mmm il / -V. ■- Trw WOUNT FARMERS "?Hi£6 T^totCuce*. 1-800-860-6569 * 717-653-5431 Lancaster Faming, Saturday, February 5, 2000-A3l Franklin County Crops And Soils Meeting, Lemaster Com munity Center, Lemaster. Lancaster County 4-H Livestock Clubs Annual Banquet, Farm and Home Center, 6:30 p.m. New York Farm Bureau’s “Think Spring” Conference, Wyndam Hotel, East Syracuse, thru Feb. 12. Beginning Beekeeping Seminar, Leslie N. Firth Learning Center, Mercer, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Farm Toy Show and Sale, York __4jlCenter, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Food Automation Conference and Expo 2000, Grant Hyatt, Atlanta, Ga., thru Feb. 16. Capitol Turf and Ornamental School, Holiday Inn, Grant viile, 8:15 a.m.-3:05 p.m. North American Small Fruit Conference, Primadonna Resort, Primm, Nev., thru Feb. 17. Poultry Health and Manage ment Seminar, Kreider’s Res taurant, Manheim, noon. Mounting A Successful Repro duction Program, Country Village Restaurant, Allens ville. Lancaster County Dairy Day I, Farm and Home Center, Lan caster. Day II is Feb. 29. Sheep Management Series, York Extension Office, 7 p.m.-9 p.m., also Feb. 22 and 29. Crops Day, Limestone Fireball, Limestone, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Crops Day, Kittaning Township Fire Hall. Regional Potato Day, Ebensburg Mini-Mall, Ebensburg. Lebanon County Crops and Dairy Day, Lebanon Valley Expo Center, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. FSA Production Workshop, Lebanon Valley Ag Center. Farm Financial Health Checkup, Honey Brook Township Building. Christmas Tree Management Short Course, Penn Stater Conference Center, thru Feb. 17. Manure Handling In Existing and Expanding Farms, Morri son Cove Memorial Park, Martinsburg, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Westmoreland County Crops Day, Donohoe Center, Greensburg, 9:30 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Pennsylvania Holstein Conven tion, Clarion Hotel, Carlisle, thru Feb. 18. Mounting A Successful Repro duction Program, Mercer County Cooperative Exten sion, Mercer. Winter Grounds Maintenance Seminar, Kutztown Grange Hall, Kutztown, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. TMR Workshop, Denny and Todd McHenry Farm, New Bethlehem, noon-2:30 p.m. Crops Night, Venango County Extension Office, 7 p.m. Crops Master’s Farming After the Drought, Holiday Inn, Phillipsburg, N.J., 10 a.rn.-3 p.m. Crops Day, Rustic Inn, Indiana. Organic Farm Meeting, Kutz town University, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Winter Conference, Otterbein United Methodist Church, Sunbury, 9 a.m. Pa. Holstein Convention Sale, Clarion Hotel, Carlisle, 7 p.m. Mounting A Successful Repro duction Program, Hugo’s Restaurant, Brownsville. Farm Financial Health Checkup, Quarryville Li brary. JSBpJp CO-OP