84-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000 Ayrshire Princess ors in both the junior and state raise our calves, most of our cows Ayrshire breed shows. Because of are pretty tame by the time they her ribbon-presentations responsi- come in the milking string, bilities at Louisville, Susan asked “But Ayrshires can have an ‘at a friend to handle showing EUie in titude’ all their own,” she adds of the open classes. The heifer placed her favorite cattle, noting one par third in the junior show and sec- ticular cow in their herd that is ond in national open class compe- tame and friendly one day, but can tition. be difficult and standoffish the “I’m not sure why I was origin- next ally so drawn to Ayrshires, but I Luckily for this young dairy was,” Susan reflects. “Because we woman, her cows have given her Susan Richardson’s Ayrshire, 3-year-old Wentworth- Farm Heldi-Ho, has won numerous junior show honors. Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Your Heating Costs With Our Outdoor Furnace • Standard Model Burns Wood, Coal or Wood by-products • Multi-Fuel Model Burns Wood, Coal, Oil or Gas Adapts to any existing heat system Installation & Accessories Available Designed For Durability Finished with baked on TGIC Polyester Powder Coating Superior to Epoxy! • Protection from rust • Chip resistant & corrosion • Smooth finish stays • Resists acid & chemicals cleaner Wide Front Loop Stalls I Versatile design offers greater cow comfort. Generous lunge space for head & neck between top & bottom of loop Loop Stall Construction Features Heavy Duty Construction with 2 steel tubing with 12 gauge (.108) wall Spray qfc transfer method used on welds j&mr Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process! 1 Five step metal preparation including iron phosphate conversion coating to enhance adhesion i prevent undercoat corrosion 2 Zinc rich epoxy powder undercoat Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 *71 7/738-7365 1 mile West of Ephrata Hours: Call or write for additional information Mon.-Fn.; 7-5 and the name of your nearest dealer Sat.: 7-11, (Continued from Pag* B 2) 3 TGIC polyester powder top coat baked at 400° to fuse coats forming a cross link molecular bond four heifers out of five births, helping to rapidly increase the size of her own growing herd of nine Ayrshires and six Holsteins. With the most demanding part of her national princess responsi bilities now fulfilled, Susan can focus on the Farm Show and on her extensive school and home ac tivities. In addition to helping regularly with milking, Susan studies and selects many of the sires used in the family’s herd. She hopes to take the A.I. training course sometime in the future, so Meat Goat Home Study Course BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) - Penn State Cooperative Extension in Bedford and Fulton counties will be holding a Meat Goat Home Study Course, begin ning m January, 2000. The pur pose of the course is to teach producers about meat goat pro duction The course is conducted through the mail with weekly lessons which begin on January 19. The lesson topics include basic production information, nutrition, health, reproduction, marketing, and financial issues. Each lesson has information about the topic and a worksheet Sian Your Own Mlion Of Ontsiandlno Performance. AGC Here's a sleek-looking 85 PTO hp tractor with a rich tradition of reliability and innovation behind it. The AGCO Allis 8765 traces its origins to the legendary Allis Chalmers, a name that goes back nearly 100 years. Combine our enviable history with sophisticated design and technology, and you’ll find plenty of reasons to count on the 8765 for many years to come. • AGCO Allis 400 series 4-cylmder • A choice of 2 WD or AWD with a front wheel steering tu r bocharged, liquid-cooled diesel engine angle as tight as 55° on AWD models • Standard 12x4 synchro transmission or • Independent PTO with 540 and 1000 rpm capability optional 12x12 shuttle • Open-center hydraulic system • Foldable 2-posf POPS platform or roomy • Electronic 3-pomf hitch with Automatic Transport climate-controlled cab Control Come in for a test drive, details on our unbeatable 4-year, 4,000-hour warranty and a closer look at the AGCO Allis 8765. That’s your key to history-making performance. SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY! MANOR MOTORS On Rte. 553 Penn Run, Pa. 724-254-4753 B.H.M. FARM HERNLEY’S FARM EQUIP. INC. EQUIP., INC. Annville, Pa. Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-867-2211 717-367-8867 that she can do the breeding of the Fawn Valley cattle. Susan is president of the Ken nard-Dak FFA chapter and carries an extensive portfolio of projects, including dairy, market swine, market sheep, beef breeding and eggs, as well as ag and related business courses. She has also be come a very proficient junior dairy judge, participating in both team and individual judging, and hopes to further hone her skills at the collegiate level. Potential col leges on her list for consideration for producers to complete and meeting.” Producers can study mail back to the Extension the lessons at their leisure in Office for comments. Producers their own home. can also submit any question „ „ wnn „ aTI . . i j, iji-i j For more information you can which they would like answered. , . ~ p ._ n Melanie Barkley, Bedford Extension Office in County extension agent, said f d Count at (814) 623- The course is a great way for or in Fu y lton County at producers to learn new informa- } 485 . 4111 . Cost for the tion without having to rearrange v •