Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 22, 2000, Image 28
A2a-Unc««ler Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 Pennsylvania Department Of Agriculture Lists Action Plan HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) As the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture looks to the months ahead, the agency has its program of work in place... Ac tion Plan for Pennsylvania Agri culture. This is the second edition of PDA’s Action Plan. Most of the first edition is complete. “While there are many program tasks beyond those listed in our Action Plan for Pennsylvania Agriculture, PDA believes it im portant to have a pro-active agen da in support of Pennsylvania’s diverse society and agricultural community,” Agriculture Secre tary Sam Hayes said. Here is a brief overview of the action agenda. —Develop 21st Century Mis sion Statement for Department of Agriculture. —Develop 21st Century Mis sion Statements for all PDA Bureaus. —Develop 21st Century Mis ison Statement for PDA Regions. —Nutrient Management, Best Management Practices Manual —Administration of Drought Assistance: Hay Assistance; Crop Loss Assistance, Crop Insurance. —Enhance State Conservation Commission’s programs through PDA-sponsored projects to sup port production agriculture through the protection of farm land, agriculture advocacy, nutri ent management assistance, lead ership development training, and conservation technical services. —Farmland Preservation, Ac celerated Program. —Website, Farmland Preserva tion. —Website, PA Hardwoods. Hardwoods Development Coun cil. —Workshops, Next Generation Farmer Loan Program. —Website, Plant Industry. —Chemsweep 11. —IPM User’s Guide for Penn sylvania Schools. —Pesticide Container Recy cling Program. —Farm Safety Day Camps. —Plum Pox Virus, Diagnostic and Phyto-Security Initiatives. —Strategic Plan, Bureau of Market Development —Export Website, Pennsylva nia Agriculture. —“Export for Learners,” Dairy Our kernel processors effectively increase milk production by making more nutrients available to your cows Replacement Crimper Rolls for SP JD Series. Special ‘til 1/31/00 - $l,OOO ea In Stock Will Ship Silage Roller Mill Process chopped silage from your silo to a feed cart. Now Available: Processing Unit Heifer Marketing Program for College and High School Stu dents. —E-Commerce, Promotion of PA Grown Food in Restaurants. —Promote the Water Export of Dairy Heifers. —Power Point Outreach Pro gram, “Pennsylvania Agriculture Products for the Planet” —Philadelphia. “Simply Deli cious,” PA Fruits and Vegetables. —AGRO 2000, International Celebration. —Food Safety. User’s Guide for Non-Profit Organizations. —Food Safety, Crisis Com munication Protocol. —School Cafeteria Food Safe ty, “Good Learners Need Good Food.” —Website, Food Safety. —Strategic Plan. Animal Health Commission. —Website, Animal Health. —Pseudorabies Free Status. —TB Free Status. —Johnes Disease Protocol. —Emergency Animal Health Preparedness and Response Pro gram. —PA Dairy Quality Assurance Program. —Strategic Plan, Weights and Measures. —Website, Weights and Mea surement Standards. Limited Number of Units Available For • John Deere 3950 & 3970 pull type • John Deere 5000 series self propelled —Water Park Safety Seminars. —Go-Kart Safety Seminars. —Equine Center. —PA Meat Animal Evaluation Center. —Database. Weights and Mea sures. —Bulk Milk Tank Calibration Assistance for Dairy Industry. —Consumer Brochure, Scan ner Devices. —Pilot Project, Octane Testing —Ag Symposium on profit ability, 2nd Annual. —Emergency Response Plan for PDA. —Agricultural Research, Sup pression of Agricultural Odors, Conflict Resolution for Agricul ture. —lnternational User’s Guide for Pennsylvania Agriculture, Trade Barrios to Ag Export, PDA Application of CIS, Animal Health Salmonella in Poultry. —PDA, Farm-City Day, “A Story to be T01d... Lessons to be Learned,” 4th Annual. —PDA, Ag Research Sym posium, 3rd Annual. —Timer Expo 2001. —Beef Promotion, ‘The New Face of Beef in Pennsylvania.” —“PA Select Apples,” Winter Retail Promotion. —Dairy Promotion, “The Dairy Difference: Meeting the Needs of Used/Rental Liquid Manure Equipment (2) 1996 Knight 8030's, (1) with Lid and 21.5x16.1 Tires; (1) w/o Lid and 22.5 Truck Tires, Both in Good Shape . __ _ _ _ , ■■ (2) Houle EL846000 Gal.2BLx26Tires, Excellent cond. Without T|||C UlPPlf C Brakes, Both in Ex. Cond. I flld ¥WCCI% J JIJCVICII (1) 1994 (1) 1997 1999 Houle 5,250 Gal. 28Lx26 Tires 1999 Houle 4800 Gal. 28Lx26, Brakes Balzer 3350 Vacuum i PUMPS Houle 9.5’ 3 Pt. Agi-Pump, Rebuilt $3,350 Houle 12’Agi-Pump on 3 Pt. Sliding, 1000 PTO $6,900 (2) Houle Maxi Pumps, 28” CALL Houle Irrigation Pumps, on trailers, hyd. primers CALL 1999 Houle 12’ Super Pump, 1,000 PTO, Twin Nozzles $5,900 Houle 32’ and 42’ Agi Pumps $7,500 to $lO,OOO 1998 Houle 8/12’ Super Pump, Rental Unit $6,950 MISCELLANEOUS Ag Bagger Rubber Tire Scrapers, 3 pt. & Skid Steer; Also Push Blades AgnMetal 5500, Full Hyd , Rd Bale Chopper (2) CADMAN 2625 Hard Hose Reels Ag Ram Hard Hose Reel, 2.5”x800’, Slurry Turbine. 1993 WIC, 13 hp, Bedding Chopper COMING IN Badger BN 184 26’ Lagoon Pump Putz 3-Pt. Agitator . s'"?** Calumet 4500 Gal. Hydraulic Drive w/Airplane Tires, Tank Is Solid 1995 NH 155 Spreader, Good Shape Top Volume _ jal h. t r t s* I ■ 1 1 11'11 *| 4oig Ashviile Rd.. BQtlSVSt&fflS Quarryvilie, PA 17566 -** V Dea,er 800-222-2948 • 717-529-278 Chromalloy "Super Tanker" 3,300 Gal. 19Lx16.1 Tires $3,000 $3,500 1993 WIC 13 HP Bedding Chopper, Runs Great $l,lOO $2,750 PA School Children.” —PEQAP Television, Pennsyl vania Egg Quality Assurance Pro gram. —Sustainable Forestry Initia tives. —Wood Products, Technical Training Curriculum. —Workforce Training Wood Industry. —PDA, In-Service Workshops, Customer Relations. —Website, Donated Food Pro grams. —Farmers Markets Established for Senior Citizens. —Aquaculture Development $13,750 $14,950 $21,100 ...CALL $15,900 CALL $12,900 ... CALL ..$6,500 $l,lOO $3,000 $1,500 Plan. —Website, Dog Law Enforce ment —Management Guide for Ken nel Owners. —Rabies and Dog Bite Preven tion, (Outreach). —Website, Farm Show Com plex. —Upgrade Feasibility Study Farm Show Complex. —PA Organic Directory. —Market Promotion, “Uncovei PA Wine Country.” —Website, Ag Statistics. —PDA Publication. Depart ment Mission and Program Book let A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING’S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! 1989 Houle 32’ Lagoon Pump, Just Rebuilt, Ready to Pump $4,750 1978 Mack R-Model w/3000 Gal. Badger, Ready To Work $9,5( Badger BN 184 Lagoon Pump, Frame Sound, Bearing Assembly Good $2.750