Bonnie Gibble, Annville, wants to who was a professor at Monmouth 'sey during the 1980 s. Anyone have Bonnie at (717) 865-6029. I reader wants to know where to find les for a 2-quart Sears and Roebuck Model No; 238 1968. A reader wants to know if the cross in Time, which had been at Bricker elsewhere or if it went out of C. Woods wants to know where to make panettone, a traditional Italian Mike, Rottsville, wanted information n making business. He also needs iterials. Call him at (570) 544-6417. Linda Malyas, Blooms burg, writes ) on her antique Dazey butter churn ne know where she can have it :ed? Marc Roberts, R. 2, Box 800, Tho 4, would like to buy an old bicycle condition. iva Marie Poliquin, Alburtis, is look lat swings out to fit a 1963 Kitchen vasher. leHty Allgyer, Skiles Rd, wants to id a French Fleur cannister set a' preplant or preemergence, WARRIOR T stops cutworms before they start - and keeps them stopped. So your corn grows strong all season long. WJf For more information, see your retailer, call our mftA/A ||)|QD X hotline at 800-’ 7 59-2500 or visit our web site at ▼ ▼ » » Get powerful cutworm control that works fast and lasts. WARRIOR* T insecticide with ZEON ™ technol °gy ddivers the most effective, longest-lasting cutworm control available. Applied QUESTION Paul Dowie has what he believes is a Longrich brand musical instrument: 32 brass rods of increasing lengths, closely suspended with strings to a l°ng Ix2-inch board. Run a spoon up or down for a “tinkling” scale. If this is something you can plav call Paul at (610) 827-7561. QUESTION Susan Mimlitsch, New Jersey, will pay someone to type and organize recipes that she has clipped from this paper. Call her at (856) 985-0412. QUESTION Amos Petersheim, Lykens, wanted to know where to buy new and used paint rollers with rubber designs on them. He needs parts to go with the rollers and thought someone might have some stuck away in their attics. Write to Amos at 554 N. Cross roads, Lykens, PA 17048. QUESTION - Harold R. Stoudt, Hamburg, is in search of a rust inhibitor for a Drain Back Solar Domestic Hot Water System. The inhibitor must be non-toxic so that the water would be suitable for human consumption in case of leaks and it must mix well with water. QUESTION A reader from Ephrata wants to know where to purchase rubber or plastic ends for cro quet mallets. She has two good sets but the plastic ends are broken. QUESTION—Janet Lawton, Wellsboro, is search* ing for the address and phone number for Tom Schell, who wrote “An Introduction to the Dried Floral and Woody Ornamental Business.* She believes Schell lives in Illinois or Indiana. EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST AN INSECTICIDE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 8, 2000-821 QUESTION Anna Bryan writes that years ago her mom had an angel food cake pan with a lid on top. She asks where she can find one with a lid. QUESTION —Sharon Myers wants to know where in Lancaster or York counties to have the chrome on an old cookstove replated and the firebrick replaced. QUESTION Carolyn Tyndall writes that her mom, who is 87-years-old, fears she is losing her memory because she can’t remember day-to-day things. She does remember the words to some songs she heard her mother sing. She hasn’t heard the songs in more than 80 years, but it would mean a lot to her if someone could help her with the missing words or titles to the following: “...her grave I watered with my tears, that’s where these flowers grew. And don't forget to tell her, sir. These flo weres were sent by me. ” QUESTION—R. E. Wilhelm writes that last summer she visited Lancaster County. At a produce stand, Wil helm saw a young Amish girl wearing an apron, the front was one piece probably cut on the bias because it fit like a dress. The wide back straps were criss crossed. Wilhelm would like a pattern sent to her at 2507 Limestone Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808. QUESTION L. Edward Young, Allentown, heard there is a recipe for a pain relief rub made from hazel and horse chestnuts. Any one willing to share the recipe? QUESTION Dorothy Starr, 480 Stover Shop Rd., Churchvill, Va. 24421, would like to buy milk bottles of all sizes from Indian Run Dairy and from Fishers Golden Guernsey Dairy of Danville. QUESTION Lois K. Martin, Bridgewater, VA, wants to purchase the following books writ ten by Anne Colver; “Bread and Butter Indian," “Bread and Butter Journey.” She would also like the book, “Lucinda,” written by Vesta-Nadine Severs. QUESTION Suzy Almony wants a set of red and white “Currier and Ives” plates made in the U.S.A. by Homer Laughlin. QUESTION Karen Mull, Elizabethtown, would like to know where to purchase an agitator for an electric butter churn manufactured by Ala bama Manufacturing Co. The agitator is plastic. The motor sets on top of a barrel shaped 3-gallon jar. The agitator fits on the lid inside the jar. The company must have gone out of business because letters addressed to the address on the motor are returned. Anyone know where to find an agitator? ANSWER Maryanne Meehan wanted to know where to find an old hoosier cabinet in excellent condition or of someone who makes reproductions. Marie Moyer writes that she and her husband have a small store where they sell reproduction oak furniture. The store is located at Moyers’ Village Farm, 183 N. Main St., Dublin, PA 18917. Call (215) 249-3616. Lucy Martin, Penn Van, N.Y., writes that Rufus Burkholder makes reproductions. His address is 2382 Hazard Rd., Penn Yan, NY 14527-9745 or phone (315) 531-9331. Norman and Lois Babcock have two complete original Hoosier cabinets available. Write to R.l, P.O. Box 1329, St. Joseph Kelly Rd., Friendsvil le, PA 18818-9783. ANSWER A Quarryville reader wanted books written by Theodore Epp. Mary Stauffer has some. Write to her at 170 Sensenig Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522-9325. ANSWER Pete Westover, Windsor Mill, Md., thanks readers for information on prints by Paul Detlefsen and for help in finding used milk ing machines.. ANSWER For the Snyder County reader who wanted information on saffron, Mary Stauf fer, Ephrata, writes that crocus and saffron appear similiar, but crocus bloom in the spring and saffron bloom in Oct. You must pick three saffron staymens from each flower as soon as the flower opens. Sometimes it is called full cro cus. You can lay them on a paper towel to dry. Saffron stalks stay green all winter and needs to be protected from rabbits. The bulbs are dor mant in the summer, which is the time to replant them bulbs. The Stauffers have a large patch and are willing to answer questions if you call (717) 445-6622.