Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 29, 2000, Image 8

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    AS-Lancutef Farming, Saturday, January 29, 2000
Leaping the Centuries
The year 2000 is a leap year, but did you know that 1900
was not a leap year, nor was 1800 or 1700 9 The last
century year to have the 29th day in February was
1600. Most people credit Julius Caesar with the leap year
plan when he reformed the calendar system in 46 b.c In
fact, however, a Greek named Sosigenes gave him the idea
By 1582, the accumulated error in the Julian system
amounted to about ten days, which were
dropped when the Gregorian calendar
was introduced By this system, leap
years are those divisible by 4 (as
with 1996), but century years must
divisible by 400 to be leap years.
You can t measure time in Jays
because every clay is different.
at Under-the-bed containers are great for storing bed
linens and off-season clothing.
Onion Soup with Miso
2 tablespoons EACH butter
and olive oil, plus extra
3 cups sliced yellow onions
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon Dijon-style
6 cups beef stock
3 tablespoons miso
2 teaspoons fresh thyme,
OR 1 teaspoon dried
1 small loaf French bread,
4 tablespoons EACH grated
Parmesan and mozzarella
United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave
(Printed,n the USA) N.Y, NY 10016
New Moon, February 5
- Jorge Luis Borges
Heat butter and olive oil in
a large soup pot. add
onions and garlic, and
saute until golden Stir in
mustaid. beef stock, miso,
and thyme Simmer for 30
minutes, but do not boil
Meanwhile, butter bread
and sprinkle with olive oil
Lightly toast the slices
Ladle soup into four bowls,
top each with a bread slice,
and sprinkle with cheese
mixture Place under broil
er briefly to melt cheese.
Makes 4 servings.
ifth ere is
snow on St.
Brigid’s Day
(Fel). 1), the
ditches will he
filled with
ram, come
As far as the
Sun shines in
at the window
on Candlemas
Day (Feh. 2),
so deep will
the snow he
ere winter is
February 2
bright and
dear gives a
good flax
Oklahoma City
Feeder Cattle
Oklahoma City, OK
Wed Jan 26, 2000
USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News
Oklahoma National Stockyards ■ Week
ly Cattle Summary
Compared to last week: Feeder steers
and steer calves steady to 2.00 lower with
least decline on under 725 lbs. Feeder heif
ers and heifer calves 2.00-4.00 lower.
Demand good for all classes. Large front
end supply of slaughter ready cattle next
three to four weeks is pressuring prices
downward and having a domino effect on
the feeder market. Local farmer demand is
off some as moisture is needed for wheat
and spring grass prospects. Quality aver
age. Feeder cattle in slightly thin to mod
erately fleshy conditions; calves in thin to
medium flesh. Wdgh-ups gaunt to aver
age. Slaughter cows and bolts 1.50-2,00
higher. Packer demand good. Impending
winter storm slated for midweek through
early next week has packers concerned for
numbers. Country demand continues good
for bred cows and pairs. Total 0f420 cows
and bulls sold with 35 percent to packets.
Receipts this week 11.875; last week
15,662; last year 9,833. Supply consisted
of 72 percent yearlings and calves over 600
lbs; 24 percent calves under 600 lbs; 4 per
cent cows and bulls. Heifers comprised 34
percent of feeder and calf supply. Prices
follow with weighted average weight and
price in parenthesis.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1
350-400 lbs (375 lb) 107.00-114.50
(111.21); 400-450 lbs (431 lb)
108.00-116.00 (111.94); 450-500 lbs (469
lb) 106.00-111.00 (109.30); 500-550 lbs
(530 lb) 96 JO-99.25 (97.16); 550-600 lbs
Lancaster Stockyards /
| Rt. 501 and Marshall Ave. m
I Lancaster, PA £
i Easy Access, Fast Unloading f
I Cattle Sales i
t Every Monday 10 fIM J
r Sheep, Goats, Calves, Hogs \
i Jim Hunsicker, Mgr. f
( 717-394-7915 i
\ 717-656-4264 |
aR/SSLER TMR Mobile Forage Blender
W unless you want...
bjsf ★ Better Feed Utilization - You May Not Be Able To Empty
Your Silos.
★ Less Expensive Premixes - nl
pf You Can Mix Your Own Feed ,
ystf (This Could Make Your Feed a
fpf" Salesman Unhappy) ,
ffiT ★ Less Problems With Twisted f
Stomachs - You Might Not
f&T See Your Friend The Vet
As Often.
f&t ★ Less Time and Effort Spent Feeding.
★ Increased Milk Production jj
g S
Kf - The Bottom Line - More Profit - TB
lf The Above Benefits Are Needed For Your
J&t Operation You Really Do Need a
CT o a || Today For The Name Of Your Nearest Dealer
0" 448 Orchard Road ' “17/CC/ FR "S 'll
% MO 717 0^0551 540 -UANUKc'tURINgJ
(578 lb) 91.00-97.00 (94.72); 600-650 lbs
(632 lb) 89.00-95.50 (91.69); 650-700 lbs
(677 lb) 87.25-93.75 (90.09); 700-750 lbs
(724 lb) 84.00-92.25 (88.75); 750-800 lbs
(777 lb) 81.00- 88.75 (84.85); 800-850 lbs
(814 lb) 78.00-85.10 (81.56); 850-900 lbs
(874 lb) 75.75-82.00 (78.35); 900-950 lbs
(926 lb) 75.25-77.35 (76.52); 950-1000 lbs
(968 lb) 74.00-77.10 (75.99); Holstein:
Large 2: 600-650 lbs (610 lb) 65.00;
750-800 lbs (775 lb) 63.00, 800-850 lbs
61.50-61.75; 850-900 lbs (875 lb) 58.75.
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1:
300-350 lbs (336 lb) 101.50-104.00
(103.26) 350-400 lbs (372 lb) 93.00-99.50
(95.56); 400450 lbs (445 lb) 86.00-89.50
(88.14); 450-500 lbs (471 lb) 86.00-91.00
(89. IS); 500- 550 lbs (526 lb) 83.50-87.75
(85.66) 550-600 lbs (568 lb) 83.25-86iS0
(84.67) 600-650 lbs (631 lb) 81.50-86.50
(83.69); 650-700 lbs (671 lb) 80.00-85.00
(82.48); 700-750 lbs (722 lb) 76.5081.75
(79.26) 750- 800 lbs (767 lb) 76.0078.85
(76.77); 800850 lbs (811 lb) 73.25-76.50
(75.54); 850900 lbs (875 lb) 72.5075.35
Slaughter Cows: Head %Lean Weight
Average Dress High Dress Low Dress
*Brk 14 75-80% 975-1475 37.5039.50
38.5041.00 *Bnr 36 8085% 925-1350
37.003930 39.0043.00 34.0035.
SO Lean 65 85-90% 875-1325 35.0038.00
38304230 30.0034.50
Slaughter Bulls: Head Weight Average
Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade
1-2 20 ISOO-2200 46.00-49.00
50.00-SS.OO 43.00-47.00
Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma
National Stockyards: Lean 78.90; Boners
7650, Breakers 72.65. Bulls 86.50.
Replacement Cows: Pretested for bangs,
pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1
Age Weight Months Bred Quality Price
Heifers 950-1100 7-8 months Avg. Macks
700.00- Heifers 800-1100 5-8
months Avg quality 630.00-700.00 Heifers
750-850 2-4 months Avg quality
540.00- 4-6 yr old 1000-1250 5-7
months High, Macks 710.00-785.00 4-6 yr
old 900-1200 5-8 months Avg, Macks
675.00- 5-8 yr old 900-1250 5-7
months Avg quality 525.00-585.00 9-10 yr
old 1000-1300 5-8 months Avg quality
450.00- 9-10 yr old 9SO-11S0 2-4
months Avg quality 375.00-480.00
Mis: Medium and huge I Age Cow
Weight Calf Weight Quality Price 4-6 yr
old 800-1050 150-300 Avg quality
710.00- 9 yr old 1000-1200150-300
Avg, Macks 690.00-710.00 9-10 yr old
850-1050 150-250 Avg quality
George V. Seiple & Son, LLC
1521 Van Buren Road, Easton, PA 18045-7897
Phone (610) 258-7146 or (610) 759-7141
Corn Planter Setup and
Maintenance Program
Lynn Hoffman will be presenting the program at our
place of business Lynn is a retired PSD Equipment
Specialist He will be going over different repairs,
maintenance and adjustments that should take place
when getting ready for planting time This is a one
day program and is expected to last for approx 4 hrs
Tuesday, February 01,2000
Starts at 10:00 a.m.
Coffee and donuts will be provided in the
morning along with a light lunch.
Please call ahead to Pre-Register by
January 28,2000.
NJ Residents: Warren County Extension Office
PA Residents: Northampton County Extension
Office (610) 746-1970