Saving $B.OO a gallon ($2.00/acre) on Roundup Ultra may look like a good deal in January... but will it in October? Don't sacrifice what's most important to your bottom line - yield performance! Leader Pioneer, brand soybeans with the Roundup Ready 1 gene outyielded competitive varieties with the Roundup Ready gene by $10.50 an acre." 2 BUSHELS PER ACRE ADVANTAGE- That's on average how much additional yield key Pioneer brand.varieties with the Roundup Ready 1 gene delivered over competitive varieties with the Roundup Ready 1 gene... $10.50 more income from every acre! Of course, many Pioneer customers netted even more than this amount last harvest! Good farming is about managing risk. Decisions based on tried and true yield results will deliver more value to your farming operation over the long term. Good farming is about planning for the future. What may seem like a good deal now may not be at harvest. Good farming is about making the right choices. As a soybean grower, you're paid for yield. Pioneer invests in developing the highest yielding soybean varieties in the industry - providing real value and most profit most often to customers. SeeyourP.oneersalesprofess.onalforinformat.onon high-yielding Pioneer, brand soybeans and other chase, which are part o( the labeling and purchase documents Pioneer is a brand Pioneer brand products that can add more bottom namenumbersidentify V ar,et,esandproducts.»SMTMTrademarksandserv,ce r marlivegisteredorappliedlorotPioneerHißredlnternationallnc line power tO yOUr farming operation. DesWoines.lowa.USA ®2OOO Pioneer Hi Bred International,lnc ‘Assumes qualifying purchase of at least 61 units of competitive products with Roundup Ready gene and/or Yield Gard 1 gene and 751 competitive units of beans with the Roundup Ready gene with Monsanto* discount program "Based on a market price of $5 25 per bushel from 1999 weigh wagon comparisons across North America 9L Pioneer* brand soybean varieties TCy with the Roundup Ready 1 gene. 1 Registered trademark of Monsanto Company The right options. The right stuff. More total value from Pioneer! /gg\ PIONEER. A J BRAND PRODUCTS
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