Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 22, 2000, Image 7
Pa. Grain January 18,2000 Report supplied by PDA COMPARED TO LAST MONDAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CEN TRAL PENNSYLVANIA; CORN MOST LY 05 TO .07 SPOTS 10 HIGHER, WHEAT MOSTLY 10 TO 15 HIGHER, BARLEY AND OATS STEADY TO STRONG, SOYBEANS MOSTLY .15 TO 20 HIGHER, EAR CORN STEADY TO 3 00 HIGHER. PRICES PAID DELIV ERED TO DEALERS DOCK- ALL PRICES PER BUSHEL, EXCEPT EAR CORN PER TON SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO 2-Y RANGE 2 45-2 59, AVERAGE 2.50, CONTRACT FOR HAR VEST 2.59-2.69; WHEAT NO. 2 RANGE 2 60-2 77, AVERAGE 2.65, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 2 60-2.77; BARLEY NO 3 RANGE 1.60-1.85, AVERAGE 1 77, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST 1 40; OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.40-1.75, AVER AGE 158; SOYBEANS RANGE 4 65- 4 78, FEW REPORTED 4 90, AVERAGE 4 75, CONTRACT FOR HARVEST, 4 97- 5 07; FEW REPORTED GR. SORGHUM RANGE 2.34, AVERAGE 2 34, CON TRACT FOR HARVEST, 2.49; EAR CORN RANGE 74 00-85 00, AVERAGE Southern Cross Good for a business landmark Fun to watch turning in the breeze We have been selling and installing windmills since 1968 and go anywhere to install them. 7 sizes of windmills available, with towers up to 80 feet tall. Let us know what you want to do with a windmill, and we’ll tell you how. Send $2 for our complete catalog containing: Windmills, towers, parts, hand pumps, well supplies, cup leathers, windmill books. The most complete line of equipment available anywhere. O’Brock Windmill Distributors 9435 12th St., Dept. LF, North Benton, OH 44449 Ph. 330/584-4691' e-malf The complete cage systems package from Chore-Time offers egg producers better egg pro duction at a competitive price with local technical service support TThe complete package, which features Chore-Time’s exclusive GALV-A-WELD* (galvanized after welding) cages, also includes • Chore-Time’s famous ULTRAFLO* Cage Feeding System—the leader in outstanding results and reliability • Chore-Time’s ULTRA-LIFT* XL Egg Collection System —the standard of the industry for gentleness and efficiency Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. ■■■■■□ Flyway Business Park Delmarva Office tBT HM] 139 A West Airport Road 305 University Ave. T"r Utitz. PA 17543 • 1-800-673-2580 1-800-735-6361 kbi Ph: 717-569-2702 410-754-9434 Stora Houra: Monday-Friday 7:30 am 24 Hour-7 Day Ropalr Sarvic# 76 00. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO 2-Y RANGE 2.40-2.50, FEW REPORTED 2.59, AVERAGE 2.46, WHEAT NO 2 RANGE 2 25-2.60, AVERAGE 2 34; BARLEY NO 3 RANGE 1.50-170, AVERAGE 153, OATS NO 2 RANGE 1 40-1 65, AVER AGE 1.55; SOYBEANS NO 1 RANGE 4.40-4.76, AVERAGE 4.59; EARCORN RANGE 75 00-85 00, AVERAGE 79 71 EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SUMMARY CORN NO 2-Y RANGE 2 40-2 59, AVERAGE 2 48; WHEAT NO 2 RANGE 2.40-2.77, AVERAGE 2.51; BARLEY NO 3 RANGE 150-185, AVERAGE 166, OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.40-1.70, AVER AGE 1 56; SOYBEANS NO 1 RANGE 4 45-4 78, AVERAGE 4.65; EARCORN RANGE 70.00-85.00, AVERAGE 77.50 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN NO. 2 RANGE 2.10-2.40, AVERAGE 2.23; WHEAT NO 2 RANGE 2 40-2 41, AVERAGE 2 40, BARLEY NO. 3 RANGE 1.65, AVERAGE 1 65, OATS NO. 2 RANGE 1.35-1.53, AVER AGE 144, SOYBEANS NO 1 RANGE HOOBER’S SPRING BARGAIN DAYS ARE COMING Is full, ion & • Chore-Time’s Cage Nipple Drinking System-a simple, totally-enclosed system for providing more water to your birds • Chore-Time Cage House Ventilation and Cooling Systems-excellent performance at a competitive price So. join the producers who have already benefited from using Chore-Time Cage Systems Improve your egg production with Chore-Time’s complete cage systems package Call today for more information to 4:30 pm 4.40, AVERAGE 4.40, EARCORN RANGE 75.00, AVERAGE 75.00 CORN NO 2-Y RANGE 240-2 50 AVERAGE 2.46; WHEAT NO 2 RANGE 2.30-2.45, AVERAGE 2.35; BARLEY NO 3 RANGE 150-1.90, AVERAGE 1.63, OATS NO 2 RANGE 1,30-1.70, AVER AGE 1 53, SOYBEANS 4 50-4 69, AVER AGE 4 56, EARCORN RANGE 75 00- 80 00, AVERAGE 76 67. LEHIGH VALLEY AREA CORN NO 2-Y RANGE 2 46-2 52 AVERAGE 2.50; WHEAT NO 2 RANGE 2 55-2 77, AVERAGE 2 67, BARLEY NO 3 RANGE 165-1 SO, AVERAGE 1 73; OATS NO 2 RANGE 1.60-1 65, AVER AGE 1 62, SOYBEANS NO. 1 RANGE 4.41-4 70, AVERAGE 4 68; PER HUN DREDWEIGHT FEW REPORTED GR. SORGHUM 2 RANGE 2 70, AVERAGE 2 70, EARCORN RANGE 70 00-75 00, AVERAGE 72.00 MONTH AGO CORN NO 2-Y 2 39; WHEAT NO 2 2 35, BARLEY NO. 3 1.61; OATS NO 2 1 51; SOYBEANS NO 1 4 35; EAR CORN 72 72 JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 4 SEE OUR INSERT IN THE JANUARY 29TH EDITION OF LANCASTER FARMING FOR ALL THE DETAILS lIOOBER ■ ■ HRbE 1 UCATION;-, INTERCOURSE, PA MDMETOWN, DE McAUSTOMUS, PA 800732-0017 8003414028 8004330679 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA YEAR AGO CORN NO 2-Y 2 43, WHEAT NO 2 2 72; BARLEY NO 3 1.63, OATS NO 2 147; SOYBEANS NO 1 5.15, EAR CORN 68.32 NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck) CORN 1 98-2 02, WHEAT 2 09-2 28, OATS 1.50; SOYBEAN MEAL BULK 44% 149 50-154 50, BULK 48% 158 50- 163 50 Regional Hay JANUARY 18,2000 Eastern Pa. HAY & STRAW MARKET FOR EASTERN PA - (ALL HAY GOOD GRADE AND BETTER, PRICES PAID BY DEALERS AT THE FARM & PER TON) HAY STEADY TO 10 00 LOWER, STRAW STEADY ALFALFA 90 00-130 00, MIXED HAY 100 00-140 00, FEW REPORTED, 160, TIMOTHY 100 00-166 00, STRAW 70 00-80.00; MULCH 40 00-50 00 SUMMARY OF LANCASTER CO HAY AUCTIONS - FOR WEEK END’S 01-14-00 PRICES PER TON- LOADS 238 HAY, 90 STRAW & 11 EARCORN ALFALFA 110 00-187 00, MIXED HAY 112 00-175 00, TIMOTHY 112 GO -177 00, STRAW 80 00-105 00, EAR CORN 90.00-109.00 SUMMARY OF CENTRAL PA HAY ACTIONS - FOR WEEK END’S 01-14-00 PRICES PER TON LOADS 284 HAY 64 STRAW & 23 EARCORN ALFALFA 105 00-160 00, MIXED HAY 90 00-150 00, TIMOTHY 100 GO -147 50, STRAW 60 00-97 50, EARCORN 70 00-100 00 National Grain Market St. Joseph, MO Wed Jan 19, 2000 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News Daily National Grain Market Summary Wheat and com bids finished slightly higher, supported by weather and lack of fanner selling. Soybean bids felt moderate ly lower as traders corrected recent sharp upturns. Wheat 2 to 4 cents higher. Com steady to 1 cent higher. Sorghum 1 cent higher. Soybeans 1 to 6 cents lower. Rains ate forecast in soft ted winter wheat areas over the next few days, however, not much accumulation is expected in the Plains reg ion. Export sales were absent again today. Argentine sources cut their crop estimate to around 14.1 million metric lons. Com bids were slightly higher on good over night export sales to Japan and Taiwan. Chinese competition has limited US gains in com bids. So. Korea is repotted to have bought another 6 million bushels overnight from China. Soybean bid fell moderately lower after five consecutive days of higher trends. Traders thought the market was oversold and made corrections. Soybean When you need uf-Tku j* s' .iWnwr’ ' Jr tkf Dealer Inquire McElwee’s Livestock #fome of Shippensburg Cownet 3 Locations To Serve You Newburg Mon. 9-4, Thurs. 9-2 (717) 423-6869 Woodsboro, MD Tues. 10-2 _ (301) 845-6232 JnTB Chambersburg Wed. 9-3 & 3 (717) 267-3321 Receiving All Cows, Bulls, Steers, Calves Call For Daily Price Quotes Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000-A7 meal and oil prices were lower which put pressure on crash margins. Export demand continues slow this week. Brazil continues to receive some rain but many areas remain dry. EXPORT SALES; PURCHASER COM MODITY TONNAGE DELIVERY DATE Taiwan Com 54,000 Feb/Mar Japan Com 105,664 2000 MY Mexico Sorghum 100,000 2000 MY Trials: Com 159,664 tonnes. Sorghum 100,000 tonnes. DATE CHANGE YEAR AGO TRUCK BIDS; 01/19/00 01/18/00 01/20/99 Wheat: Kansas City (HRW ORD) X6l-2.62 Up 2 2.93- Minneapolis (DNS 14pct) 3.39 1/2 Up 4 1/2 3.67 1/2 Portland (SW) 2.94- Up 3-2 3.05-3.08 St. Louis (SRW) 2.44-2.45 Up 2-3 236-2.51 Com, US 2 Yellow; Kansas City 2.06-2.08 Up 1 2.07-2.08 Minneapolis 1.83 3/4 Up 3/4 1.88 So. lowa 2.06 Unch 2.10-2.15 Omaha 1.89-1.91 Up 1 1.95-1.96 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 4.81-4.83 Dn 6-4 5.23 Minneapolis No Bids 5.03 Sol lowa 4.84 Dn I 5.17-5.19 Cent D Processors 4.86-4.95 Dn 1 1/4 5.23-534 FUTURES: Kansas City (Mar) Wheat 2.93 1/2 Up 1 1/2 3.07 3/4 Minneapolis (Mar) Wheat 3.27 1/2 Up 4 1/2 335 1/2 Chicago (Mar) Wheat 2.66 Up 1 1/2 2.70 1/2 Chicago (Mar) Com 2.20 3/4 Up 3/4 2.15 Chicago (Mar) Soybeans 5.01 Dn I 1/4 5.28 EXPORT BIDS: Barge or nil. Port of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Old Protein: 2.89 1/2-2.97 1/2 Up 1 1/2-1/2 3.33 3/4-3.37 3/4 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheal: 2.75-2.76 Up 1 1/2-2 1/2 2.74 1/2 US 2 Yellow Com; 137 3/4-239 3/4 Up 3/4 2.44-2.45 US 2 Yellow Sorghum: Rail 4.07-4.12 Up 2-1 4.05-4.14 Barge 4.25 Up 4 4.29-4.30 US 1 Yellow Soybeans: 5.28 Dn 1 1/4-2 1/4 5.62 New Holland Horses Nch Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Monday, January 17,2000 TOTAL HEAD HORSES AND MULES 171. MARKET STEADY. WORK HORSES 700.00-1125.00. DRIVING HORSES 475.00-1150.00. RIDING HORSES 550.00-1575.00. REGISTERED RIDING 900.00- 1400.00. BUI ER RIDING 1200.00-1225.00. PONIES 225,00-450.00. LARGE PONIES 375.00-560.00. CO LIS 400.00-610.00. m Y HAMPEL COR P . ihfneat... 58-8558