A34-Lanca*ter Fanning, Saturday, December 11, 1999 Land O’Lakes Delegates Elect Corporate Director-Nominees CARLISLE (Cumberland Co.) Land „ . „ ... , KT . _ . , - O’Lakes delegates representing the Mid-Al- Committee and the New Jersey Dairy Land O’Lakes is a national food and agri- family farmers in 30 states, including 2,800 lantic area rcccnUy elected director-nominees PromolioD AKency. cultural cooperative saving more than 12,000 dairy producers in the Mid-Atlantic region. to serve on the Land O’Lakes corporate board. The delegates elected director-nominces fa each of the four membership regions in the Mid-Atlantic. The elections were held during (he Fall Region Meeting in Carlisle and will be ratified during Land O’Lakes annual meet ing Feb. 23-24 in Minneapolis. The four director-nominees, all currently incumbents, include the following: Gordon B. Hoover, Gap, Pa. Hoover currently serves as secretary of the Land O’Lakes board. He and his wife, Carole, farm 188 acres and milk 120 Holsteins in Lancaster County. Active in many local, state and reg ional farm organizations. Hoover serves on the National Milk Producers Federation board of directors and the Lancaster County Farm Bureau’s Legislative Committee. Charles E. Schilling, Petersburg, Pa. Schilling serves as chairman of Land O’ Lakes Dairy Foods Committee. He and his wife, Sandy, farm in partnership with their son, Curtis. They milk 180 Holsteins and farm 600 acres. Schilling is chairman of the Pennsylva nia Dairy Promotion Committee and vice chairman of the American Dairy Association/ Dairy Council Middle Atlantic. Kenneth Schoenberg, Shippensburg, Pa. Schoenberg and his wife, Becky, farm 350 acres and milk 125 Holsteins. He is a member of numerous agricultural organizations, in cluding the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and the Middle Adantic Cooperative Milk Mar keting Agency. Robert A. Winner, Moorestown, NJ. Winner and his wife, Sue, operate a 350-acre dairy farm where they milk 175 Holsteins. Winner currendy serves on the board of the Middle Adantic Cooperative Milk Marketing Agency and is secretary of the American Dairy Associadon/Dairy Council Middle At lantic. He also is a meber of the Garden State Milk Council, the New Jersey Farm Bureau r Farmer Boy Ag Systems I Inc. This unit features A Division of Feed Bins & Augers - , , Shenandoah ■■P Brooders Please Contact Shane Weller For New Poultry Contracts and Existing Building Renovations Hours: Mon.-Pri. 7 to 5:30 Sal. 7:30 to Noon 24 Hour service p armer Boy Ag Systems 410 East Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-7565 * 1-800-845-3374 12/1 1/99 Thanks to Lloyd Zimmerman of East Earl, PA r # Li/<* Li on systems “ A Division of Ventilation for choosing Farmer Boy Ag Systems to construct his A Division of Watering Systems New - 44’x500’ Tunnel Ventilated Broiler Facility Poultry contract provided by Foods, Inc.