Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 24, 1999, Image 50

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    Firming, Saturday, A|
Ideas To
Rhubarb Bounty
One of the first signs of spring is
rhubarb growing in our gardens.
For about two centuries, enjoying
the tangy, tart taste of rhubarb has
been a rite of spring for many peo
Although rhubarb is technically
a vegetable, it is most often pre
pared as a dessert. Rhubarb is also
one of the best sources of calcium
in the vegetable family, a rich
source of vitamin A and
When buying rhubarb, select
fresh, firm stems. Look for bright
colors, pink or red. Avoid stems
that are too large as they tend to be
hollow and fibrous and lack flavor.
Rhubarb is easy to freeze. Trim
and wash the stalks, cut into one to
two-inch chunks. Place in a cov
ered flat pan in the freezer until
frozen. Pack in a moisture-proof
bag and return to freezer.
I'/i cups flour
3 tablespoons sugar
Vt cup butter
Cream filling:
2 cups sugar
4 egg yolks, beaten, save whites
for meringues
V, cup cream or evaporated milk
3 tablespoons flour
'A teaspoon nutmeg
4 cups chopped rhubarb
4 egg whites
'/< cup sugar
Press crust into a 13x9x2-inch
pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20
minutes. While crust is baking,
combine all filling ingredients and
cook in heavy saucepan over
medium heat until thickened. Stir
constantly. Pour hot filling into
crust. Top with meringue made by
beating egg whites until thick and
adding sugar. Bake at 325 degrees
for 10 to 15 minutes. Refrigerate
Yields 10-12 servings.
Abram Beiler
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please share
them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that you
include accurate measurements, a complete list of ingredients
and clear instructions with each recipe you submit. Send your
recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609,
Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should reach our office one week
before publishing date listed below.
1 ■ Foods That Prevent Osteoporosis
8 ■ Mother’s Cooking
15 - Novel Ways with Onions
22 - Grill Time
24, 1999
2 cups Vi -inch pieces rhubarb
1 cup sugar
'A cup Bisquick baking mix
’/< cup milk
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
'A teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 eggs
Heat oven to 375 degrees.
Grease pie plate. Make streusel
topping, set aside.
2 tablespoons butter
Vt cup Bisquick baking mix
'A cup packed brown sugar
'/«cup chopped nuts
Cut butter into baking mix and
brown sugar, using pastry blender
or crisscrossing 2 knives, until
crumbly; stir in nuts.
Arrange rhubarb evenly in pie
plate. Beat remaining ingredients
with fork or wire whisk until
blended. Pour into pie plate.
Sprinkle streusel topping evenly
over top. Bake about 40 minutes or
until knife inserted in center comes
out clean. Serve warm with
sweetened whipped cream if
desired. 6 to 8 servings.
Bisquick Baking Mix
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 eggs, separated
'A cup orange juice
2 cups diced rhubarb
V* cup raisins
1 unbaked 9-inch pastry shell
'/i teaspoon vanilla exaact
'A teaspoon cream of tartar
'A cup sugar
Dash ground cinnamon
Combine one cup sugar and
Hour, stir lightly. Beat egg yolks
slightly. Add yolks and orange
juice to sugar mixture, muting
well. Stir in rhubarb and raisins.
Pour into pastry shell; bake at 375
degrees for 55 to 60 minutes, cov
ering edges of pastry with alumi
num foil after 30 minutes to pre
vent excess browning
Combine egg whites, vanilla,
and cream of tartar, beat until soft
peaks form. Combine 'A cup sugar
and cinnamon; gradually add to
egg whites, beating until stiff
peaks form. Spread meriungue
over warm pie, sealing edges well;
bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15
minutes or until golden brown. Let
cool. Yield; 9-inch pie.
mm Jmr m %mr*ymr m aK
Rhubarb season Is here. Take advantage of the wonderful assortment of recipes
using rhubarb such as Impossible Rhubarb Streusel Pie and Rhubarb Crumb Pie
served with Ice cream.
2 cups flour
VA teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
VA cups granulated sugar
'A cup vegetable oil
'A cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 large eggs
VA cups finely chopped fresh
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven 350 degrees.
Grease and flour 13x9x2-inch bak
ing pan. Set aside. In a large mix
ing bowl, sift together flour, bak
ing soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves,
nutmeg, and sugar. Add oil. water,
vanilla, and eggs, beat on low
speed until well blended. Add rhu
barb and beat at medium speed for
2 minutes. Fold in chopped nuts.
Transfer batter to prepared pan.
Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until tes
ter comes out clean. Cool on wire
rack frost with cream cheese frost
ing, caramel frosting or vanilla
butler frosting.
1 pound rhubarb
Rind of half a lemon
% cup sugar
4 cups flour
Pinch salt
1 egg
2 cups milk
Cinnamon and sugar mixture
Peel and chop rhubarb into
small pieces. Cook in cup of water
with lemon rind and sugar until
soft. Drain off water. Combine
flour, salt, egg, and milk. Stir in
rhubarb. Fry in hot skillet until
browned on both sides. Sprinkle
with cinnamon and sugar mixture.
A reader
r *»:
Whip in blender
VA cups rhubarb sauce
'A cup water or pineapple juice
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
'A teaspoon ginger
'A teaspoon dry mustard
Simmer IS to 20 minutes. Brush
over chicken during the last IS
minutes of roasting or broiling.
LaDonna Thompson
Featured Recipe
Today’s featured recipe is from Rebecca Cornman, Cumberland
County Dairy Princess. She is the fourth generation on the family farm
called Justa-Beauty Colors in Boiling Springs.
Rebecca owns 16 animals in the family’ herd of Jerseys, Milking
Shorthorns, Holsteins, and Brown Swiss. She enjoys showing cattle in
4-H competitions and promoting dairy products.
The daughter of Steve and Debbie Cornman, Rebecca is senior at
Boiling Springs Junior-Senior High School. Rebecca is a member of
the National Honor Society, the cross country and track teams, and
stage mango' for the fall play and spring musical. Rebecca is also a
member of her church youth group.
No matter how busy she is, Rebecca finds time to cook. “This makes
a great springtime dessert,’’ she writes.
9-inch pie shell
2 eggs, well beaten
1% cup sugar
% cup flour
% teaspoon salt
4 cups sliced rhubarb
Combine eggs, sugar, flour, and salt. Add rhubarb and mix well.
Arrange in pie shell. Dot with butter. Top with crumb topping. Bake at
450 degrees for 15 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 30
minutes longer.
Crumb topping:
'h cup sugar
V« cup flour
'A cup butter
'A teaspoon cinnamon
Mix sugar, cinnamon, flour. Cut in butter until crumbly. Sprinkle
over filling. Bake as directed,
When you remove pie from oven, let cool a few minutes. Cut and
serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
* *** ~y
8 cups finely chopped rhubarb
4 cups sugar
1 can apricot pie filling
1 package orange Jell-O
Combine rhubarb and sugar in
bowl to stand overnight In a
saucepan, bring to a boil and sim
mer 10 minutes. Add pie filling
and bring to a boil. Add gelatin and
stir until dissolved. Put in jars.
Cover and refrigerate.
LaDonna Thompson
(Turn to Pag* B 8)