Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 08, 2000, Image 73

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    Page 28—Farm Show Section 1, Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 8, 2000
258 Keystone
FFA’s 72nd Year
(Continued from Page 27)
Earl, plans to receive a degree as a licensed
nurse. She works as a nursing assistant <. id
anticipates attending a two-year nursing
school. After being certified, she noted,
she hopes to get married.
Jenclle has served as second vice presi
dent of chapter operations. In addition, she
has served on several committees, includ
ing SAE, leadership cooperation, and sup
port group.
She completed various projects, includ
ing beef growing, home garden, work
experience at Zerbe Sister's Nursing (as a
dietary aide), and at Fairmont Homes (as a
nursing assistant). She received a beef pro
duction proficiency honor and the Green
hand, chapter, and Red Rose degrees.
Kyle Miller
Four-year Headwaters FFA member
Kyle Miller noted his enjoyment at being
part of a national organization, “because of
the sense of belonging to a group,” he
Kyle, 17, Harrison Valley, is the son of
Rodney Miller and Melissa Lehman. Kyle
plans to attend college fra 1 computer sci
ence and engineering.
Kyle has served as chapter chaplain and
vice president He has served on the prog
ram of work, safety, donkey basketball,
and flower bulb committees.
In addition, Kyle has completed on
farm work projects and received a variety
of awards, including the Star Greenhand in
Ag Business, work proficiency, and state
creed speaking. He received his Green
hand and chapter degrees.
Shawn Douglas Miller
Employed at Ridge Point Daily Farm
and who is a senior at Juniata Mifflin Vo-
Tech School, Shawn Douglas Miller is Big
Valley FFA president.
Shawn is the son of Jody and Doug Mill
er, McVeytown. He completed an SAE
project in swine finishing, hi addition,
Shawn has received awards at the local and
state level for tractor driving and record
Shawn wants to work for the Pennsylva
nia Game Commission as a conservation
officer after he is graduated from college.
He has eamd his Greenhand and chapter
John Milliard
John Milliard, four
tyear Coudersport FFA
member, enjoys the ex
perience and “leader
ship skills” evident in
John, 17, son of
Ann and Don Milliard,
! Coudersport, plans to
attend Penn State for
environmental science.
John has been student adviser from
1997-1999. In addidon, he has served on
the fruit sales, banquet, and bird seed sales
committees. He completed landscaping
turf management projects and with Wend
ing Creek Farms. He received a Star
Greenhand in Agribusiness and Star Chap
ter Agribusiness honors and the Green
hand and chapter degrees.
Aaron Morin
Four-year Twin
Valley FFA member
Aaron Morin enjoys
the “competition in
environmental areas,”
he wrote, that FFA
has to offer.
Aaron, 18, son of
Gregory and Lorraine
Morin, Honey Brook,
plans a career in
computer programming.
Aaron has completed work experience
projects. In addition, he has served on the
following committees: Tel-Hai pet ther
pay, third grade tour. Food For America,
Farm Show, banquet, citrus sales, and
others. He received a third place award in
the regional forestry contest and was on an
Eastern States Exposition trip to Spring
field, Mass, for a forestry CDE.
Craig Moshier
“What I enjoy most about FFA is the
wide variety of experiences that the FFA
offers to its members,” wrote Craig
Moshier, four-year Spud Growers FFA
member. “I also enjoy working with others
and the opportunity to help other people.”
Craig, 17, son of John and JoAnn
Moshier, Coudersport, plans to attend a
four-year college to major in secondary
Craig has served on various committees,
including program of activities and FFA
banquet. He completed projects in occupa
tional experience and strawberry produc
tion and recieved a Star Chapter Farmer
award and Star Greenhand honor.
He also received the Greenhand and
chapter degrees.
Matthew Moyer
- FFA is enjoyable
for the “activities we
| do,” noted four-year
.jr Northern Lebanon
FFA member Matthew
Moyer. “It's fun going
to the Farm Show and
Ounloading fruit for the
if fundraiser.”
V Matthew, 17, son of
Ken and Kim Moyer,
Jonestown, plans to attend a technical
school for diesel mechanics.
Matthew has served as chapter assistant
sentinel. In addition, he has served on the
safety committee.
Matthew completed projects in market
hogs, sweet com, and rabbit production.
He received a specialty crop honor and a
first place gold award for sweet com.
He received his Greenhand and chapter
Brian Mull
Brian Mull, four-year Solanco FFA
member, noted he enjoys “learning about
agriculture and being involved in various
FFA activities,” he wrote. “This will help
prepare me for the future.”
Brian, 18, son of Scott and Sheila Mull,
plans to become a dairy fanner.
Brian has served as chapter sentinel and
vice president and is president. In addition,
he has served on the environmental and
leadership committees.
Brian has completed several projects,
including dairy herd, swine finishing,
tobacco, and sheep finishing. He won a
first place award in the state as a member
of the dairy cattle judging team and a first
as a member of the All-American dairy
judging team. He also received his Green
hand, chapter, and Red Rose degrees.
Laura Nafzigcr
■Hbhhh “It's hard to find a
better way to learn
(leadership skills) than
V#< -ip by hands-on projects
'< with friends,” some-
IPHL r thing the FFA offers,
noted four-year Hans
Ikte Herr member Laura
of Jim and Sarah
Nafziger, Parkesburg, has production hor
ticulture as part of her plans.
Laura has served as second secretary
and secretary. In addition, Laura has
served on various committees, including
public relations as chair, environment and
economy, and as chair of the recruitment
Laura completed SAE project books
Degree Recipients Mark
With ‘Signature Of Success’
from 1996-1999, received a bronze award
in the county in 1996 and a gold in the state
in 1998. She also received a second place
for competition in the state dairy foods
contest and third at nationals.
Laura received the Grecnhand, chapter,
and Red Rose degrees.
Adam Nissley
Why FFA?
we get and all
different activities
kJisN noted four-year Manor
FFA member Adam
BDavc and Lucy
' - * Nissley, Lancaster,
plans to “pursue a job in agriculture.”
Adam has served as chapter sentinel and
treasurer. He is chapter president
Adam has served on the fruit sale com
mittee. In addition, he has completed work
experience, fair hogs, and sweet com pro
jects. He received a leadership award and a
record keeping honor. He also received the
Star Greenhand, Star draper. Red Rose,
and is honored with the Keystone Eastern
Region Star Agribusiness.
Jason Nissley
Jason Nissley, 17,
son of Melvin and
Marilyn Nissley,
Middletown, enjoys
the “competitions and
contests of the FFA,”
he wrote. “I particular
ly liked the ag
mechanics contest,
which has taught me
many skills that I use
now and will use in the future.”
Jason plans to do some voluntary ser
vice work and then begin a woodworking
The four-year Hans Herr ERA member
has served on the environmental commit
tee. In addition, he completed project
experience as a dairy employee, on poul
try, and on a crop farm. He won first place
at states in ag mechanics and a gold at the
national ag mechanics contest
In addition, Jason received his Green
hand, chapter, and Red Rose degrees.
Audrey A. Nissly
According to
Audrey A. Nissly, “I
enjoy being in FFA
because it teaches me
the leadership skills I
can use in everyday
life," she wrote. “I
also enjoy serving the
school, chapter, and
community through
Audrey, 18, daughter of Michael and
Nancy Nissly, Washington Boro, plans to
attend college and major in dairy science.
“Following college,” she wrote, “I may
return to the family dairy to help in the
Audrey has served as parliamentarian
and secretary. She is vice president of the
Manor FFA chapter.
Audrey has served on the banquet, FFA
scrapbook, and FFA yearbook commit
tees. She has completed projects in beef
production, work experience, and capons.
She received a leadership award, beef
proficiency, youth encouragement, and
public speaking honors, in addition to the
Greenhand, chapter, and Red Rose
Jason Oakes
“Most of the things wc do (in FFA) are
hands-on,” noted four-year Albion FFA
member Jason Oakes.
Jason, 18, son of Byron and Susan
Oakes, West Springfield, plans to attend
technical school.
Jason has served on the Grcenhand com-
mittce. In addition, he completed employ
ment and home improvement projects.
Jason received his Greenhand and chap
ter degrees.
Sandy Opdykc
__ “What I have learned
H most about the FFA,”
B ’ wrote four-year West
m. Snyder FFA member
ML Sandy Opdyke, “is the
B leadership skills I have
■ acquired over the past
W years. It has helped
V me to talk comfort
ably in front of a
* group of people.”
Sandy, 18, daughter of Charles and Ann
Opdyke, McClure, plans to attend Penn
State to major in dairy and animal science.
Sandy has served as chapter assistant
secretary and secretary. She is SUN Area
FFA officer.
Sandy has served as chair of the PALS
commitee and on the citrus. Food For
America, recreation, and Conservation
Day committees. She completed an SAE
project in dairy herd.
Sandy won a blue ribbon in the SUN
Area project book CDE, a bronze at the
state record book CDE, a red ribbon at the
SUN Area dairy judging CDE, and a chap
ter proficiency award. She received her
Grcenhand, chapter, and SUN Area
John M. Paris
Four-year Albion FFA member John M.
Paris enjoys the “different kind of activi
ties we do.”
John, 18, son of Joylene and Tim Paris,
Albion, plans to enroll in college to study
John has served as chapter sentinel and
treasurer and is president, hi addition, he
has served on the bowling, football field,
banquet, FFA Week, and pig roast
John has completed projects in employ
ment, improvement, and production. He
received awards in employment improve
ment production from 1996-1999, in
strawberry picking, beef finishing, pig
roast, and the Star Grcenhand and chapter
Philip W. Petenbrink
“FFA gives me the
opportunity to associate
similar interests and
to compete in am tests
j , where I can improve
skills," wrote
four-year Meyersdale
FFA member Philip
M B W. Petenbrink.
Philip, 17, son of
Wayne and Amy Petenbrink, Garrett,
plans to help his father and grandfather
manage “our family farm, where we milk
220 cows and farm approximately 1,200
Philip has served as chapter historian
and is secretary. In addition, he has served
on the fair booth and calendar ad sales
He has completed dairy projects. Also,
Philip has received a first place in the
county in dairy judging, a first for tractor
driving, and a dairy production award. He
received the Greenhand and chapter
Kristen Pfeifer
Kristen Pfeifer, 17,
daughter of Bernadette
Pfeifer, Deny, enjoys
the learning aspects
and “the different
people that you meet,”
she wrote, “because
FFA teaches you more
about yourself and the
ability to cooperate
with others.”
(turn to Page 29)