Mere ‘Science Fiction 9 Now, New Poultry Vaccine Research Proceeds (Continued from Pag* At) The development of vaccines prove a challenge, even for some of the less challenging, mote com monly known, less changeable form of poultry diseases such as pullorum and Newcastle. Some vaccines, Donahoe said, can be made out of bacteria or vir uses. For vaccines made from vir uses, the key to making them work is to create antibodies which coat the virus, to prevent it from divid ing, and rendering it harmless to the bird by preventing it from replicating. The virus is trans ferred through the air and enters the bird's upper respiratory pas sage. There, the virus can be talmn into the body by swallowing, which spreads through the repro ductive and gastrointestinal system. f Come Celebrate 50 | \ years of Conservation | / with the j $ Mm. Lebanon County j | JS&Sjf* Conservation District i May 21st - 3:00-7:00 PM i I Lebanon Fairgrounds <* I Free Food & Entertainment \ $ jr Guest Speakers Include: | i \ Secretary James Seif of DEP | i P Senator David Brightbill 0 I Conservation Board of Directors if / Commissioner JoEllen Litz if /' Music by Glen Waldeck, $ | environmental singer j WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO Eventually, the virus can escape into the bloodstream, known as “viremia,” said Donahoe. The vir us goes into the liver and spleen, and this is when the bird can show early signs of disease it goes off feed, it doesn't drink the water, and it becomes “quieter,” Donahoe said. When viremia occurs, the bird mounts a large immune response. At this time, clinical signs develop, including swelling eye tissues, the bird is off feed, egg production down, and there are any number of “economic parameters” that show the producer the bird is infected, he noted. A live virus vaccination allows the bird to develop the large immune response quickly, though the virus can’t replicate. But the response is a shorter per iod of time (only eight weeks, if TEST WITH THE BEST PA DHIA 1 -800-DHI-TEST www.dhia.psu.edii Hwiling with influenza) compared to 25 weeks for the killed vaccine. The killed vaccines use water-in oil emulsions along with the chem ically killed, inactive virus. The killed vaccine continues to gen erate a very high immune response in the bird, Donahoe noted. Donahoe reviewed the early his tory of developing vaccines, which began in southeastern Pennsylva nia and New Jersey in the late 1800 s. hi 1971, one groundbreak ing event occurred the first license against cancer, for Marek's Disease, was obtained. An IBD vaccine was obtained in 1980, and new companies and new products have continue to proliferate in the decades since. Now, the industry has to deal with mergers and acquisitions on almost a weekly basis, with tech nology being traded and trans ferred. And companies ate deve loping vaccines in a wide variety of ways. The use of biologicals, now at IS percent of the share, are growing. “Biologies are on the rise,” said Donahoe. 56 Ft. Super Chic Reasonable weekday rates Blue Fish, Founder, Wreck, Shark, Tuna and overnight canyon trips. 6th Street, Barnegat Light, NJ Captain Ted White Captain Les Osborn 609-296-4480 Possibilities for future vaccines were discussed Monday by Dr. John P. Donahoe, president of Maine Biological Laboratories, Watervilie, Maine, left. Donahoe spoke to about 30 poultry producers and agri-industry representa tives at the Poultry Health and Management Seminar at Kreider’s Restaurant near Manheim. At right is John Schwartz, Lancaster County extension director. In the past, 11 companies were making vaccines. Now it’s down to eight Some are “casualties’’ of mergers, and they will continue, Donahoe said. “There are rumors about cvciy one of them right now." Donahoe outlined several major developments in the forefront of vaccination development ■ Recombinant DNA vaccines. The technology focuses in on what genes are “bad" in live viruses and takes them out. This includes engi neering the genes to add antigens to more foimidably tackle New castle and bronchitis. “Other recombinant vaccines are com ing," he said. • Competitive exclusion for biologicals. Using other, less threatening bacteria can block the attachments of salmonella and more threatening bacteria. Dura tion and delivery of the bacteria is a problem today, a “goal for researchers to improve on,” Dona hoe said. • Vaccines that can address the food safety issues that are consum ing the industry, in light of sal monella and e. coli outbreaks. A lot more work needs to be done cm producing live and killed sal monella vaccines. But early research has not been good for Campylobacter control, noted Donahoc. •In ovo vaccines, which involve highly sophisticated equipment Vaccines for Malik’s and IBD could be licensed in ovo, and many more arc under development •DNA vaccines. Instead of shooting the entire virus into the bird, take the gene for the antigen and inoculate the bird. The gene could be carefully coated for and correctly implanted in the bird, with no risk of developing the dis ease or fear of endotixins. “But this technology is a long way off,” he said. “It’s science fiction today.” Many immunosuppressive dis eases which cause the bird’s natural immunities to be jeopar dized includes bursal, March’s, chicken anemia, leukosis, and others. The immunosuppression is permanent which makes other pathogens a lot worse to the bird. •Retroviruses and others, including J leukosis, where cradi- cation is needed. Vaccines will be difficult to develop because of the changeability of the virus. “Don’t look for it anytime soon," Dona hoe said. • Protozoan vaccines. Vaccines Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15, 1999-A27 for ooccidiosis and other diseases are becoming important because the standard drags ate disappear ing from use. Availability will be determined on economic viability, including safety, cross-protection, and low cost to develop and use. • Antibody therapy. The idea “once held great promise,” said Donahoe. But how to administer them and not cause allergic reac tions? There could be a way to blend the treatment with other health measures for the bird, including feed. • Adjuvants and immune mod ulation. Researchers are looking for a way to generate a fast, long lasting immune response with a reasonable antigen load. •Cross-protection, developing vaccines that can handle so many different strains of infection, such as bronchitis, coccidiosis, influen za, bursal disease, and others. Researchers must find a way to develop a cross-protective antigen. All the labs are working on it, he noted. • Vaccines for emerging dis eases. Exotic diseases and diseases never present before in poultry will develop over time and companies must be prepared. •Mucosal immunity. Finding ways to line the gut and reproduc tive tract with strong mucosal immunity, a good local cell mediated immunity, will take more research. The use of antibo dies in the digestive tract can be useful to controlling harmful bac teria, but the material must be pre sent on a constant basis. Work to apply human research in this area can help. • Gene insertion. Take the gene dominant for Newcastle, for instance, and put it in chicken's genes. This gene insertion tech nique “sounds good in theory," said Donahoc, but there are prob lems. It must be near some type of “regulator” that can allow the gene to be “turned off and turned on later," he said. The gene must be turned on when the chick can handle it correctly. “This is big-time science fic tion,” he said. “We’re a long way from it, but we’re working on it." hi the U.S., food safety is a high priority because of life- threaten ing outbreaks of diseases such as salmonella. But in other countries, salmonella has little if no priority, because it doesn’t cause problems with the chickens themselves. (Turn (o Pag* A 37)