Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 08, 2000, Image 31
(ContiniMd from Pag* AID) Extension Computer Lab, York, 10 ajn.-3 p.m., also Jan. Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, thru Jan. 20. Risky Business- Solutions, Finan cial Management Seminar, West York, 9 ajn. Growers Again Disappointed By Low Tobacco Prices NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Co.) It almost sounds like a litany for tobacco growers. But the tobacco auction season began in earnest here Monday, resulting in a high bid of only 76 cents. Howev er, hopes fell quickly. This year's tobacco average price was 67 cents a pound and last year’s tobacco turned up an aver age bid of only 65 cents a pound, noted Dennis Hess, auction mana ger. Pennsylvania Type 41 tobacco netted an average bid of SO cents per pound. There were 150,000 pounds of tobacco on the floor at die start of the sale at the Orion Industrial Park. The auction sold 105,000 Out in vo The Agri-specialists from Farmers First aren’t a bunch of deskbound bankers waiting around for the phone to ring. We get involved with you. Right where you live and work. We lend the money farmers need to keep growing. And, we can help your business in a lot of other ways, too. We talk the talk. And we walk the walk, (wherever that might lead us). In the Bedford/Blair county area* contact Rodney Clapper ffM at ouraffiliace, Fiisc'Anierican National Bank of Pennsylvania, Regional Agronomy Day, Wil mington, Clinton County Fair grounds, Ohio, Expo Center, 8:30 ajn.-3 p.m. Lime and Fertilizer Conference, Penn Stater, University Park, thru Jan. 20. Great Lakes Vegetable Growers Convention, Grand Rapids, Midi., thru Jan. 22. Agribusiness Breakfast, McCon nellsburg American Legion pounds. Local newspapers reported that many farmers were disappointed at the low bids. Many have decided, in the upcoming season, to grow other crops instead. The first auction of the season brought an average bid of 68 cents a pound a few weeks ago. Hess had originally hoped to schedule auctions three days per week. Hess noted, however, there will be no sale until Monday, Jan. 17. He said tobacco will be accepted by appointment only beginning Jan. 13. Call (717) 626-6970orthc warehouse at (717) 355-5336 to set up delivery time. The Agri-specialists FARMERS first mmi A SUSQUEHANNA BANC Post 50i, 8 a.»n.-9 a.m. Eastern Regional Landscape and Nursery Seminar, Delaware Valley College, Doyles town, 8 Risky Business-Solutions, Finan cial Management Seminar, Chambetsburg, 9 a.m. Computer Technology for Agri cultural Producers, Sheraton, Mats. Regional Agronomy Day, Camden Falls Conference Center, Tif fin, Ohio, 8:30 a.m.-3 pan. Regional Agronomy Day, Rich land County Fairgrounds, Man- sfield, Ohio, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 2000 Farm Business Management School, Wizard Catering, Mount Joy, 9 a.m.-4 pjn. PDA’s New Johne’s Disease Prog rams Workshop, Woodbury Township Building, Williams burg, 7:30 pjn.-9:30 p.m. Drought’s Impact On Landscape Trees and Shrubs, National Institute For Environmental Renewal,. Mayflcld, 9 ajn.-3 n.tfi, Penn State Fruit School Irriga- tion, Gettysburg Fire Hall, 8:30 ajn.-4:30 pjn. Risky Business-Solutions, Finan cial Management Seminar, Morgantown, 9 are. tL ' •*j* • 7" Mvmbftr FDIC Pa. State Association of County Fairs/Penn State Showmen’s Association, Hersbey Lodge and Convention Center, Her shey, thru Jan. 22. Snyder County Produce Auction meeting. Port Trcvorton. Passing On The Farm Workshop, Arena Restaurant, Bedford, 9:30 am.-3:30 p.m. Mounting A Successful Reproduc tion Program, Heritage House Senior Center, Btookville. Drought Recovery Financial Series, Holiday bin, Phillips burg, NJ., 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. York County Ag Recognition Ban- I'ridai. .lamiai N 21 Mounting A Successful Reproduc tion Program, Lighthouse Restaurant, Chamberfourg. Farm Financial Health Checkup, Lancaster Farm and Home Center. Franklin County Holstein Associ ation Meeting, LaMasters Community Center, Mercers- Bchrend College, Erie, 8:30 Moiichn. .I:nuuir\ 24 Adams County Com Clinic, York Springs Fire Hall, 8:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m. PDA’s New Johne’s Disease Pre vention, Huntingdon County Extension Office, 1 pjn.-3 p.m. Workshqp On Computerized Farm Recordkeeping, County Lab, York Penn State Extension, 10 '-3 Iso J 26 and Concrete Walls Built to Your Construction Needs Lancaster Poured Walls, Inc. Concrete Construction 2001 Jarvis Road • Lancaster, PA 17601 717-299-3974 Concrete Meter Pump Agricultural • Commercial • Residential Uncaster Farming, Saturday, January 6 2000-A3l Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Growers Convention, Hershey lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, thru Jan. 27. Crops Day, Family Heritage Restaurant, Creamery. Estate Planning, Columbia County Ag Resource Center, Blooms burg, also Feb. 1 and 8. Crop Insurance: Making It Work For You, Schuylkill County Ag County Ag Center, Leesport. Capitol Region Com Production Clinic, York County 4-H Cen ter, 9 ajn.-3:30 pjn. York County Com Clinic, York 4-H Center, Bair, 9 a.m.-2:3u Crop Insurance: Making It Work For You, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Drought Recovery Financial Series, Holiday Inn, Beth- lehem, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Estate Planning, Team Pennsylva nia Career Link, Shamokin, also Feb. 3 and 10. Northeastern Pa. Turf School and Trade Show, Woodlands Inn Cupboard Restaurant, Lewis burg, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Turf and Ornamental Day, Leba non Valley Expo Center, 9:30 Sunda\. .huiu:ii \ 30 4-H Day With the Lady Lions, Bryce Jordan Center, Universi ty Park, 2 p.m.