Cl2-LancMter Fanning, Saturday, January 22, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT 352 NH hammer mill, 17' auger extension, 3 screens, $1,650. 717-258-4624 eves. New NH 24-36' hay & corn elevators. (2) Brillion 10' alfalfa packer/ seeders Sl,Boo/$2,400. New 24' Allied hay elev. $875. Rebuilt 40' Zimmer man $2,400. Holland tree planter $525. Ipt FH IHC 1X rollover plow, new bottoms, $450. Ipt FH 6' AAott flail mower $565. 2R 3pth Ellis transplanter, new, $650. Nl hay rake $550. IHC hyd dr. hay rake $l,lOO. Thank you, Thom. Wheary, Jr 717-687-0102. Schwaninger Bros quite dairy 8< crop farming, ev erything for sale! Call for list. 410-822-0587. 1981 Kubota model AA4OOO, 47hp diesel w/ loader, 1375 hrs, creeper gear, LPTO, PS, shed kept, $lO,OOO. 570/ 649-5728 anytime, l.msg. NH 311 baler, $3200; NH 315 baler, $2200. Both in good condition. 717/ 529-3299, call between B&9am. Bolens 1704 17hp 4WD diesel, 48" mower, 650 hrs, like new, $6450. 570/784-0250. Ford 3000 gas w/PS $6995; MH 50 $4400; Farmall H w/loader $1850; Ford 8N $2BOO. All excellent condition. 610/562-4464. AC CA 2 bottom plow 2R corn planter, 2R cultiva tors & all crop 60 com bine. 215-679-8822. JD 336 baler, 30 ejector. $2,700. NH 256 rake $875. IH 710 auto reset plow, 4x16, depth wheel, new paint, $2,200. IH 56 4 row corn planter. $5OO. (610)469-6439. JD 4020 diesel WF, std shift. JD 3020 gas, PS. Both tractors are field ready. Lebanon Co. 717-867-5633 2640 JD Tractor, 5500 Hrs 6 Front Weights, Rollbar, 3/4 % Rubber, Starts, Runs Well. $12,200/oba 610-273-7540/273-3993. JD 750 no-til drill, 10', grass seed, dolly wheel, exc. cond, $14,500. 717-369-4115. NH bale wagons, all mod els, delivery available. 1 - 877-735-2108 406-883-2118 for FREE brochure. Farm Equip ment Finding Service, Poson, MT JD 640 loader w/mounts 8. joy stick, like new. 610/286-6544. Unverferth Perfecto II for in front of graindrlll. Only $2,500, very, very nice. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Van Dale lagoon manure pump w/hyd. swivel, working condition, $1750. 717/548-3116. JD 4630 CAH, quod range, front weights, duals, 3 re motes, quick hitch, $lB,OOO. Bought later tractor. 717-534-1253 1958 JD 620, WFE (square front ad(. axle) w/power rear wheel spacing, PS, float ride seat, 3pt hitch, cat. II w/top link, custom Powr-trol, live power 8. live hyd, single remote, brass tag serial #6218394, $4BOO. 570/752-2196. Badger Stable Cleaner, Chute, 300' of Right Hand Chain w/Motor, Used 6 Mas. 717-597-7860 Int. 786 good cond. $8000; Int. 656 good cond. $4500; 16' Brilllon hyd. spring tooth harrow $1500; 14' hvy duty disc $1200; Int. 4 bottom plow $600; Int 3 bottom plow $400; 7' chis el plow $500; 10' Great Plains no-till drill good cond. $6000.302/731-9510. Large selection of Glean er & JD Grainheads 8< Cornheads. After season prices, prices gladly quoted over phone. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. BWALTEMYER’S ■ SALES & SERVICE INC. Route 24, 2 Miles South Of Red Lion 717-244-4168 800-225-6314 NEW USED JD 6410 2WD w/Cab 10’ Chisel Plow 3 pt. hitch JD 5510 2WD JD 210 Disc. 13 ’ 9 " wWe JD 7410 MFWD w/Cab ■HnWfNTSftraH USED NEW JD 3020, NF JD 1750 6R No Till Corn JD 2355 Planter JD 2010 Dsl. USED Int. 966 Dsl. w/Loader & JD 450 Drill 8’ Wide WFE JD 4R 1240 Planter Farmall 130 w/Snowplow & AC 4R No-Till Planter Rotary Mower White 6R 5100 Seed Boss Mp j 65 No Till Planter JD 1968 3020 Dsl JD ., LF 1 ® Fertillzer Spreader Int 2424 3 pt. hitch JD 3300 DD 18x7 JD 8300 Drill w/harrow attach. NEW JD 446 Round Baler NEW JD 456 Silage Special Model 200 Mahoning Round Baler Outdoor Furnace JD 710 MOCO JD 709 Pull Type Cherokee Post driver USED 616 Rotary cutter JDI2I7MoCo 413 Rotary cutter JD 1350 MOCO 717 Rotary cutter Kuhn GMD 700 Disc Unverferth header wagon Mower USED 1209 MOCO Creighton Trailer, 14' long, NH 69 Baler w/Thrower 8,000 GVW 4o' Hay & Grain Elevator Bushhog 160 13' Rotary "*“***—*—*“*“ Cutter NEW JD 27 Flail Chopper JD s'A' Hay Pickup JD 25A Flail Mower JD 2RN Corn Head ( 2 ) Potato Bulk Bodies on Trailers USED N 1 217 Manure Spreader Byron 105 String Bean JD F 725 w/54" Deck Harvester F 932 w/60" Deck IH 303 Combine Flatbed Farm Wagon 10' G H. 2 RW C H w/Sides I Store Hours' Manday-Fnday 8 5 JANUARY 27 Saturday 10:00-2:00 m Snow Blowers 3 Pt, 60”, 74” & 87” Walk-Behind Snow Blowers Ford 800 w/Ldr. • Ford 4000, 9N • MF 85 IH 300 w/Forklift • IH 656 TLB’s: Ford 800, 4400, 4500 Straley Farm Supply Inc. (York Co.) Dover. PA 17315 717-292-2631 Fax 717-292-0422 SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Road, Newport, Pa. 717-567-3562 <^> Stnrtt-Rhlno* Farmall Cub w/Belly Glut Reliant 46 Mower NH 479 Haybine Farmall A/Blade NH 489 Haybine XH 340 Diesel, NFE NH 555 Skid Loader ffl 544 Gas Utility NH 553 Skid Loader ™ Ut,Uty NH LX4BS Skid Loader ™ NX 2R Corn Picker IH 1066 Cab S”" Hcker IH 1086 D w/Cab R ° W David Brown 990 630 Round B,ler w/Bush Hog Ldr. m 855 Round Blder JD 870 D w/440 Loader JD 510 Round B » ler JD 2640 IH 440 Baler w/Kicker JD 4040 Cab JD 4400 Combine 13' Kubota 86100 2WD Flea Oliver 1250 G WFE JD 6600 Combine JD 12X9 Haybine IH 715 D Combine JD F 725 Mower ' IH 12' Harrow * NH 268 w/S3A Thrower Tye 10’ Drill NH 270 Hay Liner Pequea Trailers aims BUSH HOG VWQCS3 AC 8050 Cab. 4WD, Cummins 210 hp, rebuilt trans CIH 7140, 4WD CIH 7130 cab, 4WD...E!3EISa (2) IH 1586 Cab CALL IH 1466 4WD, new radials & in pump $ll,OOO IH 1466 Cab, black stripe $9,800 IH 1466, New 20.8 Radials $9,500 (2) IH 1066 cab $B,OOO & UP IH 1086 fresh engine oESSZOQfes, paint.. 515,250 IH 1086 cab, newT/A, clutch & pumps $14,500 IH 1256 fresh engine, overhaul White 2-105, 4WD, cab (2) IH 986 Cab Case 1690, Rebuilt Engine JD 4010 w/4020 Engine Kit JD 4020 IH 826, nice, Recent Overhaul JD 4230, very nice CIH 5140, 4WD, cab, loader, new tires. IH 886 Cab, New 18.4x38 MF 2-85, Nice White 2-85 cab, 4WD Oliver 1750 w/loader & attachments JD2950, 4WD MF 31 IH 756 IH 706 D, WF IH 686 IH 666 high clear IH 666 gas JD 4018 w/side & rear mower. CIH 585 cab, 4WD loader. IH 2544 w/loader, nice IH 574 w/loader MF 165 D w/loader. MF 2-55 cab, QT loader...EßZEß- Ford 4000 flat deck. JD 2010 Case 1190 w/new Kelley QT loader, nice IH 454 w/loader IH 444 w/loader Farmall 350 WF w/loader Farmall 404 NF w/cultivators JD 40 IH 464 D w/loader Ford 9N Yanmar 226 D, 4WD loader backhoe Kubota 87200 hydro, 4WD, mower.. Mitsubishi Satoh 4WD w/mower & • 1952 M.M. BF Tractor WFE., Low hrs., Original Rubber, New Paint, Excellent • 1947 Chev Stake Bed Truck, 13,000 GVW, 69,000 Original Miles, Excellent, Always Garaged CaU 610/593-2407 Ext. 16 Ask for John Fax 610/593-2482 gggEy] Introductory Special Champion 10 v OOO 10.000 W Generator & 230 Amp DC Welder List $2,990 4 Intro Special FISHER’S FARM SHOP 56 Forrest Manor Rd., Lincoln Univ., PA 19352 610-869-4477 • Call 8-8:30 a.m. Mon.-Fn. Gravely Promaster 12 w/30” rotary head & 30” sickle mower $3,500 NEW - Roof VP7S w/30" head self-propelled rotary mower..... $2,400 IH 3514 loader backhoe CALL IH 3414 Backhoe & Loader $6,000 (3) NH 785 SS $lO,OOO & Up Gehl 425 SS CALL (2) NH 555 skid loader $7,000 & Up. $24,000 $39,500 $32,000 Bobcat 743. Bobcat 610 skid steer MF 860 combine, 6RN & gram heads. NH 565 baler, low use, nice CIH 3450 round baler JD 510 round baler NH 415discbine JD 1460 9’discbine Gehl 402 hydro fold rake JD F 930 mower Kubota Tl6OO, HST Husqvarna 9-26 Snowblower JD 7000, 4RN JD 7200 Maxemerge II vacuum, nice IH 620 grain drill, DD, press wheels.... IH 710 5 Btm. Plows ...CALL $12,000 $9,000 & Up CALL ...$7,000 ..$8,500 ...CALL $13,900 $28,500 $11,500 ..$8,150 $11,250 ...$7,000 $18,750 ...CALL 12 shank chisel plows Krause 17’wing disc.. 7 shank subsoilers Dual 3605 QT Loader w/brackets for IH 66 & 86 series Woods 15’ Batwing Mower Bushog RM6O, offset ditch mower New Worksaver, HPD-20 post driven. Rotary Mowers. s’, 6’, 7’, trail type New Walco 3pt Finish Mower, s’, 6', 7’ Gooseneck Trailer, 30,000 GVW, 38’ deck 1968 Int. 250 Cummins, 10 speed, 12’ aluminum box CALL ‘B6 Chevy C3O w/Dump $5,000 ’9l Ford F 350 4WD Dst. Dually, 50K Mi1e5..515,900 ‘BB Ford F 350 Dually $5,500 '9O Ford F 250 4WD $5,000 $5,000 $4,250 $8,500 ..CALL $6,250 $6,250 $18,500 ..$7,800 ..$7,500 $6,000 $7,250 $5,800 $4,750 $9,500 $6,000 $6,500 $4,250 $3,500 $3,000 $5,000 ..CALL CALL $7,500 109 Quarry Dr., Bfoomsburg, Pa. 17815 570-387-1779 , Parting Out: IH 1066, CIH 685, 4WD |T| CALL ..$5,000 $15,000 ...$9,500 ..$3,900 ..$2,500 ....CALL ..$7,500 ...CALL ...$5,500 ..$2,700 ...CALL ...$4,500 ...CALL ...$2,500 ...$2,500 .$1,500 $5,000 $2,500 ....$3,250 ....$3,500 ....$3,500 52,650 CALL CALL CALL
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