D22-Lanc»ter Farming, Saturday, February 5, 2000 Clean Wheat Straw for sale, scales at the barn. AAillersville area, Lancas ter Co. 717-872-7801 Western alfalfa, small square bales, Jilgh RFV, high protein, delivered. 308/324-4022. Alfalfa, Timothy mixed Ist cutting, 3'x3'x6' square bales. Stored in side. 304-263-4572. Buying damaged grain. 717-426-2905. Straw for Sale: Stump Acres 717-792-3216. York County. Sweet corn silage, SI 5/ ton, mixed w/corn silage, $23/ton. Delivery avail able. 717-898-8927 Clyde Kreider. Alfalfa hay: dairy and horse quality, big squares or small squares. We de liver anywhere. Rock Creek Ranch, Cleveland, OK, 918-358-2541, 918-640-0486 mobil, Dwain Carnes. WANT: damaged or moldy corn and barley, hauling available. 800-433-6236. WANT TO BUY: AAoldy Gram, Feed or Bi-Prod ucts. 410-526-6892. LIVESTOCK BEDDING: Clean sawdust up to 70 cu.yd. $4.25/per cu.yd., plus delivery. GIFT LUM BER CO., INC. Douglas sville, PA 610-689-9483 7:3oam-4pm. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver. I I. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. WANTED: damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717-733-4516. MUSHROOM SOIL for sale. Delivery available or pickup. 610-939-9193. Hay suppliers, Timothy, Alfalfa, Mixed, 700 bale loads delivered. Ellyson's Inc, 330-223-1594 Round Bale Haylage. ALF/OG & ALF Tested & Quality Guaranteed. De livery w/Self-Unloading T ractor T roller. Cold Creek Farms 610-756-4207 Wheat straw, 3x3*B bales, rotor combine, $75/ton at farm. Delivery avail. Lancaster Co. 717-665-7284 Wrapped high moisture sorghum round bales, $25/bale; Ist cutting alfal fa orchard grass, round bales, stored inside, $l3O/ton; 4th cutting wrapped high moisture alfalfa orchard grass bales, $4O/bale. All bales net wrapped w/delivery available. 717/789-4926. Shavings, $2.50/bag. De livery available. Amos T. Ebersol, 717/768-3652. Alfalfa or timothy hay, 4x5 round bales, kept in side, $5O per bale. 410-343-0802 or 2662. 1998 ear corn in wood crib. Manheim. 717-664-4235 Timothy Orchard hay, fancy green color, made young, guaranteed no mold, $l5O/ton. Delivery available. 570-345-4109 eves 2nd cutting Timothy hay, very fancy, green, $l7O/ ton. Heifer hay, $BO-$lOO. Delivery available. 570-345-4109 eves Dairy quality alfalfa 3x3xB bales, tested, will deliver. $6O-$B5/ton plus delivery. 701-496-3173. 600 ton of corn silage, 300 wrapped bales 4x4, 2500 square bales rye straw, 2000 square bales alfalfa. Jersey Shore, PA, 570-398-7844. 200 round bales of hay lage (wrapped), orchard grass/alfalfa mixed, large bales $5O/each. 610/ 488-7597 Iv msg, will re turn your call. Corn Silage, kernel pro cessed and inoculated. Delivery available. Terms to those who qualify. 304-725-2465. New crop balage, oat lage, hay & straw. Deliv ery anywhere in North America. Special equip ment for handling wrap ped bales. Contact Kevin 519-595-2284 Alfalfa, Dry Hay 8. Bal age. 3x3 Bales, NAFTA Tested 610-767-1408. Dairy quality Alfalfa, 3x3xB' bales, Ist, 2nd, 3rd cuttings, tested & stored inside. 608-988-4213 Hay for sale, sound for horses, round bales, big square bales, wrapped balage, 2 0 + % p . 570-662-2756,570-398-2688 4X4 Balage, Ist, 2nd, 4th cuttings. Silo King treat ed. Delivery avail. Union Co. 570/523-9466. Rolled Corn silage, straw, hay, 8< balage. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Hay For Sale; Alfalfa & Grass Hay, Dairy Quality 8< Heifer Hay. All Sizes. 1-800-651-8253. NORTHERN PREMIUM DAIRY ALFALFA 3x3xB large squares covered, tested and quality guar anteed grown on our farm. Randy and Sherri Heiser, Ruso.ND 701-626-7641. Good quality ear corn de livered by the trailer load. 814-448-9765. CORN SILAGE delivered in silo. Satisfaction guar anteed. Garber's, Lane. Co. 717/464-2894. Wheat Straw, Clean 8> Dry, 4th Cutting Alfalfa Balage, Delivery Avail. 717-258-1513. Western alfalfa: high tested for dairy and horses. Grass hay. 4x4xB bales, 3x3xB bales 8< small squares. 1-800-874-2814. Hay dealer looking for suppliers of timothy, or chard grass, and/or mixes. Delivered to northern VA. Large loads of small square bales. 540-364-1824. Buying Soybeans For Use in Food Manufacturing, Premiums Paid, Delivered Mt Joy, Pa. 717-653-4123 NEWCOMMER SEED CLEANING WESTERN ALFALFA very fancy 3rd cutting, small square and mid sized bales, forage analy sis available, 410-527-0304. 50 ton high moisture ground ear corn, 20% moisture, $B2/ton at farm. 717-463-3938. Good quality Timothy hay for sale, 3x3xB' bales, 7501 b avg, $ll5 delivered in Lancaster area. 315/658-4747 evenings. Alfalfa Haylage, no weeds, no grass, no rain. 21.26 protein, 47.70 mois ture, 158RFV, $4O/ton. 815-885-3465. Alfalfa HAYLEGE $45/ ton. Delivery available. 717-949-2371. Good quality TAAR mixed to your specifications. Good references. Corn si lage and/or haylage, can mix. Can deliver. 717/334-8553. Alfalfa baleage. Centre Co. 150 bales, shredded for easy feeding, forage tested, 24 + % protein, 160+ RFV. 814/422-8111 Ist, 2nd, 3rd cutting Alfal fa, small square bales, $l2O-$l5O. at bam. Ap prox. 400 ton corn silage & hi-moist shelled corn, out of Harvestores. 717-733-2855 after 6pm Top quality alfalfa hay, Ist, 2nd, 3rd & 4th cutting. Small squares. Also wheat straw. 717-626-9287 after spm Good quality corn silage chopped w/roller mill, treated w/ecosyl. Can deliver w/blower & truck or dump truck. Call for price & analysis. 717/ 872-9152,717/371-5170. Western Hay, Alfalfa, $lB5 to $220. Timothy $l3O to $140,717-529-1114 Bam Nutrition Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & Dist. • Feed Ingredients Check with us for your salt needs Bags, bricks or blocks We now have Kelp Meal Hy-Ration Dog Food (717) 354-5741 Horse & Dairy Hay, small & large bales, delivered. Geo. White trashing ma chine w/all belts, working condition. Evenings, 519-323-1208. HAY MR. HAY High quality hay & straw. Delivered to your door. Large or small square bales. 519-595-8025, 519-272-5296 mobile, fax 519-595-4441 Alfalfa Hay, Small Square Bales $l4O/Ton - Haylage $4O/Ton 717-684-8923 Alfalfa haylage $5O ton, Lebanon County. 717-865-3602. 4x5 round bales, orchard grass, inside, $l5/ea. Reg ular square bales, mixed grass, $2/ea. Delivery avail. 423-235-6448. Ist Cut Grass Hay 4 & 5 Round Bales, Reasonable, U-Haul 410-836-2742. Alfalfa balage 3rd cutting, 21 % protein, 1400 lbs., $5O Chester Co., 610-593-5387. Round bale haylage for sale, 50% moisture. 717/ 664-4748 leave mesage. For sale high moisture rolled ear corn, 24% moisture. Cumberland Co. 717/258-9354. Wheat straw for sale: 3x3xB, some small bales, $lOO/ton. Delivery avail able. 717-355-2671. Soybean stubble, $45/ton, 4x4xB bales. Rye straw, $5O/ton. 2nd cutting grass hay, Ist cut Alfalfa mix, $125/ton. Oat, $2.50/bu. Del avail. 610-489-7831 Alfalfa hay. Alfalfa mixed hay, slight mold. 610-593-6443 Dry shelled corn; and corn silage, kernel pro cessed, delivery avail able. 814-669-4536 Ist, 2nd & 3rd crop hay: alfalfa & mixed, 6' bales. Delivered for $125/ton & up. No Sunday calls, Glenn Myer @ 519-338-5650. 2,000 Bushel of Oats Em-Ray Farms 570-875-3755 MULCH HAY WANTED Large Square & Round Bales Picked up at yopr farm (610) 444-1651 WANTED Mulch Hay and Straw 610-869-2078 John H. Lloyd COTTONSEED barley - com bakery feed beet & citrus pulp com gluten - silage distillers-peanut hulls extruded cotton & soy soymeal - soyhulls wheat midds Robert McSparran, Jr. (410) 778-1403 (877) 778-1403 > „ -a Western Dairy Quality Hay Some 200 RFV Stephen Stoltzfus 717/354-8327 uunjaeiamiamiamuimuiLnaiaunaiauimaiaamaiaiamwaiaiaiaiauiuiaaiau \ SHELLED CORN, EAR CORN f I AND SOYBEANS | Purchases, Sales, Futures and Basis Contracts | Call For Daily Quotes and Bids | Shady Lane Farms B i§ David L. Fite 23 Shady Lane, P.O. Box 673, Quarryville, PA 17566 Office Grain Complex , 717/786-1725 Fax 717/786-2350 717/806-1025 a’-'.ML-|li|l;|U|i;|U|Lliau|U| l !|uii;ii3i:iqu|U|U|L-Wiau|B|U| l ;|U|u l i : uai3iaiaia HAY FOR SALE 2x3xB bales Ist & 2nd cutting Brome & Orchard Grass, some Timothy mixed Delivery possible • Perry Co, 717/789-3516 Canadian Hay for Sale Ist Cut of Timothy & Mixed Hay. Ist & 2nd Quality Inside, No Rain. Mix of Timothy & Alfalfa Delivery Included. Good Prices. Cadieux Farms 613-678-0943 ;jiixxixixijxxiiixixxxiixxxixiixxx;; [| Ronald S. Keener Grain R R Buying and Selling Ear and R R Shelled Corn and Soybeans R h 60’ Trailer Scales R R Elizabethtown, Pa. R m 717-367-6309 Home R m 717-653-5254 Elevator R High Maples Farm Balage For Sale • 3x3x6 Square Bales • 2 nd , 3 rd , & 4 ,h Cuttings • Forage Analysis Available • Delivery includes a skid steer loader with a squeeze • Bales will not be punctured. Call 410-275-9147 before 6:45 AM and evenings. Please leave a message other times. m f^ ==s Buxlil^ |f^ = WESTER^HA?^^ Timothy, Orchard Grass Jfe Various types of alfalfa dairy hay Mulch Hay Grass hay for horses & dry cows Large Square Bales * Large & small bales available Large Chester County Mushroom Farm * Large i nve ntory in stock Buying Year Round, J . 25,000-30,000 Tons per Year WM UeLlver Competitive Price, Prompt Payment J & L EQUIPMENT 6lO-932-9457 J 814-443-6228 Ask for Jerry A KILN DRIED WOODSHAVINGS BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER 2.8, 3.0, 3.25 Cu. Ft. Paper/Plastic Bag 2.5 to 1 Compression Grade of Fine, Medium or Flaky Woodshavings Year-Round Supply for Year-Round Customers Distributors Welcomed APPALACHIAN SHAVINGS QUEBEC, CANADA Tel: 514-425-0835 For Delivered or FOB Plant prices Fax: 514-425-8871 Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kaye 800-223-7163 Oatlage 3x3 Bales Delivered & Guaranteed 610-298-2334 BUYING • Shelled Corn • Soybeans Delivered or Pick-up • Wheat Drying & Storing • Corn Silage Delivered For Sale! • Dry Shavings For Sale /) - <?at>esjv£ WEBB’S I I RODUCTS inc Mill Hall, PA 17751 (570)726-4525 Large & Small Square Bales Alfalfa Hay Dairy, Horse & Beef Cattle Hay Tested & Guaranteed i Delivered by the semi load ft IHi GOOD HUY COMPANY U 1-800-821-5303 R.K.UIOGT \ J" V. X Marietta. PA 17547 1225 Colebrook Rd. BUYING EAR CORN. SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM (ij/) PARS, inc. (Positive Approach for Revitalizing Sous) 805 Milton Grove Road South • Elizabethtown, PA 17022-9648 Distributors Of; (Agri-SC^ SF NArCHURS. SBu/Mud Fertilizer Call our office for the talesman nearest you. 1-800-929-2676 Dealer Inquiries Welcome CORN SILAGE FOR SALE Delivery Available (610) 987-6348
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