AccuWeath Si Windy with more snow High 26, Low 19 UV.O The local 7-Day Forecast is for Lancaster County 7-9, high, 10 or above, very high The Week Ahead Temi •eratures tecipitation Last Week’s Precipitation 30-Day Temperature Outlook Lancaster o.oo* ”" f Jarttlify *»'-.• January 15 Janoify 16 January 17 0.00“ JlnWffy 16 January 19 trace * ■ •m V f/ggk*& All maps, forecasts and data pro vided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2OOO r®7-Da Monday % fv! Clouds, some sun shine; blustery with a few flumes. High 36, Low 19 UV 2 he ultraviolet 0.00“ docy Forecast for Lancaster and Surroun For the week ending Thursday, Jan 20 Temperature Above Normal Near Normal Month to date Year to date Normal year to date ... Growing Degree Days ;,;. n Season to date 3284 Farming Forecast j Cold weather will stick around aflßl| for the next several days so not much decrease in the fresh snow pack is expected. In fact, it looks like more snow will fall on Sunday Next week will be cold as well with yet another chance for snow around Wednesday Below Normal Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal Almanac Low Normal low for week ahead Precipitation .1 13" •' . "w ’ ■ 113" .rrw*p 1 94“ Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal Th Windy and colder with flumes High 31, Low 22 UV 1 number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection 0-2, minimal, 3-4, low, 5-6, moderate, Regional Forecast Shown is Sunday's weather Temperatures are highs and lows for LTW® ’ 18 30-Day Precipitation Outlook .ancaster Farming, Saturday. January 22,1999-A: Areas Saturday Chance for a bit of snow or flurries. High 34, Low 16 UV 1 J&h 4P <***>*■ Above Normal Near Normal Below Normal >3!