LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.)-Penn State Cooperative Extension invites you to attend the annual Lancaster Cattle Feeder’s Day Tuesday, Feb 1, an opportunity to obtain current information related to econom ics, nutrition, new feedlot pro grams, and meat industry issues. The informative program begins at 9:30 a.m. with insight on remaining competitive as a Pennsylvania cattle feeder. Lunch this year will feature the MAXIMIZE PRODUCTION! Cultivate your Row Crops With l&J. Maintain crops with our 3 or 5 'k tine cultivators. <N : ,\; ' *• The horse drawn cultivator is ideal for efficient weed control. Add our roller & prepare beds easily! Steers with feet. Horse drawn cultivators, I to 4 rows. Numerous options available. Call Us About All Of Our Farming implements. I&J Manufacturing 5302 Amish Road • Gap, PA 17527 • 717/442-9451 You’re Invited To Our OPEN HOUSE ELIZABETHTOWN! Jan. 24 thru Jan. 29 OPEN MON., TUBS. 7:30-5:00; WED. THRU FRI. 7:30-9:00; SAT. 7:30-2:00 SPECIAL Topjaciculive Jim Patton From New Holland to speairDn The Case/New Holland Merger And How It Effects You! THURSDAY, JAN. 27 -10:30 AM 4 J CHECK LAST WEEK’S PAPER MESSICK’S INSERT FOR COMPLETE DETAILS & SPECIALS isFelizabethtown om^p—^ Bring Your Sprayer Tips In & Have Tested For Accuracy -c — REMEMBER! AT LEASt 10% DISCOUNT ON PARTS!! PAID!! PtUS FREE GIFT WITH $2OO PURCHASE WE WILL SHIP OPEN HOUSE ORDERS ADD UP YOUR SAVINGS WITH A CASEIN POCKET OAfcCUiATOR FRifWHEN SCHEOUUNG SERVICE WORK OVER $5OO DURING THE MONTH OR JANUARY MESSICK'S SERVING TWO LOCATIONS MM p *?***• Rh %TA^% 263 717-367-1319 K 9 717-259-6617 717-653-8867 "ewhollai© Lancaster Announces Cattle Feeder’s Day Certified Angus Beef. Following is the day’s agenda: •8:30 a.m. Visit Agribusiness Exhibits. Coffee and donuts compliments of Keystone Farm Credit, ACA. •9:30 a.m. “Remaining Competitive as a Pennsylvania Cattle Feeder” ... Dr. Harold Harpster, Penn State University & Jim Hogue, Agri-Basics, Inc. Ruminant nutritionists Harpster and Hogue examine and compare advantages and disadvantages of feeding cattle in the east ver yiM'imy 'jt "m-c - .* IiMMU. „V : m Mina J Cultivators from 1-6 rows for small or large tractors. sus our western counterparts. • 10:15 a.m. “Discussion of the Certified Angus Beef Feedlot Licensing Program” . . . Bryce Schumann, Assistant Director of Feeder/Packer Relations, Certified Angus Beef Program. The American Angus Association’s Certified Angus Beef Feedlot Licensing Program offers a linkage to the meat pro cessing business that helps pro ducers improve beef quality and get paid for their efforts. • 11:00 a.m. “Beef Council Update and Outlook” Lancaster Farming Check Out Our Web Site HOOBER'S SPRING BARGAIN DAYS ARE COMING JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 4 SEE OUR INSERT IN THE. JANUARY 29TH EDITION OF UNCASTER FARMING FOR ALL THE DETAILS ■■AAiirn ■ H HREE LOCATIONS INTERCOURSE, M MIDDLETOWN, DE McAUSTERVILLE, PA 800 7324W17 800 341-4028 800 4330679 . . . Paul Slayton, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Beef Council •11:15 a.m. “Blueprint for Success for Feeding Cattle in Pennsylvania” ... Announcement of a new pro gram for cattle feeders •11:25 a.m. “Meat Case of the Future” . . . Carrie Bomgardner, Promotions Director, Pennsylvania Beef Council Recent changes at the Pa. Beef Council present an opportunity to hear from the new executive director about new opportuni ties. •12:00 noon LUNCH “Certified Angus Beef” Co-spon sored by the American Angus Association, The Pa. Beef Cpuncil, and First Union National Bank (Tickets at $5.00 available until 11:30 a.m.) •1:00 p.m. “Meat Industry Issues Affecting Pa. Cattle Feeders” . . . Graeme Goodsir, President, Graeme Goodsir Associates, Inc. A!s an international consultant to the livestock and meat indus- lancMtef Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000-03 try, Graeme Goodsir will high light top issues affecting cattle feeders, including food safety, customer satisfaction, interna tional meat trade, and govern ment regulations. •1:40 p.m. “Nutrition Management for Incoming Cattle” ... Dr. John Comerford, Penn State Extension Beef Specialist Penn State’s Extension Beef Specialist outlines nutritional procedures to effectively start youngstock on a feedlot diet. •2:10 p.m. “The Millennium Cattle Feeding Forecast” . . . H. Louis Moore, Penn State Extension Ag Economist. The ever-popular Lou Moore projects cattle feeding profits for the new millennium. •3:10 p.m. Adjourn Anyone interested in the cat tle industry is invited to attend. No reservations are necessary. Lunch tickets may be purchased at the door until 11:30 a.m. In addition to the formal program there will be an opportunity to inspect commercial exhibits and visit other cattlemen. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. with exhibit visitation and the pro gram starts promptly at 9:30 a.m. The meeting conducted by the Penn State Cooperative Extension concludes at 3:10 p.m. Cooperative Extension Gets New Department LEESPORT (Berks Co.)- Richard S. Kauffman has been appointed county extension director for the Berks County office of the Penn State Cooperative Extension. Kauffman has been a county extension agent in the Berks County office since 1978. During that time, he has been a 4-H youth development agent, serv ing as the 4-H program coordi nator since 1982. During his tenure, the 4-H program has grown from serving 1,300 youth per year to almost 6,000 in 1999 Kauffman is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the Berks exten sion office as well as continue to provide programming in the 4-H youth development area. Kauffman earned a bachelor of science degree in health, physical education, and recre ation from Lock Haven State University and his masters of education in instructional sys tems, training and development, from Penn State University- Great Valley Campus. In 1989, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of 4-H Agents. He has also served twice as president of the Pennsylvania Association of Extension 4-H Agents. Kauffman resides with his wife Mary Jean and children James and Katie in Laureldale. He has been actively involved in coaching baseball, softball, bas ketball, and soccer in the Muhlenberg Community. In addition, Kauffman enjoys hunt- Head
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