Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 14, 1999, Image 41

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    QUESTION: We have
expanded from 75 to 100 cows in
the past year and our herd is now
made up of a heavy concentration
of milking 2-year-olds. How can
we assess the performance of the
herd when we expect that the Roll
ing Herd Average will go down
with more young cows?
ANSWER: The best way to
evaluate herd performance as you
go through changes in the herd
makeup is to look at the peak per
formance of various lactation
Since the herd is heavily
influenced by 2-year-old produc
tion and many of these animals
have not yet finished their first lac
tation, we need to make compara
tive evaluations between these
How to keep
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cows and the older members of the
First, we need to know where to
find the information.
Look at your PA DHIA Herd
Summary n and drop down to the
third section that lists a “Profile of
Cows by Lactation Number.”
Move across to nearly midway
on the page and look at the column
labeled, “Avg. Milk to Peak,”
where there ate four numbers
The top number is the pounds
milk at peak for first lactadon
The second number down is
peak milk for second lactadon.
The third number is peak milk
for the three or more lactadon
The last number is the average
for all cows in the herd.
Now that we have found the
information, we can make some
evaluations. Cows in their first lac
tadon are peaking at 70 pounds of
milk. Cows in second and third
lactation are peaking at approxi
mately the same level.
If this were not true, we would
need to do the math to determine
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re doing the work
teadmg the way,
Agway Agricultural Products
the avenge milk at peak for the
two catagories.
Older cows are peaking right
around 112 pounds.
Weexpectthat within herds, the
first lactation peak and that of old
er cows should be at a 75-percent
In this herd, we see that this
number is much less
(70/112 - 62.5%). Using this type
of relational evaluation, we sec
that the first lactation herd is not
performing at a level comparative
to the older cows under the same
When the relational ntio of
peak milk between first and later
lactations falls below 75 percent,
several areas should be looked at
We want to look at management
considerations that affect perfor
mance of these new milk cows in
the herd. Growth achievement,
genetics, and transition periods
can affect a young cow’s perfor
mance well before she has her first
Calving time difficulties may
also affect the peak milk perfor
mance of these new herd members.
Most of these relationships ate
well documented, and manage
ment practices that address these
areas will certainly improve the
chances for success with new
milking cows.
One area that can influence peak
performance and is often over
looked or underplayed in impor
tance is the role of competition
with older cows in the herd.
All of the above should be high
on our priority list as we raise our
future replacements.
Well-managed herds are often
caught in this pitfall, especially in
frees tall setups. Size may not be
the problem these heifers are
often very big, but they are sdll
lone*tier Farming, Saturday, Aogutt- t4,' 19994U1
Competition for feed due to
inadequate bunk space or the time
allotted for feeding can hold back
these younger animals.
Waiting for space where they
can’t be intimidated by older cows
can mean taking one or several
meals less a day than they need.
Water availability can also be
compromised and when this hap
pens, feed intakes will be less than
There arc no easy answers to
solving pitfalls in dairy manage
ment We in DHIA have an advan
tage because of available informa
tion and the capability of using
relationship evaluation.
By taking the time to highlight
possible areas of concern within
this herd, we have a better chance
of solving problems quickly.
We now need to measure some
heifers to see if we have met their
needs to calve at our target age.
If we did, ate the heifers making
the transition into milk cows with
few problems, and good appetites?
If this is so, then we should
devise a scheme that will allow for
continued growth, along with high
I believe that in group situa
tions, we should address the
maturity issue and by doing so,
close the gap in performance to the
expected 75-percent ratio of peak
milk from heifers to older cows.
Where this is done, huge differ
ences can be seen not only in the
heifer group, but also in future
Sometimes we may even see
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that we can overcome small glitch
es in our heifer management by
managing these animals in then
own group.
How do your heifers stack up?
Your PA DHIA records can help
show you the answer.
Average Farm Feed
Costs For Handy
To help farmers across the state
to have handy reference of com
modity input costs in their feeding
operations for DHIA record sheets
or to develop livestock feed cost
data, here’s last week’s average
costs of various ingredients as
compiled from regional reports
across the stale of Pennsylvania.
Remember, these are averages,
so you will need to adjust your fig
ures up or down according to your
location and the quality of your
Com, No.2y 2.36 bu., 4.22
Wheal, No. 2 2.30 bu., 3.84
Barley, No. 3 1.34 bu., 2.86
Oats, No. 2
Soybeans, No. 1 4.04 bu.,
6.74 cwt
Ear Com 71.68 ton, 3.58 cwt.
Alfalfa Hay 133.75 ton, 6.69
Mixed Hay 118.75 ton, 5.94
Timothy Hay
6.44 cwt.
(i %*>
Come See m:
W- Farm Days
August 10-12
Booth #322
Seneca Falls, NY
AG Progress
\ August 17-19
1.39 bu., 4.35
128.75 ton.