Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 08, 2000, Image 201
lf~B FERTILIZER ■■ ■■■ FREE KfsS FERTILIZER Horse Manure, You-Haul! U|fl DIAMOND T STABLES 187 N. Wlndv Mansion. ■■■ Reinholds 717-336-4828 A Wm FEED fthl AND SEED 4x4 Sorghum Sudan grass bolage. Delivery avail. Union C0.570/523-1459. Small square bales Ist & 2nd cutting alfalfa. Silo King treated Also wheat straw avail. Delivery avail. Union Co. 570/523-9466. 4X4 Baloge, 7st, 2nd, 4th cuttings, SHo King treat ed. Delivery avail. Union Co. 570/523-9466. HIGH MOISTURE CORN & CORN SILAGE F.M. Browns' Sons Berks Co, 610-582-4591. Round bales of grass hay 4x5 size, $l3O/ton . Con ventional square bales, 5160/ton. Delivered to Lancaster ' area. 423-235-6448. Good quality Timothy hay for sale. 3x3xB' bales, 7501 b ovg, $ll5 delivered In Lancaster area 315/658-4747 evenings. Alfalfa baieage. Centre Co. 150 bales, shredded for easy feeding, forage tested, 24 + % protein, 160+ RFV. 814/422-8111 Top quality alfalta hay, Ist, 2nd, 3rd 8> 4th cutting. Small squares. Also wheat straw. 717/ 626-9287 after spm. Straw $lOO/ton, 3x3x7. Alfalfa balage, 3x3x5 $4O/bale. 610-932-0221 4th cutting Alfalfa silage bales, 1200 b. 717/789-3244. Northwestern Alfalfa for sale, 3x3xB bales, qualify tested, 130 RFV, deliv ered for $l3O/toa Toll free 1-877-hayload Hay for sale, Ist & 2nd cutting. Alfalfa, timothy alfalfa, orchard grass & alfalfa. Columbia Co. 570/458-6234. Nebraska Alfalfa 3x3x7' bales, approx. 800 b. 2nd & 4th cutting. Can be seen at Hanover, PA. 717/632-7864. Nice Timothy, $l5O/ton. Nice Barley straw, $lOO/ ton. 717-284-3178 Rolled Corn silage, straw, hay, 8t balage. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Dairy quality 5x5, Ist & 2nd cut, net wrapped round bales. 4x5 8< 4x4 Clover Silage bales. Ear cora 814-398-2428 Young cut Timothy hay far sale, Ist 8< 2nd cutting, 4x4xB sq. bales, home grown, delivered by trac tor & trailer load. 814-848-9753 Hay For Sale; Alfalfa & Grass Hay, Dairy Quality & Heifer Hay. All Sizes. 1-800-651-8253. Hay for sale, large sqare bales. Alfalfa, good quali ty dairy hay. 724-527-5247 NORTHERN PREMIUM DAIRY ALFALFA 3x3xB large squares covered, tested and quality guar anteed grown on our farm. Randy and Sherri Helser, Ruso.ND 701-626-7641. Dairy Quality Alfalfa, Mid-Sized 8. Small Square Bales Avail 160+ RFV. Call Toll Free 1-888-255-9344. Top quality Indiana 8< Neb. 19%+p & 200% + RFV Alfalfa! Also dry cow hay- 4x4xB bales. Unload ing & delivery included. Grinstead Hay Farms, Sheridan, Indiana, 888-758-4151. Sweet c n (K) with Sulfur PARA-AG 14014 Paradise Ch. Rd. Hagerstown, MD 2174? Info. Phon;: 301-745-1473 or 301-797-3483 • (Fax) 301-797-1718 Min. Analysis 40% Cal. Ox. 1.5% Mg. Ox. 2.5% K 2 O (Potash) 3% SO 2 (Sulfur) 72% CEC Application: Damp Fanners: Direct Field Delivery Dealers Wanted: Handle, Apply and .Stock Pile Conect your P.H. and add 2 valuable nutnents in same product F. 0.8. Hagerstown, MD Call for Pricing PffH LAWN tiSM and _J*ANDEN_ 718 Grasshopper, 48" deck w/catcher, 1995 model, good condition, $5400 080. 717/632-8420. Used Yanmar diesel trac tor, 4WD, good cond. 717-445-4541 Grasshopper 720 w/ mower 8> vac, '9B model, very nice. $6900. 717-445-4541 New Woods F 35 belly mount mower, $l3OO. 717-445-4541 New 2 stage snowthrow er for John Deere 318, only $1450 complete. 717-445-4541 Kubota diesel D9SO, 21hp diesel engine, Reg. $4OOO, only $2500.717-445-4541 Wheel Horse. 417, Hydro, 17HP, w/Snow Blower, $2500; Wheel -Horse 416, Hydro, Like New, 12/Hrs w/Snow Blower, $4200; JD 322 w/50" Mower, $4600.717-545-9120. 5 HP AAA pro rear tine fill er $250 (717)351-0867 6PAA-10PAA. Want to Buy Steiner 3 wheel tractor mfg in early 1980's, any cond, will travel, dealers wel come. 814-364-9333. WANT TO BUY antique & old Gravelys, attach ments, literature. Any condition. 610-942-4901. i||l NURSERY WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY CONTAINER AND FIELD GROWN NURSERY STOCK ★ Perennials ★ Ornamental Grasses ★ Fruit Trees ★ Evergreen & Deciduous Shrubs ★ Shade & Flowering Trees ★ Evergreen Trees: Canadian Hemlock, White Pine, Canaan Fir, Douglas Fir, All Trees Machine Dug, Wire Basket Conservation Grade Trees Available 3SE We accept Visa/Mastercard fIW STOUDT NURSERY RD 2 Box 1324, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972, So Schuylkill Co. 570/739-4650. Fax 570/739-0934 • Modine heaters for greenhouse, shop, warehouse • E-Zy Grower Greenhouses • Tuffline Greenhouse Plastic • Promix Potting Soil • Plastic Mulch Lifters Martin’s Produce Supplies 625 Britton Rd Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 532-5918 200 Mesh 98% Dry 100 Mesh 99% Dry 60 Mesh 99% Dry 20 Mesh 99% Dry Reg. MD, PA WANTED; Single side boom sprauer, preferably A; Penns Creek Welding, Berks Co, 610-944-8371. WANT 16" or 24" used vegetable washer. Leave message,7l7-483-0033. HOME GROWN POTOATOES FOR SALE Amos C. King 1008 Silver Sprl s Rd, Drumore, PA 717-284-4866 Itl NURSERY Lost lease! Must sell 20,000 Codnus Kousa + Amierican dogwood seedlings. Call for very low prices. 609-259-7225 Lost lease! Must sell Car nus Kousa + Florida Dog wood. Send for photo & price list. JR Nursery, 113 Polhemustown RD, Allen town, NJ 08501 Tree Spades. 20" to 60"; Tree Planters, 3" shoe to 24" shoe; Tree Boss, one man tree loading system. TREE EQUIPMENT DE SIGN INC, RDI, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960. 570-386-3515. LANDYSHADE MULCH PROCUCTS 717-898-7689. Mushroom Mulch lOObu. $7O; 300 bu. $100; 500 bu. $125; 900 bu. $175; 1200 bu. $l9B. Mulch delivered FREE within 25 miles of Lancaster. We carry Bark Mulch, Screened Topsoil. Bark mulch and mush room soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also available. Garmon's Coal and Mulch Products. 717-653-9580. GROFF TREE MOVING SERVICE Contract Digging 24" to 84" Ball (B&B) Any Amount - Anywhere Buy/SeU Wholesale Call Don 717-664-4587 Cj Mushroom IS Mulch Hoover Farms Reading, PA 610-926-2908 350 bu *95 700 bu *l3O Apply today to retain moisture for spring planting FREE delivery within SO miles Pickup available ML 'DouglasFir* m Jft • Concolor Fir •JK • Blue Spruce • • White Pine • White Spruce • • Norway Spruce • • Serbian Spruce • Hemlock • ' • Arborvitae • Cut and B&B FINE QUALITY AFFORDABLE PRICE Delivery Available Custom Tree Digging & Planting Available . / zvii CHRISTMAS FARMS P.O. Box 198 New Ringold, PA 17960 (570) 386-2107 FARMS Quality Douglas Fir, White Pine, Blue Spruce OC'ut and B&B Available. Reasonable Prices. Large Tree Transplanting ■also available with Big John 80 inch spade RDI Orwigsburg, PA (717) 943-2137* John (717) 943-2499 • Dave SERVICES OM OFFERED HENRY’S WELDING CO, PORTABLE WELDING Repairs On Farm & Heavy Equipment Repairs Or Manufacturing In Shop 520 Galen Hall Rd. RrinhoHs. PA 17569 17171484-2238 I Cattle Care Services, Inc J PROFESSIONAL HOOF ( TRIMMING i We Trim 40-100 Cows Per Day. [ Call 1-80-359-TRIM J Evenings: ask for Ami (717) 428-0730 ( or Mayer (717) 751-2551 ✓ Cattle Hoof Trimming ' ✓ Total Hoof Care ✓ Hydraulic Tilt Table ✓ All Hand Tools Mark W. Beall (301) 845-4376 NURSERY EVERGREEN SEEDLINGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, fir for Christmas trees & nurs ery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ 08022. or call 609-298-0477. EM SERVICES Ul OFFERED Upright Hoof Trimming $B/cow. Eastern Half PA, Northern NJ. Few cows, whole herds. Sore Feet. Chad Cornell. 717-314-8353. GENERAL HAULING have 1 ton dual wheel pickup. 20' tag-along, 28' goose neck trailer. Will go any where. Bob Gutshall, Wo rn e I s d o r f , PA, 1-800-331-5043 or cell phone 610-223-5476. Hauling w/28 ft. roll back truck. Les Landis Jr. 717-626-0435 Hauling: 25' gooseneck, hay, small tractors & equipment. Cattle hauling also. Local & long dis tance. AAike Haag 610-926-4211 CUSTOM HAULING 20' Gooseneck. Hay, straw, equip, lumber etc. No Sunday Calls. (717)426-4010. General Hauling, Grain Truck. Flat and Cattle T roller. Bryan Foose. 717-786-8886. No |ob too big or too small! Roof painting, roof and siding restoration, gutters. Bam removal. 717-865-9757. Hauling w/28' rollback truck. Lavern Rutt, Mt. Joy, PA, 717-653-4725. DAVE'S ROLL OFF SERVICE IS, 30,40 Vd/Contamers Hauling Scrap Wood Const. Waste/Demohtion Mushroom Composl/Shavmgs 20 Ft. Flatbed DAVID MARTIN (717) 733-3438 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000-D25 MOBILE FEED GRINDING Lanchester Milling Toll tree 888-273-3236 Local 610-273-3220 Call anytime to leave message or after 7pm to speak to Jeff Feister SKID LOADER and BACKHOE SERVICE * Hole drilling * Footers * Trenching FREE ESTIMATES Priced by the job or by the hour Most times less costly than renting. Call J.L. Kuhn at (717)274-0089 Custom Bagging, 6'&B' bags. 717-949-2366, 800-782-1757. We also do calf & sheep skins Prompt Service “Your source for all your dressing needs. Our quality is the difference." THE FUR SHOPPE Over two generations of fur dressing expenencel Call Now 570-378-3186 Lake Winola, PA 18625 jjwwtunkjCon^ CUSTOM Ufl WORK Cedar Ridge Farm Custom Manure Spreading Will Handle Pen-Pack & Poultry Litter With Knight 8030 Spreader, Also For Rent 301*271*4921 1 SOYBEAN BOASTING ON YOUR FARM KBBjjSSSSSBSBBB ’ rras,K * soybeans tor maximum I (ceding value I j * High energy bypass protein and I * Tone enzyme and molds destroyed s•’ 610-473-7118 ¥~T\ Old-world charm, modern conveniences fir. I -31 For harns, stah| es, sheds, garages, homes imtmii 1 1 A ctj We do it all! Restorations, repairs, dismantles, demolition, barn/home conversions, flooring, timber-framing, pole barns, additions We are professional carpenters who do your job right! Serving The Entire Delaware Valley SILAGE HAULING ANU SALES (717)786-1458 Wh POTBAijSAMj > j (l ES if lilF i IS | CATTLE I 8 HOOF § I TRIMMING I | (215) 345-08971 Eiaaiauigiiii.-iuiquiquiLiKiLiauiijE Steve Uhl’s Hoof Trimming Hydraulic Tilt Table Whole Herds | Few Cows Sore Feet Serving PA & Northern MD "Quality Hoot Care is My Goal" Call for Rates 717/665-3064 Rfl CUSTOM jifl WORK Formers, don't take your logs to the sawmill, have the sawmill come to you. AAagni's AAillworks, 717-865-2354. SEED CLEANING • On your farm • Soybeans (No RR soybeans) • Small gram Newcomer Seed Cleaning 1717) 653-4123 Jerome Rhoads CUSTOM CHOPPING RYE HAY CORN/ROLLER MILL »* '-*4 IHJ 1C