Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 22, 2000, Image 143
J| CATTLE :■ Reg. Holstelns, cows & heifers, out of good herd, 30,556 RHA, 104 BAA, A-l bred. Coll Andy Hav erkomp. Winding Brook Reg. Holsteins. 610-285-4136 leave mes sage jersey bull breeding age, very good pedigrees, dam made 18,413 m, 4.9%f, 3.6%p, in 365 days. Amos K. Lapp, 3128 Har vest PR, Ranks, PA 17572 2 Hereford cows, 1 Her ford Heifer. Both open. 570-345-3554 Quality bred Holstine heif ers from a 22 year closed herd, DHIA records of dams. 717-653-1625 Will raise your helfers wean to freshen. Will pickup and deliver. Must be from a clean herd. 717-865-4534. Nice selection of Long horn yearling heifers for sale, wormed 8< OCV'd. Starting at $4OO. Plus many other bred Long horn cows. 717/334-4908 (O), 717/334-4136 (H), 717/642-0079 (F). Dairy Cows & Heifers Bought & Sold Freddie S. Smith 540/639-2262 After 8 PM Bison Calves Yearlings Bred Heifers 570-222-9815^ I Wanted I | Good herd of f e 40-50 dairy cows I I Good udders, I | legs & feet | | Around 80 lb. avg. i c No dealers - I I No BST | I 717-656-6486 I E E EXOTIC ANIMALS LLAMAS: owner moving, must sell, 6 young bred females, 1 outstanding male, pkg. or individual. 215-297-0976. Alpaches; many colors, females, males, babies, breeding stock & pet quality. Great Investment opportunity. Financing available. Fiber available. 610-269-7210. Chinchilla breeding stock. Raise Chinchillas for fun & profit. Call Monday-Frl day, 9-5.610-845-7673 FREE to good home; two year old Pot Belly Pig 610-857-1653. 4 Llamas for sale, 2 Reg. male 8< female, 1 yearling male, 1 6 month female. Priced to sell! 717-665-3640 before 9pm Pigmy Goats: blk & white, 3M 8,3 F, cute & loveable! 302-834-6922, DE. Fennee Foxes, 4 females, bottle raised, litter box trained, $6OO/ea. 215-234-9379 Rocky Mountain Elk- Raised/Bred In NJ. 3x3/ $2500 4x4/$3OOO, 5x5/ $3500, 6x6/$4OOO, 7x7/ $4500, BxB/55000, Male Calves/52000, Female Calves/53000. Call DeSa pio Elk Farm. 908-996-6515. Rep. Llamas, $lOOO/pair. Pair emus $lOO. 215/362-1123, 88. Miniature donkey, white I?TSl e ' 6 rnonth s. *lBOO. 717-252-3652 Hand fed cockatlels & fJI9) is h parakeets, $35-$60.717-866-1952. Llamas: 1 friendly neu tered male, 1 small appa loosa stud, $2OO/ea. 215-234-9379 Lo£ Caßin Llamas <gf~\ David & Flo 'spT'Luv Hamish W L - Ja 717-733-1700 117 Valley View Road Ephrata, PA 17522 Large Number of Llamas For Sale RH HORSES AND mules 3 year old Morgan/ Standardbred mix mare, broke but needs driving. 717/351-0420 Iv. msg. 6 yr old Saddlebred, good broke, fancy horse. 717/354-5039. 7yo Saddlebred mare, traffic safe & sound, any- one can drive, road ready, $1,050. Elam Fish er, N. Cherry Ln, Ranks. Quarter horse Arabian X 11 yo gelding. Western/ English, sorrel, blaze, 1 white sock. 9yo dapple gray gelding, 14.1 H, Westem/English, drives. Asking $1,500 ea. 717-246-6339. Pair Belgian mares, 17H, smooth mouth, very gen tle & quiet w/lots of power, good to give rides in cities or parks. 717-786-8093 Mon ,eve 6:30-6:45 Reg 3 Yr Old Tenn. Walk ing Horse, Gelding. Black, 15H, Great Conformation. Good Show Potential for Racking or Model $3OOO. 610-693-8106 Reg 12 Yr Old Tenn Walk ing Horse, Gelding Chest nut w/Star, 15.2 H 3-Gaited, Lite- Shod, Show Horse, Very Hand some, No Vices. Great Disposition $4OOO 610-693-8106. 7yr old American sad dlebred, sound, in-the lines, top driver, needs miles. 717-656-3713 Big Standardbred trotter, 10 yr, speed in action, hold hard, needs work, $l5OO. Sam E. Stoltzfus, 750 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Honey Brook. Coming 4 Yr Old Sad dlebred Gelding, Over 16H, Needs More Miles, $2,500. Reply: H.C. 1, Box 103, Rebersburg 16872 9 yr old bay gelding stan dardbred mix, works, drives, rides, well man nered, ambition. 740 RR Ave. New Holland, 717-354-4635 7pm 5 year old Reg. quarter horse, Apendex mare, in the Incentive fund, shown English, rides Western, $3500 neg. 570-739-4519 Wanted: 2-Horse bobsled; 68 Mustang convertible. 814/445-6358. 2 Reg Belgians, 4 Yrs Old, Green Broke; Mixed Haf linger Pulling Pony; A Gaited Riding Horse; A Thoroghbred/Quarter Horse mix. Great Begin ner Horse. Serious In quires Only! Call Stacey 717-445-8281 Tack For Sale; Reg. Percheon mares, 2-12 years old, bred to Winnermare Sonny, #280420. Also some open mares, work single, dou ble, rides, traffic safe. 717-365-3920 2 Standardbred trotters, traffic safe & sound, need room, best offer. 717/776-6349. Miniature and small pony carts, wagons, miniature horses and Donkeys. 717-768-7016. o HORSE TRAILERS aw Used Aluminum Trailers in Stock 1992 Sundowner Aluminum 4 Horse Slant Load Gooseneck 1988 Star-Ro 23’x6'/ 2 ’x7 (4) Horse Used Steel Trailers 1990 Arndt (2) Horse Bumper Hitch w/Dressing Room Trailers I itocl 2 Horse Straight Load with Rear & Side Ramps with Box Stall Conversions, 18’Long x 7’6” wide x 7’6” High, Loaded 3 Horse Slant Load Combo Gooseneck, 17’Long x6’ll” Wide . x7’ High, Sharp! 3-Horse Slant Load w/Dressmg Room, Loaded 4 Horse Combo Gooseneck Horse Trailer 4 Horse Head to Head, Loaded With Extras 2-Horse Straight Load Gooseneck CALL MIKE AT 800-292-4752 sUs eRJb pUg aOs sDa sUs sSb sljb iS Si Sb fSJs bSs sLJa sSafS sTJa aUs &Lss i?UQ WANTED S | n hy-TECH Mnshroom S 35 "H ® M 3 West Grove, PA 19390 M /vTn /tTo's /alT't /'To v | /'TT'i /‘tUN sCra sIM ffLra kJs st™ sU? at!® kJb o>/_ra stPs sOb sOs &L™ sLI? fffjs p/Jb sL® pL!® i?L™ Gowitsuj, Jlam Qocudt Shop, Heui GoASu&Cf&i -r fyied GavUcujeA • R&fuufyi rV • fisuMfbt S. &o9dt • m ~- ■'■ ■- • nxuH&-9*vi 700 Goutti/uf Jlane,, Pafiadlie, P/3 17562. /3+iA.. S&uUcc (717) 627-7120 New Products Now Available Fiberglass Wheels * Benefits of Fiberglass Springs * Fiberglass Springs ★ Install these wheels and springs on your next new carriage or replace your old ones. ~ Ask For These At Your Local Carriage Shop In PA And Surrounding States ~ Wholesale & Retail Price List Brochure Available - Wholesalers Must Include Tax Number 3 year old sorrel, green broke western pleasure prospect, excellent dispo sition, no time to finish, Zippo bloodline. Lebanon 717/865-2881. 9 yr. old black Stand arbred trotter by worthy bowl acclimated for long trips $1,350. Enos Stoltz fus, 416 Dry Wells Rd., Quarry vllle, PA 17566. Sturtevant Larrabee 1 horse sleigh, missing 1 bell, general condition exc., kept under cover, $600.914-756-5322. 2 Jenny mules, trained for trails & hunting, $l3OO/pr. 570-724-3448 WANTED: Trying to find Suffolk draft horse. Name Balen. Has dark spot cor ner of eye. 804-454-7168 collect after spm 9 Yr old standardbred, solid trotter, traffic safe, sound, ready for trips. 717-768-7530 6:30-7pm Paint Mare APHA 6 Yr Old Black/Over in Foal Yr 2000. Experienced Rider .eave 717-391-8202. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZj Pheasant Lane Farm: We jj FEBRUARY 2, 2000 M buy and sell mini horses. H JL 9AM m Call 717-484-2612. M SPECIAL M &»:ure S gHf M ”“ S * LE g bia. $BO/Mo. 717-684-8753. M “ 250 head ti __ A .. —■ u at Mel's Stable, TEAM of 6 8. 7 year old H Wallace Rd M black Percheron geldings, m m " , ."Titnrt ra M Won cart or team at all J Ns* Ho landPA „ six fairs shown in 1999. M.. I -0 ®* 1 , ® rn ?, bro I l‘ e m Erin C. Lundy m Mu,es Colts, Yearlings, 315-493-1051 M , 2 year olds M (2) Good Standardbred M S h 'PPed fnules from horses 5-6 Year Old Trot- M „ H ter. Traffic Safe/Sound. h Mel Hoover, Allot. Amos Belter 173 Loop rd H 717-354-6431 M Quarryvllle. PA 17566. Jonas S. King g Fancy Reg. Haflinger 717-786-7990 M gelding. Reg. Haflinger filly. 814/445-6358. K MULES FOR SALE 2 Loads Just Arrived SU 16 17H Blonde Sorrels Lois ot these in lies broke on Amish farm *! Pr 7&8 >r old lead team *Spr 1 yr olds broke broke the best * S pr 2 > r olds unbroke * 1 Pr4&.S)r old broke * S pr 1 > r olds kj Ivan K. Stoltzfus vi 199 Shirktown Road. Narvon, PA 17555 4k 717/445-5956 Ask for Ivan • Very Low Maintenance Costs Under normal use the only maintenance costs will be tightening or replacing the tire or rubber. No expensive parts to replace • High Performance Regardless of the Elements Wheels stay tight even in hot, dry conditions - No more loose rattling spokes - ever' • Rugged Heavy Duty Design It takes a major accident or impact to break or twist these wheels • Hard Durable Surface Resists scuffs and scratches, paint job stays shinier • Easier Cleaning Spokes have alfrounded corners, no tight spots for dirt to get into • Lightweight A fiberglass spring weighs 22 lbs. less than a steel spring. 44 lbs. less weight on the carnage. • Durable One Piece Design No bolts to give out or wear. • Better Performance on Heavy Loads The more weight, the better the ride, will not go flat and bottom out. • Better Paint Adhesion Easier cleaning - no rust stains running out between the plys. Paint will not blister or peel off. • Stabilizer Kits - Now Available For a smoother ride and less bounce (2) outstanding Stan dardbred carriage horses, traffic safe 8< sound, in the lines. 717-656-9596. C7i7? Authorized dealer for MONARCH, MORITZ, AND PA. INTERNATIONAL Horse, livestock, utility, fietbed.eflylpmy’J trailers Full-line of horse hitches Order now for Spring ★ Singles up to six ★ Yokes ★★★ ★ ★ David P. Fisher 506 Paradise Lane Paradise, PA 17562 717-687-9510 leave message lessoge Lancaater Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000-019 $ J \ K€VSTON€ R€G. HRLFINGCR GRRD€ & DRAFT PONV SRL€ In conjunction with PA Draft Horse Sale Februory 16, 2000 -6 pm Sale previews 6 pm on 2/15/00 Horrisburg Form Show Complexes 9 grades and 22 reg. geldings, 10 reg. stallions & 46 reg. mares If you would like to have a catalog contact: Alvin Boiler 717-768-3106 Solomon Zook 610-273-7540 ; MEL S STABLE g WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE HORSES HITCHED AT 8 30 A M SHARP SALE HELD AT 834 WALLACE RD, NEW HOLLAND, FA DIRECTIONS FROM RT 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE , GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD TURN LEFT ON HILL RD PROCEED 1 2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT FROM RT 340 EAST OF INTERCOUFtSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD, 2 5 MILES TO HILL RD, RIGHT ON HILL RD TO SALE ON LEFT MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME - 717-354-8397 BARN - 717-354-6431 AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISES