Fanning, Saturday, Januwy 22, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT IH 544, 52hp gas, hydro w/ldr, $ 5,800. 814-467-8839. Cat 931 crawler loader, 3000 hrs, 4-1 bucket 8< Care Tree 42" tree spade, unit in excellent condition. 717/362-3773. Vermeer 605 H round baler, good cond, $5OOO. 703-906-2482 600 Case diesel tractor, running condition, steel or rudder wheels, beltpulley. Call 8:00 A.M. or leave message 302-730-0188. Wanted: Knight side sling er spreader, also Meyers 500 series forage box. 717-369-2477 (3) IH 5100 DO grain drills. Priced to sell! All under $3,000. Zelsloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Case 1070 lOOhp dsl, cab, power shift, $6,600. 814-467-8839. 720 IH 5-16 spring reset plow, $1,750. After 6pm, 302-378-9164. NH 326 wire baler. Gehl 329 Scavenger. JO 7240 planter w/monitor & radar. 410-928-3951 Woods twin spindle DBO rotary cutter, $695. Heavy duty Roll-O-AAatic 4020 w/httos $395. JO 1219 Mo-Co $2750. Good JO 3b semi-mounted plow, $450. 717-249-2591 after spm, except Sun day WANTED TO BUY: Scrap metal. Highest price paid. 717-284-2800 Lancaster Co. 1066 black stripe cab A 1 heat dual rem, dual PTO. 1066 Fender dual rem & PTO. 1086 Cab, air, HT, dual Hyd. 3288 Cab, air, HT., dual rem/PTO. 656 N.F.F.H. 570-966-3483. We Now Accept Visa Lancaster Farming 1 E Main St Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Litifz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS Mon, lues., Wed. & Fn. 8 a.m. to 5 p m. Thurs. 7am to 5 p m. OFFICE HOURS; Mon thru Fn. 8 a.m toSp.m The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1 - Farm Equipment 1b - Speciality Farm Eq 2 - Farm Eq Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section D Deadline Wednesday afternoon at S of each weeks publication la-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 0-Cattle Ba-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11 -Swine 12- Breeding 13- Eq & Supplies 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 13-Fruits & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21 -Services Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate IH 886, 1978, excel, cond, 2700 original hrs, 440 Great Bend loader, w/84" dirt bucket, quick detach loader, cab, fully loaded, excel, rubber, $15,000. 410-658-5882 Rhino 7-tooth disc chisel $3950; Int. 5100 grain drill $2950; Mohawk 7-tooth trailer-type chisel $1150; Int. 7-tooth 3pt chisel $1150.610/562-4464. Ford 4000 gas, select speed, WFE, w/Woods 80 mower, $3,800. Call 570-788-3092. Tractor For Sale; 1066 Turbo INT, Wts on Front, C/A/H, New Tires, Like New Cond. $15,000 610-269-1893. JD 2510 gas, 3pt, hyd, good runner, $4,500. NH 791 manure spreader, nice-little use, $2,600. 717-359-0076 or 410-549-5712. 1996 JD 5300, 2 hyd, rd bar, 836 hrs.. Price $15,500. Cal 856-769-4025. NH LX66S skid steer, cab 8< heater, 1500 hrs, $12,500.717/336-7375. Deutz OXI6O, 4WO, w/ creeper, $B4OO obo. 717-445-6720 White American 60 w/ldr, 4WO, 2200 hrs, exc cond, $16,900,717-867-4896. White 6145 4wd, 1995,160 hp, 18-sp PS, 3 re motes, 18.4x42, duals available, 2 PTO's, 1-owner, $40,500 080. 717/426-2659. L-2850 KUBOTA 4WD W/ Ldr 1100-Hrs., B-7200 KUBOTA 4WD, 398-Hrs., $5BOO 610-777-4272. Case 1845 C skid loader, 4700 hrs, good condition, $8500.717/445-4637. JO 2950 FWD cab, very, very nice, fancy original paint, mint cond.. Interior, radial tires. Reduced to $23,500. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK \ MAIL TO; h \ LANCASTER FARMING Jf NOTE; Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets Name Address City Zip Please publish my ad starting with the DEADLINES: SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 4:OU P.M. SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION MINIMUM ' ‘ - * 'Sr W5-< &V* 4 Lines 6.64 5 Lines 8.30 6 Lines 9.96 7 Lines 11.62 8 Lines 13.28 9 Lines 14.94 10 Lines 16.60 Add’t Per Line $1.66 Each Deutz engine power unit, VB-714 w/Rockford clutch, $2,000. 860-644-1454 after 7pm. IH 4500 12' 3-PT fid. culti vator w/rake; Lockwood 2000 potato windrower belted CH; Troyer bin stkr 35ft. boom; 570-889-5584. 1830 Case, gas skid load er, original paint, $3BOO. 7520 JD CAH 16 sped, 3pt. PTO, quick hitch, 90-100% duals, $ll,OOO. 717-534-1253 IH 826. exc cond, new clutch & paint. Burkhold er’s Repair Shop, 610-683-3428. 1996 42' Houle lagoon pump, $6500. Snow chains for trucks, fits various sizes, $1 S/ea. 717-866-7822 IH 440 Baler Very Good Cond. $925 610-942-4829. G hood, $l5O. A hood w/2 gas tanks, $195. 814-733-4397 after 7:3opm Kuhn GT 300 rotary rake $1200; tractor cab for 4020.717/436-8598. Collector Tractors AC ED4O dsl $2,200; Dl4 pro pane, $2,200. GBT $2,400. Schram $BOO. 814-467-8839. Same 75hp, 4x4, w/Wr, $7,200.814-467-8839. Head lock gates for cat tle, large size $35 per head, small size $22 per head, price is good for 12' or more. Nickel Mine Weldng, 2133 Mine Rd,. Paradise. PA 17562 (717)786-7363 from 730 - 830 AM. MF 1130, 120 hp, cab, good, $6,800.814-467-8839. 6 cyl Chrysler engine w/ Marlow pump $l5OO. 1000' 4" link lock pipe w/ 12 Ralnbird sprinklers; Ir rigation pipe wagon $l,OOO ea. 2R cultivator $lOO. Produce grader $l,OOO. 250 & 300 gal fuel tank w/pump. Call Paul 856-935-3906. VISA Phone ( .times issue. Classify under I enclose ADS MUST BE RUN 3 TIMES IN A ROW TO RECEIVE ANY PRICE BREAK IN ORDER TO GET THE CORRECT COST, PLEASE USE ONLY LETTER PER SPACE WITH A BLANK SPACE BETWEEN BACH WORD d' Ford 8N loader tractor, snow plow, 5' bucket, chains, side dist., clock, 12-speed, rare, clean, runs good, $3500 w/ equipment. 610/759-1307. Fd 8. JD mtd plows, 3 btm JD mtd, 4 btm. All coulter, Tufflne tran, disc, 13', Fd tran disc B', AH vg. cond. 215-257-5516 IH 624, 60hp, diesel, cab, loader, $5,800. 814-467-8839. Ford 2110 3cyl gas, 3pth, 5 hydraulics, $3,500. Call after 7pm, 609-393-5947. Manure Spreader, John Deere Flail Type 717-653-4547. JD 1520 tractor w/48 loader, very good paint, new tires. 717/367-4314 or 717/367-9301 after spm. IH 1066 and IH 1466 both run good, good rubber. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Case 2290 Red & Black, powershlft, cab, air, used on our farms. Reduced from $13,800 to $12,500. Good buy! Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. NH 782 chopper w/824, 2RN comhead 8. 790 grasshead, electric con trol, exc cond. Berks Co, 610-562-4512. Farm Truck- 1965 GMC, Engine is 305 E, Fresh Insp. $BOO/abo. Perry Co., 717-589-7997. Large selection of corn heads 8< grahheads Out of season priced. Call We quote prices over phone. Zeisloft Ea Bloomsburg, Pa 800-919-3322. HERCULES, CONTINEN TAL Waukesha farm. In dustrial engine parts M&M Surplus Scries, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Gehl 4615 skid Idr, 45hp dsl, w/Gehl backhoe, runs good, $7,900.717-369-4115. , Master Card PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY CALL 717-626-1164 TO ADVERTISE YOUR LINE AD OR DISPLAY BOX AD IN OUR PAPER State JD 7' power angle snow plow for mid-size tractor, $495.610-286-7327 IMT 542 40hp dsl, 600 hrs, $5,200.814-467-8839. (3) IH 806 WF Fender, 18.4x38's 717-687-0792. BENCO 18 ft Brilion field cultiva tor, $lBOO. 12 ft Briton packer, $l2OO. Both shed kept, good cond. 717-762-0369 WANT IH 312 or 360 en gine, any condition 717-642-5148; JD 213 Flexhead $2,250. 570-437-2604 Also JD 444 Lo tin $2,850. Loader attachments. Bush Hog has loaders to fit over 1500 tractors and they are always 20% off at Taneytown Farm Equipment. 410-751-1500 JD 4440, 3 hyd, 18.4x38 tires, PS, price $20,000. CaH 856-769-4025. Brand new manifolds for tractors. 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. 74 White 8600 combine, diesel, header, damaged by fire, located at Rob insvllle, NJ $5OO obo. 254-582-3000 1586 CAH 20 In Duals 90% Tread, 2-Remotes, 1000 PTO. 3pt 3500-Hrs, Good Condition $15,500; JD 2800 6-Bottom On-Land Varia ble Width Plow, Good Condition $6,000 610-837-0847 Loader off 80hp tractor, hyd pump 8. controls, $950,717-351-0856 FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade-Ins wel comed. NH mowers, re built and guaranteed, en gines, hydraulics, crimper hookups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coo pers Dr., Kirkwood, PA 17536. 717-529-3299 SAM-B:3OAM. □ Check Enclosed O Visa (13 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) (Be sure to include all numbers) □ Discover (16 numbers) Card # Exp. Date: Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. YO! One of a kind. MH 1066 cab only 3036 hours! Sharp, original paint. Orig inal Interior. Very tight. Very, very nice, new Goodyear radials. SI 2400 with weights. Zelslott Eq. 800-919-3322. JD 5020, runs strong, 172 hp, looks good, 3pt hitch, fair tires, $6500. 410/928-3276 evenings. 3ph snowblowers. 5' $1500,6' $l6OO, 7 slBoo,B' $2700, 9' $3300. Snow blower for skid steer, “welders spedaT, $l2OO. 570-286-7851 Case 183 SB diesel skid loader, runs good, $5BOO. 814/766-3656. Cose IH 3594 AfIFWD. 24-spd power shift, 182 hp, cab, 4900 hrs, duals, $17400.717/336-7375. Vermeer 3V4'4' new & used round balers, wheel rakes, tedders, round bale trailers, sllcers, wrappers & film, rock pickers, com pickers & finish cultivators. C W. Neiderhlser Sales, 724-423-4076, 1-800-715-5586. JD 7800 tractor, cab, power quad, sharp, $37,500.301-733-2195 L 445 Skid Loader; NH 358; NH Grlnder/Mlxer 301-829-0212; JD 3950 forage harvester. w/SVi' hay head. 717-687-7837 1990 NH 855 round baler, exc cond, baled less than 1,000 bales of straw, asking $6,500. 724-357-9696 days, eves 724-349-1877. Shaver post drivers. 3pt hitch complete, HCIO $2150, HCB $1350. We can deliver anywhere. Taney town Farm Eq. 410/751-1500. NH L 8620 Idr backhoe, 50hp dsl, articulated 4WD, w/qulck attach pallet forks, exc cond, $10,500. 570-752-7131. & Discover Signature @ 3.32 FORKS: 80 pairs of forks, al sizes. $lOO/UP per pair. 410-335-4700 Case IH 1660 1989 model, extremely fancy, low, low hours. Runs excellent used on our forms. Re duced from $48,000 to $44,500. Financing Avail. Zelslott Eq. 800-919-3322. JD 4x2 Gator w/bed liner, hyd. dump, 350 hrs, like new, $4450.570/784-0250. Oliver 1650, gas, WF, dual remote outlets, 3400 hrs, $3400.215-679-8822. 550 AAF combine, hydro, drive, w/4RW com head & 13' grain. 717/567-9385 leave message. Oliver 2255 cab, low hrs, $11,200. Olver 550. P/S, new paint, $4,200. 717-866-6390 ext 384. NH 782 chopper w/824, 2RN cornhead & 790 grasshead, electric con trol, exc cond. Berks Co, 610-562-4512. FOR SALE JD 214 T hay baler, good cond. $BOO 080, horse shoeing stocks 42 In. wide $300,46 In wide $350. John L. Yoder, 2638 River Rd., GrantsvNe, MD 21536, Garret Co. 743 Bobcat skid loader, $6BOO. 555 NH skid loader $5200. Both dsl, running cond. 717-354-6706 IH 1066 cab, TA weak, very nice tractor. Runs good, works fine on high side. $7,200. (800)919-3322. NH self propelled forage harvester, 340 hp, kernel processor, 6 row Oaas head, 9' 340 grass pickup, 2WD, 1,500 hrs, aux. hyd, AC, field ready. $69,000. 717-263-0705. Ask For Jason. Dismantling for Parts; Hundreds gf farm trac tors new and old several JD 2 cylinders also dozers and track loaders. Cal for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. @ 4.59 \
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