Va. Feeder Sales Richmond, VA Wed Jan 19, 2000 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market New* Summary of Northern Virginia Lives tock Auctions Front Royal. Maisbail. Rockingham. Shenandoah, Staunton Union and Winchester Virginia for the week of Jan 10-15, 2000 Feeder Cattle 1574 Head Steen MedALge 1 Small 1 MedALge 2 200-300 90.00 - 115.00 300-400 90.00 - 111.00 90.00 • 100.00 55.00 - 103.00 400-500 59.00 - 109.00 *5.00 - 96.00 15.00 - 103.00 500400 15.00 - 100.00 saoo- 95.00*5.00- 100.00 Few - 71.00 600-700 79.50 - 90.00 7«.00 - 85.00 78.00 - 88.00 700-800 77.00 - 86.00 75.00 - 80.00 75.00 - 82.00 800-900 75.00 - 84.50 70.00 - 77.00 67.00 - 80.00 900-1000 74.50 - 75.00 65.00 - 67J0 Holstein Steer Med&lge 2 300-500 03.00 700-900 61.50 Heifeis Med&lge 1 Small 1 Med&lge 2 200-300 94.00 - 9850 74.00 - 78.00 84.00 - 100.00 Few 75.00 70.00 - 79.00 300-400 79.00 - 98.00 66.00 - 77.00 75.00 - 8850 400-500 79.00 - 96.00 6250 - 75.00 70.00 - 83.00 500-600 7550 - 8750 70.00 - 70.50 7150 - 8350 600-700 75.00 - 85.00 62.00 67.00 - 7550 700-800 65.00 - 7750 6450 66.00 - 72.00 800-900 65.00 - 72.00 - Bulls Med&Lge 1 Small 1 Med&Lge 2 200-300 90.00 - 113.00 60.00 - 71.00 The The j Telmark has been leasing equipment for over 35 years. Did you know I that we’ve been leasing new buildings for that long too? Consider: | Tax deductibility and accelerated deductions: Lease payments are income tax deductible over the term of the lease compared to 20-year depreciation of farm buildings and 39-year depreciation of commercial buildings. Could reduce tax liability this year. Low upfront costs: Beginning costs as little as one monthly lease payment, Flexible lease term: Building lease terms start aggressively at five years but may be as long as ten, twelve, or fifteen years. Customized payment schedules; Lease payment schedules are specially designed to match your cash flow. | First: Talk with a qualified builder to determine your needs and building cost | Then: Call your Telmark representative for your financing. | Ken Darlington Michele Bogucki I PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV I 610-793-0150 717-244-3665 * Mike Dixon Mike Fullam Brenda Pfleegor Central PA,West MD Central PA Central PA ' 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 570-522-0505 *2 JO - 101.00 300400 92.50 -119 JO 64.00 - 87.00 86.00 • 119.50 Few 85.00 98 JO 400-500 88.00 -112 JO 67 JO - 84.00 83J0 - 100.00 500600 80.00 - 97.00 73.00 - 75.00 79.00 - S6JO 600700 69.00 -S3 JO 62.00 - 63.50 66J0 - 72.00 700900 62.00 - 75.25 Slaughter Cattle 310 Head Slaughter Cows 258 Head Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 30.00 -38 JO Cutter and Boning Utility 1-330.00-39.75 Carmer and Low Cutter 1-2 23.00 - 32.75 Slaughter Bulls 37 Head Yg 1-2 900-1300 lbs 41.25 - 45.50 Yg 1-2 13001600 lbs 4SJO - 48.25 Yg 1-2 1600 lbs and Over 40.00 - 47J0 Slaughter Calves and Venters IS Head Calves Good and Choice 250-500 lbs 67.00 - 72.00 Cows returned to farms 70 head - Medium and Large 1.1100-1200 lbs Heif ers bred checked safe with calf 875.00-910.00 per head. Medium and Luge 1. 5-8 yn dd 500.00-675.00 per Head. Cows with calves at side 70 pairs - Medium and Large 1. 3-7 yts dd with calves 100-200 lbs 600.00-800,00 per pair. Baby calves returned to farms 56 head newborn to 4 weeks 17.50-10750 per head. Ova 100 lbs 40.00-110.00 per cwt Lambs Total Receipts 118 Head Slaugh ter Lambs 75 Head New Crop Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 3 97 lbs 9250 Good and Few Choice 1-2 86 lbs 98.75 Woded Choice Few Prime 1-2 Few 397-120 lbs 80.75 - 82.25 Good and Few Choice 1-2 miding you want. J Lease you need. j 1 'll Sue Beshore PA,NJ MD.VA.WV 717-932-1715 LMAUK /vw telmark com ® 800-451-3322 ***** NWvJX* •«.*•*<« 'vj 100 Dm 84.00 Feeder Lamb* 23 Head Medium and Luge Frame 1-2 85-100 lbs 86.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-270- 85 lbs 81.00 - 107.25 Medium ml Large Frame 1-2 60- 70 lbs 107.00 Medium and Large Frame 1-250-60 lbs 101.50 Slaug hter Ewes and Rams 20 Head Ewes Choke 2-4 35.25 Utility ml Good 1-3 29.00 - 35.50 Ram All 28.00 Slaughter Hogs 16 Head Barrows and Gilts US 2-4 250-300 lbs 31.00 - 33.00 Sows US 1-3 300-500 tbs 30.00 - 38.00 MONDAY LAST WEEK LAST YEAR CALVES: COMPARED TO THURS.’S AUCTION, VEALERS SOLD STEADY TO 4.00 LOWER IN A VERY LIGHT TEST AND SLAUGH TER CALVES WERE TOO FEW TO TEST. HOLSTEIN BULLS RETURN ING TO FEED SOLD MOSTLY STEADY AND HEIFERS WERE AS MUCH AS 20.00 HIGHER. Andrew McLean Elizabeth Anderson Delmarva Delmarva 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Joe Polite Lisa Sonnen Doug Snee I Northwest PA Northeast PA, North NJ Southwest PA,WV I 724-981-1324 717-866-9217 724-627-5941 I I '". -w\s«W:-4- New Holland Sheep and Goats New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, January 17,2000 CALVES SHEEP GOATS 173 858 1381 274 928 1152 VEALERS: FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 70-110 LBS. 20.00-26.00. FEW STANDARD AND LOW GOOD 60-90 LBS. 11.00-20.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES; FEW GOOD AND CHOICE 250-350 LBS. 85.00-95.00. RETURNED TO FARM: HOL STEIN BULLS 95-125 LBS. 120.00- 157.00. PLAINER TYPE BULLS 80-115 LBS. 75.00-125.00. FEW WEAKER CALVES DOWN TO 50.00. HOL STEIN HEIFERS 80-120 LBS. 300.00- 350.00. PLAINER HEIFERS 70-100 LBS. 210.00-300.00. SHEEP: COMPARED TO THURS., SLAUGHTER LAMBS SOLD 5.00- 10.00 LOWER WITH LIGHTWEIGHT NEW CROP LAMBS AS MUCH AS 40.00 LOWER. SLAUGHTER EWES WERE NOT WELL TESTED. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: NEW CROP CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 40-80 LBS. 110.00-130.00. WOOLED CHOICE AND PRIME 2-3 60-85 LBS. 100.00- 110.00; 85-100 LBS. 85.00-100.00; 100- 140 LBS. 75.00-85.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: GOOD AND CHOICE YEARLINGS AND 2 YEAR OLDS NOT WELL TESTED. UTIL ITY AND GOOD 1-3 30.00-50.00. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE BILLIES 100.00-125.00 WITH A FEW Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Opr Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapls lo any exrsung heal sysiem Installation & Accessories Available You’re Invited To Our OPEN HOUSE ELIZABETHTOWN: Jan. 24 thru Jan. 29 OPEN MON.,TUES. 7:30-5:00; WED.THRU FR1.7:30-9:00; Top Executive Jim Patton From New Holland to Speak On The Case/New Holland Merger And How It Effects You! THURSDAY, JAN. 27 -10:30 AM M J CHECK LAST WEEK’S PAPER MESSICK’S INSERT FOR COMPLETE DETAILS & SPECIALS ELIZABETHTOWN ONLY: Bring Your Sprayer Tips In & ~r Have Tested For Accuracy REMEMBER! AT LEAST 10% DISCOUNT ON PARTS!! PLUS FREE GIFT WITH $2OO PURCHASE ♦WiiILLSHIP OPEN HOUSE ORDERS ADD UP YOUR SAVINGS WITH A CASE IH POCKET CALCULATOR FREE WHEN SCHEDULING SERVICE WORK OVER $5OO DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY MESSICK'S SERVING TWO LOCATIONS •SllfflfSg RD ? OU B ° X 3 2 0 25A ’ "baSbSySW" «**£££ moi 717-367-1319 %9 717-259-6617 717-653-8867 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 22, 2000-A9 UP TO 150.00, MEDIUM 75.00-100.00; CHOICE AND PRIME MUTTON 60.00- LARGE NANNIES 60.00- 80.00, MEDIUM 40.00-60.00; CHOICE AND PRIME YEARLINGS 60.00- 86.00; CHOICE AND PRIME KIDS 40.00- GOOD 20.00-40.00. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, January 19,2000 TOTAL HEADAGE: 119 DAIRY, 141 HEIFERS, 19 BULLS. LOCAL FRESH COWS 750.00- 1550.00. LOCAL SPRINGERS 675.00- 1250.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1500.00- 1625.00. LARGE HEIFERS 1225.00-1425.00, SMALL 750.00-1125.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 560.00- 1175.00. OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 750.00- BULLS 350.00-675.00, PUREBREDS 400.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1025.00- 1625.00. CANADIAN LOADS, SPRINGERS 900.00- REGISTERED HEIFERS 875.00- 1285.00. Gettysburg-New Oxford (717)624-3639 (717)624-4188 SAT. 7:30-2:00 SPECIAL PAID!!
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