B 1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 11, 1999 Butter’s CLA May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk ITHACA, NY - Butter made from milk containing increased levels of a natural fatty acid reduced the risk of breast cancer in laboratory ani mals, according to new research published in the December issue of the “Journal of Nutrition ” While pubescent rats were used m the experiments, the lab oratory animal model suggests that the fatty acid, called conju gated hnoleic acid, or CLA, could be beneficial in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women, says Clement Ip, a researcher at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, and the lead author on the research paper “This research demonstrates for the first time that natural Handle Game With Care UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co)- With hunting season in progress, wild game is beginning to grace the cutting boards in kitchens around the country Among meats, wild game is a good choice for the heart conscious A 3-ounce piece of deer steak provides only 3 grams of fat In comparison, a 3-ounce piece of flank steak provides 13 grams and a 3-ounce sec tion of T-bone steak boasts 21 grams of fat Cholesterol vanes less between beef and venison Both provide 85 to 95 mil ligrams ol cholesterol per 3-ounce serving Cholesterol content per serving will dimin ish significantly onlv if you happened to bag an old, well-traveled carcass Wild game is a delicacy that requires special treatment in the kitchen as well as in the field Although game is handled much like the lean meat of its domestic counterparts, a few helpful hints can make the difference between a strong, gamey flp voi and a delicious taste-tempting treat ’ Game animals lead active, vigorous lives which keep their muscles firm and their bodies relatively lean This makes their meat tougher and drier than domes tic meat or poultry One way to tenderize game meat is to cut the long muscle fibers bv pounding, scoring or grinding The tis sues also may be softened bv marinating with an acid such as lemon or tomato juice, French dressing, vinegai or wine A third method of tendenzation is to cook the meat under pressurized heat Game fat presents a special problem in cooking and storing It turns rancid rapid 1\ and should be trimmed closelv before cooking and storing Game fat also has a strong flavor and solidifies quickly, another reason for removing it Basting meat during cooking in its own juice or with a special marinade or sauce helps keep the meat moist. Never serve game rare or overcooked Rare game is likely to harbor food-poison mg bacteria Overcooked game will be safe to eat, but probably tough and dry Most sources recommend cooking game slowly at low temperatures (300 to 350 degrees F) to reduce shrinkage and retain food value and flavor Cook roasts to an internal temperature of 170 degrees. Since all game has a dark surface when roasted and may appear more done than it is, use a thermometer to determine internal temperature For safe ty’s sake, serve all game dishes hot - above 140 degrees Always bring gravy to a rolling boil before serving. Store leftover game in the refrigerator in a closed, air-tight container for use with in two days. Remove the bones from the carcass before storing and store the gravy, stuffing and meat m separate containers Freeze leftovers for longer storage. If you would like information on can ning venison or free Venison Recipe Cookbook, call the Extension Office at 836- 3196 CLA in foods is biologically active and that we can use a designer-foods concept to enhance the natural level of anti-carcinogens in foods," says Dale E. Bauman, Liberty Hyde Bailey professor of animal sci ence at Cornell University and another of the paper’s authors The study appears in the peer-reviewed journal published by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences The study was performed by researchers at Cornell, Roswell 'Park; AMC Cancer Research Center, Denver; and Cittadella Umversitana, Cagliari, Italy. It was supported by grants from the National Dairy Council, Kraft Foods Inc., the National Cancer Institute, the National The MAGNUM SERIES of parlor stalls are mternatioi designed, engineered and manufactured to provide maxii. longevity with minimal maintenance, regardless of herd si We at Babson Bros. Co. know, that of equal importance equipment durability, are four other points to focus on; „ Comfort; Cow Positioning; Operator Safety an Throughput Capabilities... Institute of Health, and the Department of Defense Additional support also was received from the Northeast Dairy Foods Research Center at Cornell The journal study reports that high levels of CLA m cow’s milk and dairy products, like cheese and butter, reduced the incidence and number of mam mary tumors The CLA experiments were earned out at Roswell Park on laboratory rats fed either butter enhanced with CLA from milk or with a highly purified chemi cal form of the fatty acid. The research showed that feeding the natural CLA butter gave results comparable to the pure chemical form of CLA in reduc- SURGE isurcel MOUNTAIN VIEW SUPPLY, INC. 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While CLA is a fatty acid, this study does not encourage women to eat a high-fat diet,” says Ip “This is another beneficial aspect of dairy foods, and I would encourage women to eat a well-balanced diet.” Three years ago Bauman’s laboratory showed that when certain ingredients, such as plant oils and fresh forage, are added to cattle feed, beneficial unsaturated fatty acids are pro duced in the animal’s digestive system. Bacterial fermentation in the rumen (one of the cow’s four stomachs), involves a process called biohydrogenation, producing a five-fold increase in levels of CLA in milk Bauman’s subsequent work established that a range of diets and management practices also enhanced the cow’s ability to produce CLA “Most dietary substances exhibiting anti-carcinogenic activity are of plant origin and are only present at trace levels,” said Bauman when he released the original research. “However, CLA is found almost exclusively in animal products and is among the most potent of all naturally occurring anti-carcinogens.” Such milk could be delivered to a dairy processing plant to make a range of products with increased CLA content, says David Barbano, Cornell profes sor of food science. JIM’S SURGE SALES & SERVICE