Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 01, 2000, Image 1

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    V 01.45 No.
Some View Past Year As One Of Opportunity;
For Others , It Was 1999 Nightmare
Lancaster Farming Staff
EPHRATA (Lancaster Co.)
For some, 1999 may go ddwn in
Curtis Day of Shlppensbtrfymittw one of three to judge
the first-ever dairy show of the new millennium at the 2000
Pennsylvania Farm Show. Photo by Jayne Sebright
Century Of Farming
Editor's Note: This summary of agriculture in the 20 ,k
Century is adapted from the new pictorial book by the same title
published by Lancaster Farming in late 1999. The first printing
has already sold out and become a collector's edition. The
second printing is scheduled to arrive in the Lancaster Farming
office in early February.
As the 20th century began, a
new and prosperous era was about
to follow. Often called American
agriculture’s “Golden Age,” a
period of economic growth
Cathy Levan ho Ida the halter of her Piedmontece heifer, named Cheyenne, which won
reserve Junior heifer over all at the North American International Livestock Exposition. Cathy,
her brother Jaaon, and Mom, Shirley, are excited about the potential of the Piedmontese that
they raise on their Berks County Meadow Hills Farm. The breed, which originates in Italy, is
genetically lower in fat and consistently more tender than other breeds according to USDA
tests. Turn to page 816 to read more about the Levane and the unusual Piedmontese breed.
Photo by Lou Ann Good.
Five Sections
history as a year of records and of
hope. The year began with a record
price paid for a Farm Show animal
and ended with a renewed commit
continued through World War I—
quite a contrast from the
depressive years that followed the
Civil War and even as late as
1893. But now one-bottom
walking plows were turned in for
(Turn to P«fl« A 33)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 1,2000
mcnt by the states and counties for
farmland preservation.
But for most, the year will be
remembered mostly for its disap
pointment and despair.
How did we survive 1999?
Partnering. With help from our
family. Mends, legislators, and the
Farm Show Dairy Judge Enjoys
Both Sides Of The Ring
Lancaster Farming Staff
Co.) When Curtis Day of Ship
pensburg first exhibited in the
dairy show at Pennsylvania Farm
Show, he recalls thinking, “Wow,
wouldn’t it be exciting to judge
this show sometime.”
Now, 42 years later, he is getting
S«A chance. Day will be judging
more than 160 Holsteins and 34
Milking Shorthorns on Tuesday at
the Farm Show.
While this is the first time he has
judged lhis show, judging is a part
of Day’s life. In 1960, he won the
national 4-H dairy judging contest
*ui Madison, Wi. The next year he
traveled to England, met Queen
Elizabeth’s mother, and won the
International 4-H Judging Contest
Since then, he has judged at
shows in 17 different states,
including the Eastern National
Holstein Show and All-American
Dairy Show in Harrisburg.
Day will be joining judges Wil
liam Schnebly and Michael
Health, both from Maryland, to
judge the dairy show, which
includes 520 head this year. He is
looking forward to judging the
show and doesn’t feel at all pres-
$31.00 Per Year
organizations that represent
Hog producers, still reeling
from the lowest prices ever, saw
little if any real recovery. Late
1998 saw hog prices drop lower
than they were after World War n.
Grain producers were looking at
sured by the fact that many of the
exhibitors will be his friends and
All-Maryland Holstein Winners
Ehrhardt Astro Jody-ET, the All-Maryland 100,0001 b. cow
for Kevin Ehrhardt, Baldwin, Maryland, provides the front
page introduction to the photos of all the All-Maryland winners.
These photos can be found in the Keystone Farm Show Section
this week starting on Page 4.
\ew ‘//eas*
Keystone Farm Show Section This Issue
You will find the building layout with the corresponding list
of exhibitors on Pages 24, 29, 30, and 32, in the special Keystone
Farm Show Section this week.
Pennsylvania Farm Show Issue Next Week
The annual Pennsylvania Farm Show issue of Lancaster
Farming comes to you next week. More than 250 Keystone
Farmer youths have been named this year (the most ever in the
memory of our staff) and we have a whole section of profiles and
pictures. Also the usual building layouts, exhibitors list, meeting
and judging schedules and other stories are included. Lancaster
Farming will publish early to get the papers to you on time for
the start of the show. Publication deadlines are as follows:
Jan. 8 Issue (Farm Show)
Public Sale Ads: Monday, Jan. 3, 10 a.m.
Sections E and F and Keystone: Friday, Dec. 3.
Section D Classifieds: Tuesday, Jan. 4, S p.m.
Farm Equipment Ads: Wednesday, Jan. 5, 9 am
All Other Display Ads: Monday, Jan. 3, S pm.
600 Per Copy
some of the most dismal prices
ever for com and soybeans.
The winter, another mild one,
meant to producers a drought that
began in 1998 would continue for
some until flooding from a hurri-
(Turn to Page A 26)
“I promised myself as a kid that
if I ever got the opportunity to
(Turn to Page A2O)