D44-L isl incai .ai The Stoltzfus family with a VGBB Adan daughter that has a top record of 25,000 m 826 f 796 p. From left, Samuel, Marian, Andrea, Jay Richard, and Beverly. s ~< it * w < M •• •" soiastw. wood#towiT,NJ 509-789-0069 * ANTHONY’S FEED MILL P.0.80x 212 Straussttwn, PA 19569 610-468-6211 ‘ FARMER'S UNION CO-OP 30 East Walter# Av«iu« ' Groencastle, PA 17226 717-597-3191 DETRICH ELEVATOR, INC. 5468 Coder 3t. Williamson, PA* 17270 717-389-3724 BROOKLAND MILLS, INC. McVeytown, PA 17061 717-899-6772 FARM & RANCH SUPPLY Warriors Mark, PA814*632-6934 * Trademark of Ralston Purina Company PURINA MILLS, INC. Feeds designed with yoihNt xnMd. ■* £ 717-354-0301 ri x ; •* < *x -<*S < * r * »<**» lei Stoltzfus are congratulated by Doug High, Purina for their success as a young farm dairy family. % ** < < v< * * V < *' v' •« Vr A TMR feeding program now utilizes Purina’s Proteus concentrate and high moisture corn. Samuel is especially pleased with Purina feeds and service. “I have fed Purina feeds all my life to all my dairy animals from calves, heifers, and dry cows to the milking herd,” Samuel said. I wouldn’t feed anything else. I’m satisfied with production and have no complaints about service. “1 have also visited their research farm and this farm gives the company a great advantage. Whenever they have a feed it has been tested before it is put on the market. They don’t try it out on you. It’s down pat before it gets to the farmer.” Purina representative Doug High says it is a real pleasure to work with the young Stoltzfus family because it has been the cows that have paid the bills and allowed them to buy the herd and now buy a farm. The Stoltzfus family is quick to give credit to others and the Lord for the support they have received along the way. ' V 'W * * * : ss>. i V.4V * f** ~ V ‘ ' - * *<■** • • >V,S " *■•" .•. v