», John Deere A - $2 000 i McCormick Deering 014 $l3 000 i f Ramflo raised bed machine $9OOl 6 Hydraulic operated tree hedger w/8 ft. sickle bar, j ' mounts on forklift j5OO \ 55 Chev. 1.5 ton flatbed truck $1,000« 6 New Idea twin fert Spreader tph $5OO-f K 140,000 btu oil fired hot air furnace $BOO i f Two snow plows $3OO ea. ? D Gehl flail chopper $5OO j \ C S Bell 12 inch hammermill w/7.5 lip motor $1,500 j p Army surplus generator, 50 amp $5OO v 6 6 ft. desk sso^ \ Wisconsin 3 inch centrifugal pump $2OO \ f two insulated alum, truck bodies for storage, 13 ft. f t, and 16 ft $7OO ea. ■? £ WANTED - Fruit tree planter. j f Call Gary at 609/924-2310 J DIMENSI' WMeM(tt».)-tow/trucX Haight - tow - single -tandem - truck with wood rafts with splash guard with lid Width at top (inside/outside) Width outside of tires - tow only Length Inside hopper overall - tow I truck Capacity galsJcu.ft./cu.yds. w/o rails (struck level) with 4* rails (struck level; SEE THE ALL NEW KNIGHT BOX SPREADERS 300 Bushel 1030 & 400 Bushel 1040 500 & 600 BUSHEL MODELS ALSO FEATURING: • 3/4", ultra-high molecular weight, solid poly floor • Thicker, 10 gauge copper bearing steel sides and front featuring all- welded construction. • 3/16” thick, all steel rear endgate • Variable speed hydraulic apron drive with tractor-mounted control. • 26” rooster-comb beater. (717) 246-9741 • 800-755-OILS (6457) Call Early Morning Or Late Evenings &zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz3 nr Why Not Start The New Year Off With Some Different Equipment? H UDU niyi sIH M Powershitt, ROPS, H V. 6. Condition W $6,250 M M M Ford 5000 D 8 Speed & MF6SD, Both Excellent Tractors Inlts Comlm 1066, 966; Case 4118, MH Pacer Wanted Toßuv. Oliver 550's & MFWD 1655's & up (Ijgr GOODRICH tractor P PARTS M Fax (607) 642-8970 M &XIXIIXXXIXXXXXXIIXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXJ 8014 3700/NA w 1 19x161 tire = 57“ w/ 14L x 16 1 tire = 60 Vj* NA add 4* add 9 NA 63 62/69 65 19x161 =95" 14' 20' 5" 1241/166/61 1426/1906/71 a fin Case D 81212 M il H g White 1870 ►< Big Power & Very Clean ►< $7,250 m ! M Ford 655 A 4WD $15,500 JD 430 Crawler; IHC 3588; H Rt. 38 4 388, P.0.80x 265 M Newark Valley, NY 13811 m (607) 642-3293 8018 5520/5200 w/16 5x 16 1 tiro = 65 V w/10.00 x 20 Hr*-66'/,* 50" above Irk frame add 4“ add 9 V/ contact factory 67/74 16.5 x 16.1 » 98Vj" 10 00 x 20 = 93* 16' 22' 10"/18' 1584/212/79 1807/242/90 1960 JD 630 Widetront, 3 point. Fenders $5,000 Ford 555 Rebuilt Motor, Very Clean $13,500 8024 6194/6000 w/19 x 16 1 tire = 77" w/15x22.5 the = 77" 59 V above trk frame add 4* add 9 V/ contact factory 71/78 19x161 » 106" 15x225= 101“ 16* 22'10"/18' 2176/291/10.8 2400/321/11.9 10 Year Warranty on Side Rust Through and on the Poly Floor Bolens 1704 17hp 4WD diesel, 48" mower, 650 hrs, like new, $6450. 570/784-0250. Ford 3000 gas w/PS $6995; MH 50 $4400; Farmall H w/loader $1850; Ford 8N $2BOO. All excellent condition. 610/562-4464. Case IH model 1594, hi crop tractor, 85hp, CAM, 4spd power shift, dual hyd, 18.4x38 rear tires, front wts w/grill guard wt bracket, 27" crop clearance. Purchased new in 1985 by current owner, $15,500. Lacka wanna Co, 570-587-1725. QUALITY HAY EQUIPMENT One of Pa’s Largest Selections BALERS ♦ RBP Rllhuli Plunger nuw pm hushing tnlkrs »lnk him Cm JD 128 40ejector elec controls RBP $7,000 JD 40 elector RBP $6,000 JD 127 10 ejector 1 owner RBP $5,500 JD 116 10 ejector tield ready RBP $3,000 JD 24T chute field ready $1,250 JD2I4T chute field ready $1,250 JD 147 10 ejector {JQQQ Coming In JD 146 10 ejector (2) Coming In JD 116 10 ejector (3) Coming In JD 10 ejector complete $5OO JD (4T 24Tand 116 parts balers CALL NH 116 Baler super sweep 75 E| RBP sharp $B,OOO NH 276 baler chute field ready $2,500 NH 276 baler super sweep 54 thrower $3,200 NH 276 Baler super sweep 54 thrower $3,000 NH 276 baler super sweep 54 thrower $2,800 NH 276 baler super sweep 54 thrower $2,800 NH 120 baler supci sweep 75 thrower Coming In NH 120 baler super sweep 70lhiower Coming In NH 282 super sweep hvd tension In cap $l,BOO NH 275 Baler super sweep chute clean $l,BOO NH 75 Pan Thrower complete olt ot 115 $6OO NH Hydraulic tension unit off ot 120 $4OO NH 68 69 super 69 parts balers CALL Case HO AC 444 IH 46 IH 47 parts baleis CALL ROUND BALERS NH67O 4x4 bales like new new belts $B,OOO N 1484 5 \4 bales clean lust li Wise baler $6,000 DISCBINES JD 1470 11 comp rebuilt new rolls new cutterbar $9,000 JD 1460 9 ex rolls sharp paint our own $7,500 Vicon 9 very good rolls e\ cond $4,750 ViconKM32l 9 good rolls vg cond $4,200 Kuhn 8 MOorIOOORPM $5,000 Deutz Allis RMBO Discbme Coming In HAYBINES JD 1209 9 excellent rolls \g cond $2,500 JD 1219 9 mechanics special CALI, NH 467 7 excellent rolls good paint $2,000 NH469 9 good mils $1,250 NH 479 9 excellent rolls heldiead\ $l,BOO 8785/7270 w/ 21.5 x 16 1 tire = 81" w/18 *22.5 tire = 82.5” 64" above Irk frame add 4* add 9 V,” add 20 V 90/96 21 5x16,1 =» 111* 18 x 22 5 = 108" 16’ 22'10'/18' 2780/372/13 8 3080/412/15 3 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000-Cl7 ... r .~uui,iion ana impiv ._rd health with a TMR from an NDE Vertical Cutter/Mixer/Feeder -90% fewer moving parts than ordinary mixers l “Bob” at Interstate Dairy Equipment 800*332-6559 “Myron” at Potomac Valley Supply 301-223-6877 New Direction Equipment The World's Largest Vertical Mixer Company Toll Free 888-336-3127 www.ndeco.com IH 1190 0 s »od Kills IH 1190 9 Good rolls IH 1490 I 2 hydioswmg good rolls Hesston 1010 9 hydrossvins IH 990 JD 1209 Ford NH 479 H isbines tor Pans RAKES & TEDDERS Jl)66orake dolls wheel nice NH rake exc mechanical lair paint NH S 6 nke needs minor work NH SS take good mechanical poor paint Pequea 710 tedder PTO good cond Pequea rake inserter near new cond Farmhand 4 sv heel rake good cond Seseial other rakes Woods HD 7 M Bathing VG condition $5,000 Woods MD 184 7 rotarv 7ph like new $2,000 NH4M sickle bar 9 bar no wds vg cond $1,500 Hea\vduty6 rotary mower 7PH stump jpr $750 JD 4020 WfL dual hyd tab super mce $12,000 JD 4270 WF E dual hyd cab $ll,OOO JD4O2OWFE dual h\d excel cond $9,000 JD 4020 lurho WEE dual Hyd $9,000 JD 7010 IEE gas 101 l b«n verv nice $5,000 diesel 7pth shaip $6,000 I mnall Supei MIA urns excel $3,500 F 11 mall Super C \\/Mc( oimick lo idei $2,000 F armall MD NEC Runs Excel $3,000 Earmall H 1941 Spoke Wheels Lxc $l,BOO EiimallHßem Hyd Dual Fuel Exc $1,600 lai mall Cub 1948 sickle bar mower $1,900 Fumal! A WEE good paint runs ex $l,BOO International Cub belly mower runs ex $2,700 I armall H 1944 excellent rear rubbei $1,400 Earmall Cub runs excellent $l,BOO MISCELLANEOUS larmco IS sled side throw wgns S ton new $2,000 Farmco 8 horse feeder new $350 Nl 1 2A manure spreadei nearnew paint still on floor Sunflowei 12 folding offset disc ID cram dull fSx7 gnss hov eu JD 7000()RN no (ill diyfert & insect K.m7oh\<J nurkeis c\l eoiuimon Bullion 9 uiltip.Kker lebuilt new shall be ume Never Tub Grind Again! Cut hay bales of any size right in your TMR mixer l Even wet bales l $1,500 $1,500 $2,500 $1,500 CALL $1,500 $1,500 CALL $BOO $l,OOO $2,500 $5OO CALL MOWERS TRACTORS $1 500 $3,000 $3,000 $5,500 $6OO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers