Farming, Saturday, January t, 2000 JOHN DEERE 5210 MFWD Tractor, R 4 Tires, 12/12 Reverser Trans., Less SCV, Telescopic Links, Block Heater (one unit only) $22,310 John Deere 4400 MFWD Tractor, Turf Tires, 12/12 Sync. Reverser Trans., DSCV, Mid PTO (1 unit only) $16,090 John Deere 5410 MFWD Tractor, Bar Tires, 12/12 Reverser Trans., DSCV, Telescopic Links (1 unit only) 27,940 Call: Steve at H Suburban Sales 10757 York Road, Cockeysvllle, MD 21030 4lO/785-2277 New Vegetable Seeder Finally . One Planter for All Seed! Surpasses All Others at Thousands Less sss Ideal for Sweet Corn! Two Row With Stainless Steel Fertilizer and Insecticide Hoppers! / / MaterMacc Plants All Size Seed from Raw Lettuce to Lima Beans! Quick Change Row Spacingal Quickly Change Seed Variety! Quick Fertilizer Clean Outsl 1.5 Thimble Seed Charging! One Disc for All Corn and Beans, Only 12 Discs For All Seed! <s> & G° <?® cp' O® C? Model 8100 With Fixed Toolbar With With Fertilizer With With Fertilizer & Insecticide Planter Fertilizer Insecticide Insecticide & Herbicide 1 Row $3,795 $4,650 $4,435 $4,995 $5,665 2 Row $4,695 $5,850 $5,335 $5,995 $6,665 3 Row $6,295 $7,450 $7,540 $8,220 $8,825 4 Row $7,830 $9,490 $8,730 $10,260 $11,200 5 Row And Up - Call For Prices. Shown At: N.w Jersey WM, January 18-20 Hershey PA VGA, January 25-27 See The Latest In Patented Vacuum Technologyl Only $5,995-® GEHL 865 FORAGE HARVESTER with 2 Row Narrow Head 1000 PTO (150 HP) Low Acreage 4.9% Financing Case ‘B6 14508 Loader Good Condition, Good Undercarriage, 2'/. Cu. Yd $19,900 BACKHOES/FORKLIFTS/SKID STEERS Case 580 E, Cab, 4WD, Ext $18,900 Case 590 SK, Cab, 4WD, Ext., 2,200 Hrs $39,900 Case 590SL, Cab. 4WD, Ext., 3,000 Hrs $41,900 JD 300 D, 4WD, POPS, Ext. 1600 Hrs $24,900 Cat VBOF Forklift, 7000 lb $16,900 Case 586 D Forklift, 6000 lb. Skat Irak 1300 HD, Diesel NH LX565, Like New $15,900 Case 1830 Uniloader, Gas, 34 HP, 60’ 8ucket.. ..54,600 Case 1835 C Uniloader, Diesel, 1700 Hrs <-...59,900 MANURE SPREADERS Gehl 315 Scavenger. MISCELLANEOUS Kidd Bedding Chopper, 3 pt. Hitch IH 46 Vibra Shank. 16' Caldwell 500 Bu. Grain Cart, Like New.. Hutchmaster 12' Offset Disk Harrow Established 1890 CASE 111 '0 1999 CASE CORPORATION CASE Visu us on the Internet at http /Avivvv cosccorp com CHARLES S.SNYDER, NEWHOLLAN) Make Make NH Case JD Ford NH Ford Case Ford Ford Fordson Ford Ford Make Model Ford 274 Ford 274 Clipper 6020 Ford 1520 Ford 1710 Kubota 82150HD Ford 1620 Mitsubishi 180 Ford 1210 Tag# Demo 10835 10833 10825 10806 10735 10220 Tag# 10694 10621 Make Model Description NH 2450 Self Prop, Haybine 14 Foot Head NH 2450 Self Prop. Haybine 14 Foot Head m' FARMALLI4O w/Woods 5’ Mower, Turf Tires $4,795 & New Holland LX 565 Diesel, 40 HP, 1500 Lb Rating, Like New $46£00 $15,500 $15,900 A. L HCftft & BR^b Park Ave., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-3521 RR3, BOX 109 1 MILE EAST OF RT. 309 ON RT. 443 TAMAQUA, PA 18252 PHONE: 570-386-5945 MON. THRU FRi. 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. FAX 570-386-4080 SAT. 8:00 AM TO 12:00 SHIP PARTS UPS DAILY EMAIL WEB SITE- Model Year Hours 6600 1976 4203 3400 1965 N/A 2000 1970 N/A 2840 1977 5304 5000 1970 4655 5610 1990 1465 4630 1993 1049 3010 1962 5677 900 1956 2069 970 1978 4040 N/A N/A Model Year L 8620 1990 885/31 1979 310 1974 3500 1969 655 E 1998 655 C 1992 580 D 1980 655 D 1993 655 D 1994 Super Major 1964 445 A 1989 655 A 1967 COMPACT TRACTORS PTO HP Description 27 eng HPCommercial Mower Rear Discharge 27 eng HPCommercial Mower Side Discharge 20 0 Turn w/60" Deck 13 18 4WD Ag Gear w/Loader & ROPS 1219 24 4 WD Ag Gear w/Loader 2123 18 Diesel 4WD Hydro w/Loader , 762 22 4WD Hydro Turf Tires a 409 16 4WD Hydro Ag Tires w/Fehder Skirt __^___ l 9B6 688 — w/Loader TRACTORS Maxxum 5130, 2WD, ROPS Magnum 8910, 2WD, Cab Magnum 8920,590 Hours, 18.4x42 Radials Farmall 140 w/Woods Mower HAY & FORAGE Case IH 600 Blower Case IH 600 Blower NH 415 Disc Mower New Holland Forage Blowers NH 456 Sickle Bar, Pull Typo Vicon 321 Disc Mower Conditioner, 10' Cut New Idea 5407 Disc Mower, 3 pt. T Cut New Idea 5408 Disc Mower, 3 pt., 8' Cut Gehl 1540 Forage Blower Gehl 940 Forage Box, Roof, Single Axle Gehl 865 Harvester, 2RN GRINDER MIXERS $7,900 $2,500 $1,995 $1,300 $6,295 $1,900 Gehl MXI7O Gehl 100 Grinder Mixer w/Scales. Gehl 65 Grinder Mixer PTO HP Descrii w/Cab 2 Remotes, Weights Front & Back Utility Gas Tractor w/Loader Ind Type Gas Tractor w/Cab & 6’ Snow Plow 2WD Diesel Tractor 6 Cylinder GasTra w/Wide Front End w/BH Loader Tractor w/Loader 4WD Shift on Column 2wd Dual Power SS Trans w/Loader Gas Tri-Cycle Gas Tractor w/2 Row Picker **AS IS” Diesel Power Shift Gas Tractor Wide Front Description Loader Backhoe 13' Diesel Tractor w/Loader Gear TLB 4-Post 2 Lever TL Gas (No 3 pt. or PTO) 4 Post POPS 4WD Cab Ext. Hoe 2 Lever 4WD Cab Ext. Hoe TLB Cab 4WD Ext. Hoe 4WD Cab Ext. Hoe 2 Lever 4WD Cab 15' Ext. Hoe 2 Lever TLB 4WD TL Gear TLB Ext. Hoe Cab. 4 Lever ite. T( Case 586 D Diesel 14’ Mast w/Side Shift, 6000 Lb. Lift, Good Condition $15,900 INC. & NSWHOLLAN) ition $23,000 $49,900 $68,900 ..$4,800 $2,795 $3,695 $8,500 ssoo ..$1,200 ..$4,800 ...$3,700 ...$2,900 ...$1,200 ..$1,300 $12,900 $7,995 .$3,900 ....$995 We Ship Parts U.P.S.
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