M-Lamaster Fanning, Saturday, February S, 2000 Merial Hires Saik ISELIN, N.J.-Merial announ ced that Judith Saik, D.V.M., Little Britain, Pa., has been named senior veterinary investi gator/pathologist, development projects, pharmaceutical re search and development. In this capacity, she will be responsible for supporting pro ject teams in the design, con duct. and reporting of target ani mal safety studies, coordinating the histopathologic evaluation of selected clinical and safety stud ies; managing the pathology archives; and monitoring and reporting clinical aspects of pharmacovigilance. She will be based in Iselm, N.J. Saik has 20 years of animal health experience, recently serv ing as staff pathologist and agri culture business product team leader at DuPont’s Haskell Lab oratory in Newark, Del. Said has been a member of the pathology faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Flotation Farm Tire Has Longer Wear AKRON, Ohio-Goodyear has introduced a new design in the Super Terra-Grip LW high-flota tion farm tire that promotes longer and more even wear. The available sizes for the Super Terra-Grip LW are the 48X25.00-20NHS and the 48X31.00-20NHS. “Traditional high-flotation tires often experience uneven wear, particularly if they are dri ven a considerable amount on hard surfaces in between job sites,” said Dave Weed, Goodyear’s applications engi neer for farm tires. “We altered the distribution of the tread so there is a 40 percent increase in the surface area that is in con tact with the ground. That extra surface area accounts for the more even wear and the longer life.” By redistributing the tread instead of simply increasing the Pig Feeders Offer Easy Clean Option MILFORD, Ind.-Chore-Time has added an easy washout option to its Generation lII™ nursery and finishing feeders that allows those pig feeders to be cleaned without moving them from their operating position. The Chore-Time feeder’s Easy Clean Option operates by means of a small gate at the end of the feeder’s trough. The gate slides up to allow wash water to escape from the feeder trough during the cleanout process. The gate is raised or closed and locked into position with a top mounted control using the same design as Chore-Time’s easy-set feeder adjustments. Chore-Time has also added a floor bracket that holds the feed er three-fourths of an inch 119 Dr. Judith Saik has served on the staff of the comparative pathology section at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. A licensed veterinarian with three years experience in veterinary practice, she is a diplomate in the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. amount of total tread surface area, Goodyear engineers were able to avoid creating a heavier tire. The 48X31.00-20NHS, which can be used in the steer or rear positions, comes with either 10- or 12-ply ratings. It has an over all diameter of 49 inches, an overall width of 30.5, and a cen terline tread depth of 38/32. The 10-ply tire has a 30-mph load rating of 5,840 pounds at 30 pounds per square inch inflation pressure, while the 12-ply is rated for 6,950 pounds at 40 psi. The 48X25.00-20NHS is a steer position tire with a 10-ply rating. With a diameter of 49 inches and a width of 25 inches, it is capable of hauling 6,150 pounds at 35 psi at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. It also has a centerline tread depth of 38/32. This line of tires is typically used on fertilizer spreaders. millimeters) off the floor to allow a pressure washer access under the feeder. The company’s stainless steel Generation lII™ feeders were developed for market pigs to help producers to prevent feed waste while also saving hours in feeder adjustment and cleanout time. Other pig feeders available from Chore-Time include a tube feeder for wean-to-finish and finisher pigs, a paddle feeder for wet or dry feeding of nursery or finisher pigs, unique round feed ers designed to work with the pig’s natural feeding prefer ences, and a variety of drop feed ers for sows and boars. The com pany also offers ventilation sys tems as well as feed storage and conveying equipment. Novartis MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-No vartis Crop Protection, Inc., in 1999 introduced several new products for use on fruit and vegetables, received label expan sions on a few more, and is in the midst of developing and introducing more innovative chemistries and products. New Fungicides •Vanguard®. This reduced risk systemic fungicide was reg istered on pome fruit, grapes, stone fruit and almonds in 1998, with the first commercial usage opportunity for most growers coming in 1999. It was regis tered in New York State in spring 1999. It is effective against early season primary and foliar scab in apples, espe cially in cooler conditions. Van gard offers a 48-hour reach-back control and five- to six-day for ward disease protection against apple scab. In grapes, it controls botrytis bunch rot and in stone fruit it controls brown rot blos som blight. Vangard has a new mode of action with no known cross resistance to other classes of fungicides. •Flint™. This reduced risk advanced strobilurin fungicide was registered in the fall of 1999 on pome fruit, grapes, and cucurbits. Flint should be regis tered for use by mid-February in California, with registration in New York expected sometime in 2000. Flint exhibits unique locked-in properties, which means that it has a high affinity with the plant surface and is absorbed by the waxy layers of the plant. It penetrates plant tissue and has translaminar activity. On apples, it will be used to control foliar and fruit scab, powdery mildew, sooty blotch, and fly speck. It also sup presses some of the fruit rots. In grapes it will be used to control powdery mildew and black rot and will suppress downy mil dew. Flint has excellent rainfast quality. Label additions of fruit ing vegetables and hops are expected in 2000. In 2001, Novartis hopes to add stone fruit, citrus, and nuts to the Flint label. •Orbit™. Propiconazole, the active ingredient in Orbit, pro vides early and late disease con trol on stone fruit. Orbit controls Sprayer Offers Greater Productivity ATLANTA, Ga.-’The new Willmar® Eagle® 8500 sprayer has been designed from the ground up to improve profitabil ity for custom applicators with new features that increase application productivity,” said Mark Perger, Willmar general marketing manager. “Simply stated, the new 8500 sprayer offers improvements in size, speed, comfort, and smooth ness of operation that applica tors have been asking for,” he said. New 8500 sprayer features for increased productivity include: •200 hp Cummins turbo charged, six-cylinder diesel engine coupled with a re designed hydrostatic drive that puts maximum power and trac tion to the ground to cover more acres in less time. •Self-leveling 80 foot or 90 foot boom with recessed, protect ed nozzles to reduce downtime •Faster transport between fields with 32 mph top travel Introduces New brown rot blossom blight at early bloom and controls brown rot when applied pre-harvest. New for 2000 is a registration for applications from petal fall to pre-harvest on stone fruit for powdery mildew control and, additionally, on sweet and tart cherries for control of cherry leafspot. This product has 48- hour reachback and 10- to 14- day residual protection. It has 0- day PHI for extended fruit rot protection after picking. New Insecticides •Proclaim®. This semisyn thetic insecticide is derived from a naturally occurring soil micro organism. Proclaim is a synthet ically altered form of abamectin, the active ingredient in Agri- Mek®, and is highly selective for lepidopterous worm pests, including diamondback moth, beet armyworm, and tomato pin worm. Proclaim disrupts the nerve impulses of target pests, so they become paralyzed and stop feeding quickly. Proclaim is now registered for use in head lettuce, celery, and head and stem brassica crops outside of California, Arizona, and New York, with registrations expect ed in those three states in time for 2000 use season. •Fulfill®. This new insecti cide that specifically targets aphids received EPA registra tion in fall 1999 on potatoes and tobacco. Fulfill stops aphids from feeding on plants within one or two hours after contact or ingestion. Feeding, formation of honeydew, and plant damage are abruptly halted, although aph ids may remain on a plant for several days after treatment. Fulfill can also significantly reduce the spread of persistently transmitted viruses such as PLRV. Fulfill has minimal effect on non-target insects, including predators, parasites and pollina tors. •Agri-Mek®. In recent years, growers are using Agri-Mek insecticide/miticide on apples with oil at petal fall for more effective mite control. This early, post-petal fall application allows the active ingredient to be easily absorbed by the young foliage and gives six weeks control, the longest lasting mite control at the lowest cost per day. On apples it also controls leafmin- #• ' * >&*** -A > The new 8500 sprayer offers improvements in size, speed, comfort, and smoothness of operation that applicators have been asking for. speed •Lowered boom racks for bet ter sideward visibility during transport •Time-saving 1,000-gallon Products ers, and the product label was expanded to include control of white apple leafhopper east of the Rockies in 1999. Control of spider mites and western grape leaf skeletonizer on grapes are recent additions to the federal label, with registration in California expected in time for 2000 use season. Agri-Mek has also become the standard for pear psylla control. •Thiamethoxam (Actara™, Platinum™). This new systemic insecticide controls a wide spec trum of sucking and chewing insects such as plum curculio, aphids, whitefly, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybug, pear psyl la, thrips, Colorado potato bee tle, and others. Thiamethoxam interferes with the insect’s ner vous system through contact and ingestion. It is a very flexi ble product, formulated in vari ous ways to accommodate many application methods, including seed, soil and foliar treatments, at low use rates. Thiamethoxam exhibits excellent crop safety and should be ideal for IPM pro grams. Thiamethoxam products are not currently available for sale or use in the United States. Registrations on pome fruit, cole crops, cucurbits, leafy and fruit ing vegetable crops, potatoes, tobacco and cotton are expected in mid-2000. New Plant Activator •Actigard™. This unique compound controls several plant diseases by stimulating a plant’s natural defense mechanism. It is not classified as a fungicide, but as a plant activator. In nature, this defense mechanism can be stimulated when a plant is infected by a fungus, bacterium, or virus. When Actigard is applied preventively or in the early stages of disease develop ment, it uniformly triggers the plant’s defense mechanism. Actigard protects against many foliar diseases, such as bacterial speck and spot in tomatoes, downy mildew of lettuce, white rust and downy mildew of spinach, and blue mold of tobac co. It is not currently available for sale or use in the United States. Actigard is a reduced risk product expected to receive registration in spring 2000 in lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and tobacco. product tank for more produc tive days •Quicker track setting to match almost any row spacing or wheel track requirements with no tie rods to adjust •Two-foot tighter turning radius for quicker turns •Patented Air Glide suspen sion system and UniChassis frame work together to deliver a smoother ride •Improved cab sealing for a quieter, cleaner operating envi ronment •Redesigned cab for im proved visibility to the wheels •1,000-hour full warranty and two-year, 1,500-hour engine and drive train warranty of