CIO-Lancaater Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 r YINGLINGS EQUIPMENT 3291 Taneytown Rd., Gettysburg, PA JUST ARRIVED; MH 333 & Molene BF, Whole or Parts; Int 1020 Collector; AC Dl4, WF 3pt, MH 33, 3pt„ Collector, 2 Snow Plows for 154 Loßoys RUNNING: Massey 3165 Loader, Case 830 WF, IH Motor JUST ARRIVED FOR PARTS: Rebuilt Hyd Pumps for Ford 600 & 800, (2) 70 Olivers, 60 Oliver, 60 Oliver Standard, Complete power steering unit for 600 or 800 Ford PARTS FOR: Most Tractors, Balers & Haybines, Hav & Combines. Kubota & Cub Cadets NEW & USED EQUIPMENT White 6045 4x4 White 6710 4x4 Cab, 4-spd , Power Shift, 95 hp, Cummins B 5 9 1160 Miller Pro Blowers My-D Han-D 36' Elevator Mayrath 52' Auger Elevator Meyers 3516 Forage Box Miller Pro 16' Forage Box Hay Tedder King Kutter, 8' blade Hesston 3750 lO'-l 7’ Rake Tedder $4,899 Hesston 1320 Disc Mower Conditioner $16,900 Hesston 540 Round Baler Thomas 1358,43 hp Skid Loader Thomas 1538 Skidsteer, 52 hp Used Equipment Int I Backhoe, 280 A Extend-a-hoe, 1981 2WD, Cab, Heat, Powershift, Excellent $ 12,900 Case 580 Super E, 4WD, 1987 Cab, Heat, Ext Hoe, Exc l $25,900 Case IH 7120 Magnum 2WD, CAH, 1579 Hrs , Immaculate Condition $43,900 Case IH 5140 Maxxum w/Loader, 2WD, Excellent Condition $28,900 JD 450 Crawler Loader, Under Carriage 70%, Rebuilt Engine, New Radiator, New water Pump, Very Good Cond $7,900 Case IH 2096, Cab, Air, Heat, New Tires, Exc ' $24,900 Case IH 885,4x4, Loader, New Front Tires, 50% Rear, 2100 hrs , Ex Cond $17,900 AC 120 Forklift. LP Gas, 12,000 Lb Lift, Garage Kept, VERY Good Condition $5,900 AC 190 XT, Good Condition, Brand New Tires, Cab & Heat $7,900 Case IH 1494 2WD, Excellent Condition $12,900 Case 300,40 hp Tractor, As Is International 384,27 hp Tractor, Good Condition . .$5,500 Ford F6OO Dump Truck, 1973, Single Axle, 4WD, 10' Meyers Plow, Hyd Angle, Hyd Lift, V 8 Gas, 30,000 Mi On Engine . . $5,500 Hesston 5530 Rd Baler, Exc I .. . $5,900 Neidemyer Rake Tedder 1 T New Idea 555 Square Baler w/Thrower, Gd Cond MF 124 Baler w/Thrower, Excel NH 357 Grinder Mixer New Holland #8 Forage Box NH Forage Box JD Hay/Grain Eleva + or w/Motor, Good Condition Hesston PTIO 1996 Hesston 1340 12 ft Discbme-Center Pivot, Excellent Condition, IYr Warranty . $14,500 362 New Holland Side Delivery Manure Spreader, Exc Cond $3,500 John Deere Model S Manure Spreader $ 1,200 Glencoe 350 12' Disc, Used 30 Acres $5,900 Int 475 21' Wing Disc, Good Condition $6,900 Case 3300 4-Bottom Auto Reset Plows $2,000 4 Used Wooden hay Racks on Gears $799/Ea Weaverline #430 Feed Cart, Stainless, New Battery, Chains . $2,899 Eager Beaver 15-ton Loßoy Trailer $5,900 mm ttaPHEffl (814) 422-8805 (800) 547-3465 Spring Mills, PA 16875 Monday thru Friday 7 AM-6 PM; Saturday 7 AM-Noon WHITE KhESSTON i Htfrrn lAneoi W W W |M^L£A CASE IH [Aj Glencoe' X"" "* e O 55 H lngS£>|| l*Ur “* til Pa - ] THOMAS 'M FABMHAHn ' ®J Husqvarna VISA snd Master Card” >w Equipment $19,500 $57,900 $4,799 $2,959 $2,499 $7,999 $8,599 $1,399 $13,400 $16,900 $18,900 $1,200 $2,299 $3,400 $2,000 $1,500 $2,500 $2,000 $1,799 $l,OOO BELT BOX SPREADERS IN STOCK Umberger's JANUARY DEALIN DAYS Bobcat 843 Diesel SKID LOADER 3100 Hrs., Clean, Ready to Use V .■». y.y*W | f ' V - S , v'\ x >'- TVim^^A I -■- a.'i>... * r r $899 NH 144 HAY INVERTER Good Condition More Quality Used Equipment PLANTING & TILLAGE - Deutz Fahr KDSOO 17 ft. 4 Star Hay Tedder MATERIAL HANDLING Kuhn 50011 ' l7 Ft - 4 star Ha V Tedder Demo JD 7000 Conservation 4RN Planter, Dry Pert. p U h?torr wwr n Nl Kinze 9300 4RN Double Frame Planter - Dry Fert. Geh ' w/S AC 6 Row 20" Spacing Planter w/Liq. Tank ocnn m White 6100 4RN Corn Planter Dry Fert. or Liquid Nice Geh ' S **** 44 H P Diesel Sk,d Loader - 2500 Hrs - Bush Hog 3 pt. 8 ft. 8 Shank Chisel Plow a ° u Gehl MX9S Grinder Mixer 95 Bu. Geh ' SX J?! S 441 HP Diesel skld Loader - 1500 Hrs - Nine BobcatB43s3HP Diesel Skid Loader, 3100 Hrs. IH 510 13 Disc Gram Drill w/Grass Seeder, Nice _ . T . _ „ . . Brllllon PDT-12 12 FI. Packer w/Transporl. New Style ?> rd TraCtdr 2 „ ««n John Deere 12 Ft. Packer 4-Axle-18-Wheel Ford 335 5° HP Diesel w/Loader - R«1 $3 950 John Deere 12 Ft. Pulvlmulcher - Outboard Wheels John Deere 7800 4WD Tractor Cab. A,r, 3600 Hrs., Jota DMreB3OT 17 DD Dnl! - Gehl 920 16 It. 3 Beater Forage Box Pool, Single Axle HAY & FORAGE - SPREADERS Geh 970 16 It. 3 Beater Forage Box Pool, Tandem SKID LOADERS Axle New Idea 362 220 Bu. Spreader - Cheap, Needs Work Dion 1016 16 ft. 3 Beater Forage Box Roof, Tandem, New Idea 3632 320 Bu. Tandem Spreader w/Hyd. Gate New Wood New Idea 3229 485 Bu. 14 Ton Solids Plus Spreader Hesston 8200 SP Cab, Air, 14 Ft. Windrower, Field Gehl 309 192 Bu. Scavenger Spreader, Rough Ready McHale 991 3 pt. Round Bale Wrapper w/Remote Hesston 8500 SP Cab, Air, 15 Ft. Disc Mower, 1250 Gehl HA 1000 6 Ft. Hay Pickup, Field Ready Hrs., Nice New Holland 163 17 ft. 4 Star Hay Tedder John Deere 1219 9 Ft. 3" Mower Conditioner, Sharp New Holland 169 24 Ft. 6 Star Hay Tedder New Holland 499 Tab 3533 12 ft. Hydro Swing Mower Conditioner $3,950 New Holland 499 Tab 3634 12 Ft. Hydro Swing Mower Conditioner $4,950 New Holland 256 Rolo Bar Rake New Holland 258 Rolo Bar Rake Deutz Fahr 8 ft. 6“ Rotary Hay Rake New Holland 144 Hay Inverter Kuhn 7301 24 Ft. Hyd. Fold Rotary Rake Kuhn 4101 3 Pt. 10 ft. 6" Rotary Rake Claas 19 ft. Hyd. Fold Rotary Rake OPEN HOUSE - 2000 Feb. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Watch Future Issues For New Programs During Open House - Plus Product Introductions Door Prizes - Refreshments Umberger’s Of Fontana, Inc. !■■■■■! Rt. 4, Box 545, Lebanon, PA 17042, 8 Miles E. of Hershey on Rt. 322 Mon. thru xhurs, H 717-867-5161 or 1-800-261-2106 Sat. 7:30-4 Au New Idea ABCO BUILT FOB THE BOTTOM HOE Model 3739 - 390 Bu Model 3743 - 430 Bu OLD PRICE SAVE $ $ $ Umberger's of Fontana - Lebanon, pa 717-867-5161 On Quality Proven Used Equipment IH 510 13 Ft. DISC DRILL GRASS SEEDER Hand Lift, Nice Gehl 970 16 ft. 3 Beater FORAGE BOX w/Tandem 12 Ton Gear New Roof - Field Ready ''?■ , ;■ 'f v • / v ': isM Deutz-Fahr KDSOO 4-Star 17 Ft. HAY TEDDER All Type, Nice, Field Ready f i s ** > '* «v-* • ■> v - -< , ,r-; ■' ■ • ✓* ; ' ‘ . •* , •'.i., ■ ' ■•••• ■*! •'■’■?' - - * - «■■--■ FNH 163 17 ft. 4 Star HAY TEDDER w/Digi Drive, 1 Year Old, Nice
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