Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 22, 2000, Image 29
Christian Farmers To Meet EVERETT NEWSWANGER Editor WESTMINISTER, Md. - The Fellowship of Christian Farmers thirteenth annual outreach lunch eon is scheduled to be held on March 4, 2000, at Wilhelm LTD along Route 140. Starting time is 12 noon with seating to begin at 11:30 a.m. The special speaker this year is Bobby Griffin, a businessman from Bristol, Virginia. He will share how he was considered “least likely to succeed” when he dropped out of school in ninth grade to join the army. The Lord took hold of his life and changed -a ns Heaters. The Purafire heater provides a consistent, cleanburning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses. Choose from two models, the CBOM variable output (40,000-80,000 BTUH) and the C 225 (225,000 BTUH). Each is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confinement house Electronic ignition UJ z < FEED BINS We assemble, deliver and set up bins on your farm * Weather tight die-formed roof •Stronger engineered sidewalls •Ground controlled fill caps •Galvanized roll-formed legs •Engineered leg braced systems •Fast flowing hopper bottom X 6 iii K With CORE AUGERS and . Flex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM in 2 1/4” dia. to 5” dia Hog ft Poultry Contracts M A _.. ® . .. ~ , i Hours: Mon-Fri 7to 5:30 S«t 7:30 to Noon 24 Hour Farmer Boy Ag Systems _ Service UE=j Inc. S 1/22/00 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 [^fS . Same Day Shipping 717-866-7565 « 1 -800-845-3374 ±2 Sibley. y> ■supr In Maryland everything. His very leal experi ences of life on his uncle’s farm and how God made a difference in his future are all parts of a mes sage you will not want to miss. Special music will be provided by Kelly Bjorkland who grew Car roll County, and now lives with her husband and four children in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. Along with dinner by Larry Wil helm, testimonies, fellowship, and a wonderful message of the gospel will be part of the event.. To purchase tickets for the buffet luncheon at $B.OO ea., or for more information, call Wilson Lippy at (410 374-2975. ml* we ,4*o*6** A. l □V TheVAL Di watering eqi well from da; maturity with individually designed di • Roaster Nipi (VRISO) Brc Roasters, Ti Ducks • Layer Nippk (VLISO), La; • Broiler Nippl (VB150) Brt Pullets, Brei Ducks Plasson® Vj DRINKERS * Turkcy/Broiler jft Drinker Full Line of Plasson Replacement Parts in 3’ & 4’ CRAFT PAPER FOR FEEDING Same type used by larger Vw integrators [ VENTILATION j&sasetam. GALVANIZED FANS Economical line of galvanized fans are now available in various versions to fit any need or application that you may encounter Direct Dr | V e • High efficiency "PSC” motor • Upright motor mounts (or unre stricted airflow • Full variable speed capabilities Belt Drive Available in 36" & 48" sizes • High quality sealed “AVS" designed bearings • Twist link belt for ease of adjust ment to keep at top performance PVC COATED HEX Birdwire Netting Made of the finest high quality 20 ga tensile steel wire mesh, Won’t crack or become brittle after years of exposure to sun .or cold. CbickMate ziqoitv^Fsystems Bobby Griffin A Division of 1 <Hg) Historical Bam Talk Canceled A popular program entitled The History of the Pennsylvania Barn" which was to have taken place on Saturday, January 30 has been canceled. The cancellation has had to be made because the presenter Robert Ensmmger has had to undergo emergency surgery. The program is sponsored each year by the Lancaster County Departments of Parks and POULTRY GUARR . LITTER AMENDMENT New Poultry Guard" Litter Amendment is a unique activated clay that delivers consistent ammonia control without the handling inconvenience associated with other poultry litter treatments. Unlike these other treatments, Poultry Guard Litter Amendment is easy and convenient to apply and needs no incorporation or activation Fewer application variables mean more consistent performance In addition, Poultry Guard can be applied up to five days before bird set, whenever it’s convenient for the grower Using Poultry Guard Litter Amendment Is As Simple As... Oppiy Simply spread over poultry Utter. No incorporation * No moisture activation No complicated instructions for heating and ventilation in conjunction with application You be the judge! We are confident this litter amendment will improve your poultry and your profits. For More Information Call. BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 • 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED Lane—ter Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000-A29 #.y Oird Set Poultry Guard can be applied when it's most convenient, up to five days before bird set. • No application timing headaches between clean out and bird set • No last minute application after equipment has been lowered Recreation. "I know that there are a lot of people who look forward to this program so we want to get the word out," John Gerencser, recreation coordinator said. "However, our thoughts are with Ensminger and we wish for him a speedy recovery." For information on when this program will be rescheduled, contact the park office at (717) 299-8215. PjMCTTMMD | MknMrMM Jl I Ammonia Poultry Guard will deliver Immediate and long-term ammonia control and give birds a healthier growing environment. • No more dangerously high levels of ammonia to stunt growth