Page 28—Corn Talk, Lane—ter Farming, Saturday, January 29, 2000 1999 Pa. Commercial Hybrid Test Reports GOLDEN HARVEST EX98590 HYTEST HT7712 MONSANTO DK567 DOEBLER’S EX19778 DOEBLER’S 642XP GARST 8640 CARGILL 6481 FQ MEAN LSD (0.05) LOCATION DETAILS Table 5. Location, cooperator, planting date, and harvest ing date for the early medium-season (Maturity Zone 2) hybrid tests. Late medium-season hybrids (Maturity Zone 3) 1999 results AVERAGE OVER LOCATIONS Table 1. Late medium-season (Maturity Zone 3) hybrid perfor mance combined across four locations Brand-Hybrid AGRIPRO AP9466 MYCOGEN 2725 MONSANTO DKSBS HYTEST HT7707 BT TERRA TRIOB7 TERRA TR1047 MYCOGEN 2717 IMI CHEMGRO 7036 TERRA TR1097 DOEBLER’S 639 X YG DOEBLER’S 737XP MONSANTO DK6I7 GEERTSON GSIII7 HUBNER H 3505 SCHLESSMAN 5X694 AGRIPRO AP9580 MONSANTO DK567 AGWAYAG6I9I HUBNER H 3507 HUBNER H 3911 AGWAY AG657 BT 23.9 GOLDEN HARVEST H-2552 23.9 AGRIPRO AP9S7SRR 24.1 GRIES 6212 24.2 MYCOGEN 2799 24.2 NC+ 55888 24.2 AGRIPRO AP9616 DOEBLER’S 642XP TERRA TRIIO6 NK BRAND N 7639 BT GARST 8464 GARST 8342 GLS/BT/IT PIONEER 33Y18 AGWAY AG6399 BT NK BRAND N7O-D5 HUBNER H 3409 SEEDWAY E6BO GARST 8362 NC+ 58788 AGWAY AG773 DOEBLER’S 747XY MONSANTO DK642 PIONEER 33J56 HYTEST HT7712 GOLDEN HARVEST H-9405 26.4 SEEDWAY E 774 PIONEER 3335 MEAN LSD (0.05) (Continued from Pag* 27) 24.3 4.1 Grain Grain Erect Bushel Moisture Yield Plants Weight (%) (bu/acre) (%) (lbs) 113.1 95.8 99.5 99.2 115.9 97.0 92.6 99.3 110.2 98.8 118.6 96.9 118.7 98.8 109.1 98.3 107.8 97.7 119.3 99.0 100.2 98.5 121.9 97.4 105.8 98.0 107.5 97.3 112.8 97.7 114.0 98.3 121.4 97.7 118.5 97.3 118.6 97.2 122.7 96.8 111.2 99.0 100.2 98.4 110.5 97.4 106.3 99.2 118.7 98.5 111.9 99.8 114.1 98.5 117.2 98.1 106.8 97.3 122.0 99.8 101.9 99.2 109.2 100.0 123.7 95.7 123.2 99.0 120.8 99.0 111.5 98.7 108.4 96.7 119.9 96.2 115.0 99.7 122.5 97.0 108.8 95.9 125.8 97,7 115.3 96.3 121.0 93.7 129.3 95.0 115.3 96.6 112.4 95.9 113.8 97.8 ns 1.7 21.3 21.8 22.0 22.1 22.6 24.3 24.3 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.5 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.5 28.3 24.2 1.0 65.0 2.3 8.5 1.5 53.3 54.5 1.4 Location Planting Harvest (County) Cooperator Date Date Blair Butler Centre (grain) Centre (silage) Columbia Lycoming ENTRIES BY LOCATION Table 2. Yields (bushels/acre) of late medium-season (Maturity Zone 3) hybrids at each location. Brand-Hybrid AGRIPRO AP9466 AGRIPRO AP9575 RR AGRIPRO AP9580 AGRIPRO AP9616 AGWAY AG6191 AGWAY AG6399 BT AGWAY AG657 BT AGWAY AG773 CHEMGRO 7036 DOEBLER’S 639 X YG DOEBLER’S 642XP DOEBLER’S 737XP DOEBLER’S 747XY GARST 8342 GLS/BT/IT GARST 8362 GARST 8464 GEERTSON GSIII7 GOLDEN HARVEST H-2552 GOLDEN HARVEST H-9405 GRIES 6212 HUBNER H 3409 HUBNER H 3505 HUBNER H 3507 HUBNER H 3911 HYTEST HT7707 BT HYTEST HT7712 MONSANTO DK567 MONSANTO DKSBS MONSANTO DK6I7 MONSANTO DK642 MYCOGEN 2717 IMI MYCOGEN 2725 MYCOGEN 2799 NC+ 55888 NC+ 58788 NK BRAND N7O-D5 NK BRAND N 7639 BT PIONEER 3335 PIONEER 33J56 PIONEER 33Y18 SCHLESSMAN 5X694 SEEDWAY E6BO SEEDWAY E 774 TERRA TR1047 TERRA TRIOB7 TERRA TR1097 TERRA TRIIO6 MEAN LSD (0.05) Bill England May 21 Albert Vettori May 17 Penn State May 11 Penn State May 11 Craig Richards May 11 Charles Ulmer May 10 Juniata Lycoming Clinton Dauphi 84.5 85.0 23.4 (Turn to Pag* H) October 29 November 10 November 1 September 20 Not Harvested November 5 93.9 101.3 89.2 186.7 137.6 103.7 104.0 110.8 131.1 150.2 118.5 23.8 189.4 19.7 40.2 62.5 21.4