1999 Pa. Commercial Hybrid Test Reports TWO-YEAR AVERAGE ' Cow, "'“ , *- "••• *> Table 3. Two-year average of short-season (Maturity Zone 1) hybrids that were entered in both the 1998 and 1999 tests. Brand-Hybrid SEEDWAV E 328 DOEBLER’S 252 X MONSANTO DK477 AGWAY AG2BS DOEBLER’S 469XP GARST 8830 NC+ 1487 PIONEER 37R71 NC+ 2395 PIONEER 3752 MONSANTO DK525 CARGILL 3797 SEEDWAY E 475 DOEBLER’S 530-3 MEAN SILAGE ENTRIES Table 4. Silage performance of short-season (Maturity Zone 1) hybrids Brand-Hybrid OLDEN HARVEST EX7B7 24.7 61.1 Get It All With Ultra! Are you looking for ultra weed control? Then look no more. Just get Roundup Ultra® Herbicide. Roundup Ultra offers the proven, reliable weed control growers expect from the Roundup name, plus much more. Roundup Ultra is: • Effective control of more than 145 weeds • Labeled for all approved Roundup Ready® crops, including soybeans, corn, cotton and canola • Convenient and safe on all labeled crops V 1 - For more information, contact your local dealer or Monsanto rep, d • I tin visit www.farmsource.com, or call 1-800-ROUNDUP. \ Mhouis • Rainfast in only 1-2 hours, from exclusive Transorb™ technology Always read and follow label directions Roundup Ultra' 1 and Roundup Ready" are registered trademarks, and Transorb is a trademark, of Monsanto Company 00/6589 Jeff Martin (717) 630-2504 Brian Parsons (814)632-8671 John Wysolmerski (610) 779-9788 Grain Moisture (%) Grain Yield (bu/acre) 20.0 Plant Dry Moisture b Matter Yield (%) (tons/acre) Yield 3 (tons/acre) Curt Cooper (2 15) 257-3071 Jeff Vance (717) 560-8894 (814)353-9146 Erect Plants (%) 95.9 138.6 8.7 Steve Ferrara Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 29, 2000—Page GEERTSON GS99B HYTEST 8H4602 DOEBLER’S 469XP SEEDWAY E39OL GARST 8707 DOEBLER’S 530-3 MONSANTO DK477 MONSANTO DK525 CARGILL 5212 CARGILL 3711 FQ MONSANTO DKSO7 HYTEST HT7415 MEAN LSD (0.05) a Yields are standardized to 65% moisture b Plant moisture at the time of harvest. LOCATION DETAILS Table 5. Location, cooperator, planting date, and harvesting date for the short-season (Maturity Zone 1) hybrid tests. Location Planting Harvest (County) Cooperator Date Date Centre (grain) Penn State May 11 November 1 Centre (silage) Penn State May 11 September 9 Clarion Longacre Potato Farm (Turn to Pag* 26) 22.6 3.6 May 20 November 8 Crop Safe 193 7.9 1.7 64.7 3.0