Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 08, 2000, Image 109
820-Umcaster Farming, Saturday, January S, 2000 Q()l: 4sk * fou This column is for readers who have questions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask —You Answer” is for non-cooking questions. When a reader sends in a question, it will be printed in the paper. Readers who know the answer are asked to respond by mailing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Atten tion: Lou Ann Good. Or, you may e-mail questions and answers to igood.eph ® Please clarify what question you are answering when responding. Do not send a self-addressed, stamped enve lope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please include your phone number because we sometimes need to contact the person to clarify details. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. QUESTION Chet Whiting, Downingtown, wants the address for White Mountain Freezer Co. or a source to purchase ice cream mixes available for use in home ice cream freezers. QUESTION Katie Zimmerman, 1313 Weaverland Rd., East Earl, PA 17519, wants to find a used or new book, “Heart Throbs of Motherhood, Meditations for Mothers,’ by Mir iam Druist. QUESTION Spence Haines, North Wales, is a 94-year-old retired farmer but still active. He successfully used Afrin for more than a year to relieve night-time nasal stuffiness then became resistent. He wants to break the addiction and asks if readers know of any sensible remedy that relieves nasal congestion. QUESTION A used set of “Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories* and “My Bible Friends’ are requested by Samuel Fisher, 456 Calvery Rd., Nottingham, PA 19362. Should be in good condi tion and reasonably priced. QUESTION The Enos B. Stoltzfus family would like a set of “Boxcar” children’s books to borrow or buy at a reasonable price. The family does not have a phone, but their address is 119 Lower Valley Rd., Christiana, PA 17509. QUESTION —Virginias. Horning wants a set of hardcover books, not soft cover books, by Thorton W. Burgess. Write to her at 151 S. Far mersvilie Rd., Leola, PA 17540. QUESTION A reader from southern Lan caster County is looking for a used view master set in good condition. She also wants a used sewing machine that contains buttonhole and fancy stitch abilities. QUESTION Frank Cerami, Ottsville, is looking for the company that manufactures wood paving blocks like those used in the Philadelphia Historic District. QUESTION Calendars are needed to help mentally handicapped people with a project. They can be used calendars with notes on the dates, etc. Please send calendars to Gladys Ste phens, R.l, Box 1069, Starrucca, PA 18462-9703. QUESTION — Eva Marie Poliquin, 242 Pilgert St., Alburits, PA 18011, is looking for a reasonab ly priced wringer to do laundry. She does not need the washer part, only the wringer. QUESTION —Eva Marie Poliquin, 242 Pilgert St., Alburtis, PA 18011, wants recipes for goat milk soap and also would like to correspond with someone who has experience making it. She also needs a supplier for soap making products particularly goat milk and natural cleansing agents. QUESTION —Mary Ann Martin, 528 Reading Rd., East Earl, PA 17519, needs one-inch long bobbins to fit an old White sewing machine. ' V QUESTION — Mary Ann Martin, 528 Reading Rd., East Earl, PA 17519, needs one-inch long bobbins to fit an old White sewing machine. QUESTION Yvonne I. Musser, Lancaster, is in search of a Christmas tree made from an aluminum during the 19605-19705. The larger the tree, the bet ter, none smaller than 5 feet. Call her as soon as possi ble with size and price at (717) 871-9706. QUESTION Cindy Eshleman,, Jonestown, wants to know where to buy “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” cards in the area of Lebanon or Dauphin counties. QUESTION — E. Serafin, Leesport, writes that she is moving and will give away a nice stereo-tumtable radio combination, which measures 6xl Vs -feet The dark wood cabinet contains storage area for records. If you want it, let a message at (610) 926-4410. QUESTION Any reader collect old vacuum cleaners? A reader has a Commander Imperial, which looks like a torpedo Model #116.722 Serv. # 29628. “I used to help mom 55 years ago. The vacuum still runs, bag is good, and is in good shape for the age. Free to a good home. Call (610) 827-7561. QUESTION Dave Stehman, 531 Power Rd., Manheim, PA 17545, wants to find a replacement chuck for his Black and Decker Super Service Valve Refacer, size 5/8 type N, set # 664110. QUESTION — Neal Baker, Knoxville, needs a spe cial size furnace filter, 9% x 29% x or Y* -inch, which is used in a furnace manufactured by Pebbco Industries, Inc., Lancaster. Baker wants to know if the company is still in business or any information that would be helpful. ZENECA (020(H) Zeneca Ag Products Inc WAHJUOIV ind ZEON “ ire trademarks of a Zeneci (Oinpany Warm * **„ » - Firm Safely Always read and follow label directions Ag Products >rT is a restricted use pesticide 0M59<5 055 QUESTION Bonnie Oibble, Annville, wants to locate a Dr. Yanick, who was a professor at Monmouth College in New Jersey during the 1980 s. Anyone have information? Call Bonnie at (717) 865-6029. QUESTION—A reader wants to know where to find replacement paddles for a 2-quart Sears and Roebuck ice cream freezer, Model No: 238 1968. QUESTION A reader wants to know if the cross stitch store, Stitch in Time, which had been at Bricker ville, has moved elsewhere or if it went out of business? QUESTION C. Woods wants to know where to purchase a pan to make panettone, a traditional Italian Christmas bread. QUESTION Mike, Pottsville, wanted information on starting a broom making business. He also needs equipment and materials. Call him at (570) 544-6417. QUESTION Linda Matyas, Bloomsburg, writes that the glass base on her antique Dazey butter churn is cracked. Anyone know where she can have it repaired or replaced? QUESTION Marc Roberts, R. 2, Box 800, Tho masville, PA 17364, would like to buy an old bicycle built for two, any condition. QUESTION—Eva Marie Poliquin, Alburtis, is look ing for a top rack that swings out to fit a 1963 Kitchen Aid portable dishwasher. QUESTION BeHcy Allgyer, Skiles Rd, wants to know where to find a French Fleur cannister set (stoneware). Get tech: % them si WA Fo both prepl; zcnei