DIO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 SILO REPAIR WORK • Fill Pipe • Distributors • Chutes • Roof • New doors for all types of silos Shotcrete For Strength Also Restore Old Stone Retaining Walls and Barn Walls with Shotcrete CROWN SILOS 1 BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES Alternative TARP Build ings Give You a Lower Cost, Practical Way to In crease or Replace Build ing Space. For All Types of Livestock & Poultry Housing, Calf Barns, Dairy Barns. Feed & Farm Equipment Storage, Manure Pits, Manure Yards, Bunk Silo's Etc., Excellent Warehousing, Temporary Service Areas on Construction Sites. J.E. WEAVER 570-672-2213/888-672-2213 Used Standing Seam Tin 40' Sheets, SlO/Ea. 717-867-4896 24" Wood Planner w/2cyl Wisconsin motor, 22hp, SIOOO/both. 717-938-6305 Treated, good used poles, five, price per foot 20' and up. Length for 60'x100' length building. 814-445-4230 1870's MONT. CO., PA. Historic Grist Mill. All Post 8< Beam 28'x48' 3-Story. Professionally Disman tled, Tagged & Docu mented. Ready to Rebuild on your Site. Mill Work ings & Original Red Clap Board w/Advertising In cluded. Mint Cond. $28,000 Other Buildings Avail. 215-721-1383 72 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 717-687-801- Steel Special! All I-beams 8. plate 13C/lb for 2 weeks only. 717/464-2354, 717/393-2992. Radiators, Victorian, cast iron, match set, 14 vari ous sizes. Claw foot tubs $75/each. 717/464-2354, 717/393-2992. Mobile hand crafted log cabin, 12'x32', bedroom, bath, kitchenette, great for hunting cabin, guest house. Must be moved. Valued at $27,600, offered for sale $lB,OOO. 610-347-0941 Bam (approx. 30x150) 8< board fencing to be re moved In exchange for materials. Fee neg. Jar rettsvie, MD. 410/666-5449. Rocky Rlcfge Pole Barns, Horse Barns, Dairy. Masonry and Concrete. < Agriculture and Residential. Benuel K. Lapp Coatesville, PA 383*5047 Wanted: Old barns, houses, log houses, out buildings. Will dismantle & remove. 215/766-0564. BARN FOR SALE 40x70' pegged post & beam barn, very good cond. Tear it down for lumber & beams or take It down and re-erect somewhere else. $20,000/obo 570-943-2516. Weather and emergency related repairs of barns, houses, garages. Call Woodford Bros., Inc. for straightening, leveling, foundation repairs. 1 - 800 - 6 5 3 -2276. www.dreamscape.com/ woodford Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized. 3' 900/ft; 3Vi' $1 /ft; 4’ $1.20/ft; 5' $1.50/ft; 6' $1.60/ft; T $l.BO/ft; 8' $2.00/ft. Vinyl coated also available. 717-822-7820 7-Bam or after spm, leave message. FLOORING, Ash $1.95/Sq Ft. % X 4-7" W. T & G, Mill Run, #1 or Better $2.95/ Sq Ft, Long Lengths, An tique Pine, Oak Floors, 10-16" W. Timbers, Beams, Country Furni ture. 888-560-8020. Half-round barn beans & old attic flooring. Lancas ter Co, 717-626-4520. Plywood, some light stains, Luwan, 4xB sheets: - 1/8", $4, 3/16" $5. Call for skid lot prices. 717-354-3105. White Cedar Log home. Build yourself! Call for log prices. 717-354-3105. Antique old growth wood flooring meticulously hand crafted custom mill ed, kiln dried on premises, hewn beams, siding, wide boards and more. For current stock and prices 610-760-9533. CECO...KIRBY...COR LE...SteeI buildings and components. Commerce, Industry, Ag. supply or supply erect. Standard or custom. Complete or ad dition. Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd., Coatesvllle, PA 19320. 610-942-2591, 1-800-942-2591, Voice mail or Fax. Wanted for salvage old factories & warehouses. Buying yellow pine sal vage timbers 717-382-9935. Antique plank flooring, hand hewn beams, full line of distinctive restora tion materials and serv ices. Timber frames, stable barn repairs. Full design construction serv ices. 888-261-4284. PAYING UP TO $2.50/ sq.ft, for wide walk smooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak siding 1" & thicker. 800-765-3966. B Grade glassboard & fastening accessories. Glenn Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA 717-539-8993. Antique building materi als, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors etc. 717-249-2304. WANT: Old bams and mushroom houses to dis mantle .for building ma terial. 610-367-8193. Antique heart-pine re sawn flooring-kiln dried, TB£, custom widths 8, lengths, wide boards available. Also resawn antique oak & chestnut flooring & salvaged origi nal pine flooring. 570-374-7122, fax 570-374-2368. Steel pipe 2", quantity limited; Fire escape 3-story. 717/464-2354, 717/393-2992. Antique metal lathe, Fair banks restored, 4' bed, 2 chucks, 3 8. 6 jaw, belt driven, $650. Joiner/ planner, 4W cut, 32" table, like new, $2OO. 717-566-3472 I SMUCKER CONSTRUCTION | | AGRICULTURAL - RESIDENTIAL ? % SPECIALIZING IN POLE BUILDINGS | i DAN SMUCKER | X 135 CHURCHTOWN ROAD 717-768-8606 ? NARVON, P/U7!^ • Old Bant ’Restoration * New Barn Building • Roofing and Siding • Morse Barns • Garages * Run-in Sheds • Backyard Stables » Utility Shed Free Information and Free Estimates GROFFDALE BARNS Leave a Message at 717-687-8350 WE WILL TRAVEL OUT OF STATE! Mailing Address Moses Riehl 745 Strasburg Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579 r* Introducing our new predab and modular barns [I from Ito 10 stalls Stalling at SlO5O Koser Building Materials FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS LOCATED NORTH OF ELIZABETHTOWN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 TO 6; SAT 8 TO 3 • Kitchen Cabinets • Plywood & Waferboard • Asphalt Roofing Shingles • T-l-11 Siding • GP Insolation • Railroad Ties • Shutters • Replacement Windows • Vinyl Siding Nice boards & beams from 120 year old barn. I"xl2"x various lengths, plus many size logs. Also avail, slate. 717-362-4265 WANTED; Oak hand hewn beam, 8"x8", 8"xl2", 12"xl2". Will buy chestnut logs, chestnut 2"x8", 3”x9" etc. Also, will buy wide attic flooring, salvage to loghouses. 717-334-0249 See our complete line of drop ceiling materials >7-0283 ★ ALLWOOD STRUCTURES * By DurmbUt POLE BUILDINGS^ STANDARD BUILDINGS LOFT BUILDINGS 24x32x8 $4,800 24x32x8 $9,550 24x40x8 $6,000 24x40x8 $ll,lOO 30x40x8 $7,500 30x40x8 $13,800 32x64x10 $ll,BOO 32x64x8 $19,100 40x80x12 $17,300 C ERECTED PRICES (Includw slitter and ssrvics door) We specialize in: Horse Barns, Riding Arenas, Garages, Machine Sheds or I Custom Built To Your Specifications | 1-800-247-0241 Now Hiring Ctoltflod Crow. C«iwnU« * Hotpf Writ our Wobolto • www AlhwoodSbucturoo com Umkimim *<»&«> M»i«rtot» for s«t« Fully Inaurod 1 Fulton Vbw Road 1:800-529-1118 Quarryvilb, PA 17566 717-529-2629 POLE BUILDINGS "kohler & Kohler inc.” WE SPECIALIZE IN POLE CONSTRUCTION ‘lmii We're Building Our Business On Customer Satisfaction And Quality Construction. We Are Prepared To Meet Vbur Building Needs At Saving Prices Please Call For Your Free Estimates 717-252-2874 Metal Roofing and Siding No Warranty galv galv galv galv galv ’ beige ’ white ’ black ’ tan MARTIN S ROOFING 258 Walnut Bottom Rd. Rt g 1 Shippensburg, PA 17257 Ex ' jt 10 (717) 532-3460 It stone red . dk brown dull galv green dk gray blue It gray brown pnmed green rainbow red red red white white white
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