A 226391 H 1460 2WD Combine, 1978 C 21934 1982 IH 1420 2WD Combine, * 16020 1984 IH 1440 2WD Combine, * 1726319851 H 1460 2WD, 2528 c 302201 H 1460 2WD Extended Uni 3391 Hours, Standard Rotor, 2200 Hours, 231 x 26 Front, 10 00 xl6 Tires 24 6 x 32 Front, 18 4 x 161 Rear Hours, Tires 30 5L x 32 Front, 18 4 x Auger, Specialty Rotor, G 1 Monitor, Cab Tires 30 5x 32 Front Rear, Standard Rotor, Field Ready Combine 161 Rear, Straw Chopper, Monitor, W /AC, Heat, Drive- 281x26 Steering Chaff Spreader 18 4x161, Rebuilt Trans, New Hydro, Updated Elevator Jackshaft, 4125 Hours I & $14,8001 WP& > «■ -inii»iimllmi«iimmiJl A 2223319781 H 1460 2WD Combine, A 22345 1981IH 1460 4WD Combine. A 21493 19821H1460 2WD Combine, A U100119831H 1480 Combine, A 20240 19841 H 1480 2WD, 3607 3615 Hours, Tires 28L x 26 Front, 3100 Hours, Tires 30 5 x 32 Front, 14 9 4640 Hours, Tires 30 5 x 32 Front, 5127 Hours, Tires 30 5x 32 Front, Hours, Tires 30 5x 32 Front, 18 4 x 161 1100 xl6 Rear, Standard Rotor, x 24 Rear, Standard Rotor, Chopper, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, 18 4x 16 Rear, Specialty Rotor, Rear, Specialty Rotor, Gram Loss Monitor Reid Ready Excellent Mechanical Condition, Hoober Reid Ready Combine Good Sheet Metal, Hoober Uptime Has Uptime Service Has Been Done Been Done %ld 542 ' 800 8159331989 CIH 1640 2WD Combine, A 16903 CIH 1660 2wd Diesel, Dnve 818454 1993 CIH 1666 4WD, 2722 A 215111987 CIH 1680 2WD Combine, A 22724 1989 CIH 1680 2WD Combine 2387 Hours, Tires 28L x 26 Front. Tires 26 5x32, Steenng Tires. 14 9x24, Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, Gram 5300 Hours, Tires 30 5x 32 Front, 18.4 2654 Hours, Tires Steenng 30 5 x 32, 12 4x 16 Rear, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, Standard Rotor, Rock Trap, Gram Loss Loss Monitor, Hoober Uptime Has Been x 161 Rear, Standard Rotor, Grain Loss Drive 14 9 x 24, Specialty Rotor, Rock Monitor, Rock Trap Monitor Extra Concave, AFS Done, Tires Steer 14 9x24, Monitor, Hoober Uptime Has Been Done, Trap, Auto Hdr Cntrl, Gram Loss Monitor Dnve 30 5x32 Ready To Go A 22232 CIH 1688 2wd, Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, GlnvAg Leader, Hoober Uptime Service Has Been Done Reid Tracker, 2 Sp Hydro, Dnve 30 5 x 32, Steenng-14 9-24,2744 Hours 529,800 815394 1987 JD 7720 4WD Titan 11, 2631 Hours, Tires 30 5 x 32 Front, 16 9 x 26 Rear, Diesel, Hydro, Rock Trap Chopper > ■ '■’V . ■ $54,800 A 16367 JD 9500 2wd Combine, 30 5 x B J™®. 19909699 SWD Combine, 32 Drive, 14.9 x 24 Steering, Rock Trap, 3175 Hours, Tires. 30 5 x 32 Front, Chopper, 1992 Hours, Diesel, Hydro, 18 4 x 26 Rear, Chopper AM/FM, Gram Loss Monitor HOW DO HOOBER’S YEAR-END PRICES MATCHUP IN THE USED COMBINE MARKET? A150981H 1460 2WD, Rocktrap, Glm, Auto Incl, Bin Auger, Chopper, Mar West Chaff Spreader, Radio, Drive Tires 30 5x32, Steering Tires 18 4x61, 2277 Hours SOURCE: North American Equipment Dealer’s AseoclaUon (NAEDA) Guides 2000 Official TratMn Guide, Northeast Region, Fal 1999. ADVANCED /tUAOIINERY A IVIfKRVICE : j£~, <*» , $42,800 Combine, Hoober Uptime Has Been Done /J^l A 17482 JD 9500 Sidehill Combine, 1995, 2157 Hours, Tires 30 5 x 32 Front, Excellent Condition WlLfr s. *mw(&**M*mi * A1509819841H 1460 2WD, Combine with 2277 Hours Average Resale Value Adjusted For Hours Is $32,333 Hoober's Year-End Clearance Sale Pnce $26,800 * v** 4m V V^ mrm 11 .. - v r • $69,000 i jMi . 5122,50^ <*» J B 22318 1997 CIH 2188 2wd, 861 b 22320 1996 CIH 2188 4WD Combine, Hours, 30 5 x 32 Front, 14 9 x 24 Rear, 1050 hours Tires 30 5 x 32 Front Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, Field Tracker, 18.4 x 26 Rear,’ Specially Rotor, Rock Trap, 2 Speed Hydro, Chopper, Hoober Uptime yield Monitor, AFS, Chopper, Field Tracker Service Done, Locally Owned Combine A 216490 H 102025' RexlMOO A22326Cmo2o2s'Rex*U,*oo A 21930 OH 1020 25' Rex $lO,BOO A 215711994 OH 1020 25'Re* w/Rekt Trailer, Excellent Head $8,900 815461C1H102017.5' fix $6,800 815589 OH 102017.5' Fh $6OOO 813050 OH 1020 20' Rx $B,BOO 815786 CIH 1020 22.5' Fix $B,BOO 8 16827 CIH 1020 22 5' Rx $9,500 B 17041 CIH 1020 22 5' Rx $9,200 B 17203 CIH 1020 25' Rx $13,800 ' ♦' 4t " ■ V $34,500 A 130111986 CIH 1640 2WD, 3105 Hours, Tires 231 *26 Front, 1100 *l6 Rear, Cab W/AC, Heat, Deluxe Seat, Hoober Uptime Service Has Been Done HURRY! HOOBER’S YEAR END Authorized UPS Station $25,BM^ ■. .. ,„J •l«»2i jo sat a? aismxiiXiwmtm • 15625 JO 920 20'Rx$44» •15296 J 0920 20'fix BMBO • 17484 JO 922 22* Rx SUUJOO 816732 MF 13'Rtf $l5B C 31126 IH 13'Rex SM6O C 306691 H 820 22' Rex $478 C 16370 JO 920 20' Rx $4,500 C 30283 MF 911515' Hex $2,375 C 30848 MF 911515' Rex $2,500 A 130111986 CIH 2WD Combine with 3105 Hours Average Resale Value Adjusted For Hours Is $37,747 Hoober’s Year-End Clearance Sale Pnce $34,500 VISA - $3,500 A U 9639 1977 JD 7700 2WD Combine,! /’ * , 4000 Hours, Tires 23.1 x 26 Front, 1100 xl6 Rear, Rock Trap, Walkers OK ■ 15793 IH 844 4fiW $l3BO C 31025 IH 844 4RW C 31127 IH 844 4RW $1,980 C 30204 IH 863 6RN $5,500 C 21216 IH 944 4RW$2*» C 30160 IH 944 4RW $3,800 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT nusM«utn»«aKPa a. Ww—* mm mi m tTCEMC r*Vli#ITE35 UP WUX ItCIfM All New & Used Products Backed By Hoober Parts & Service VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.hoober.com A 22608 Krause 2416 26'RocWlex Disc, A 2264 $8,900 as is, or $15,000 ( Rebuilt Pass Ti i- i 1 ■■■■ mmm\ jMMMMI [ sl9,9oo^J|^ ~ JHP J m $■ I A 22329 Krause 2416 26 Folding Rockltex Disc, Duals Center & Wings A 21598 Krause 25' RockltejOisc, 9" A22lf Front & Rear Spacing, Scrapers, Ductile Folding Spools, Regreasable Beanngs Win V Wi « ■ ‘' $4,500 B 22548 White 273 25'Rocktlex Disc, 816810 Duals on Center, Singles on Wings, 9" Sf Needs Blades, $4,200 As Is $2,375 - I »' - I 815584 JD 330 30’ Disc, 10' Front & Rear Spacing, Duals " " t- 817155 Krause 4927 A 27'Rockflex C 21615. Disc, 9.51*15 Duals Oust 816855 Krause 4133 31' Cultivator £O, — -e*« *• ' *-• »y i . ; $1,095 C 305331 H 51013 x 7 Ml, Grass Seed Attachment, Fertilizer Box Box, Double Disc Openers A 2027 Rockf 816 Rockfli Center. B 17: A 21449 7000 Acr Early Rls Dry Fei
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