Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 28, 1998, Image 57
ANSWER This answers two questions, Randy Yerger, Fredericksburg, who wanted a recipe for beef jerky, and Linda Fauth, who wanted a recipe for beef jerky marinade. Thanks to Margaret Strause, Leesport, for the following. Beef Jerky 10 pounds lean beef cut in % -inch strips 4 tablespoons salt 4 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons peppers 1 teaspoon garlic powder IYu teaspoon Liquid Smoke 6 teaspoons monosodium glutamate (Accent) Mix thoroughly. Put in crock and let stand for 48 hours. Stir. Let stand 24 pounds. Spread in single layer on cookie sheet and dry in 125 degree oven for 14 to 17 hours or until dry and dark brown. Or, if you like some “heat” in your jerky, try this: Jerky 3 pounds meat 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoons Accent 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon black pepper ’/< cup soy sauce Vi cup Worcestershire sauce Mix thoroughly and soak 12 to 24 hours. Dry 12 hours, ANSWER Beverly Strauss, Lincoln University, wanted a recipe for sour cream lemon pie. Thanks to Margaret Strause for sending a recipe that she writes had appeared in this col umn in June 15, 1996. Sour Cream Lemon Pie 1 cup sugar 3% tablespoons corn starch 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind % cup fresh lemon juice 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 cup milk % cup butter 1 cup sour cream 1 baked 9-inch pie shell Icup heavy cream, whipped Combine sugar, cornstarch, lemon rind, juice, egg yolks, and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until thick. Stir in butter and cool. Stir in sour cream and pour into pie shell. Cover with whipped cream. ie^Pl m Cook’s Question Comer Page B 8) If You’re Not Liming Properly, You’re Throwing Away Part Of Every Fertilizer Dollar. By correcting soil acidity, limestone frees-up desirable nutrients that feed your crop. Plus, limestone ties up toxic elements that reduce crop production. High nitrogen use in modern farming practices acidifies the soil quickly. This limits your crop vigor and yields. Therefore, today it’s more important than ever to lime according to soil test results. Proper liming gives you the most from your fertilizer dollar. For prompt delivery contact your local Martin Limestone dealer or call Blue Ball, PA. (717) 354-1370 or 1-800-233-0205 Make Sure Young Deer Hunters UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) If you’re taking a young ster deer hunting for the first time Nov. 30, make sure he or she understands some impor tant safety rules, says Earle Robbins, Penn State Coopera tive Extension agent in Tioga County. Robbins is a-. Pennsylvania Game Commission volunteer, a hunting/trapping education instructor and a state 4-H shooting sports coordinator for Penn State Cooperative Extension. “Young people handling firearms need to develop some important habits,” says Robbins. “We can instill these habits by instructing them and more important, by setting an exam ple. New hunters, as well as those who have held a hunting license in another state or coun try, are required to complete a hunter-trapper education pro gram. These individuals also need role models who practice safe hunting skills.” Robbins offers these hunting safety tips: •.Make sure firearms are in good working order, and barrels and chambers are free of ANSWER Lois Eby, Greencastle, wanted a recipe for hard pretzels. Thanks to Margaret Strause, Leesport, for send ing a recipe. Hard Pretzels 1 cake yeast dissolved in VA cups water Add: 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar % cup melted butter Blend in: 4 cups flour Knead dough until smooth. Cut into small pieces. Roll into ropes and twist into desired shape. Place on lightly greased cookie sheets. Brush pretzels with one beaten egg. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake immediately at 425 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes or until brown. These keep well for serveral days. Know Safety Precautions obstructions. Guns must be sighted properly and have the proper sized ammunition. • Familiarize yourself with the hunting site, so that you will know what’s beyond your target. “Walk through the hunting grounds before deer season starts,” Robbins says. “When you know the area, you can keep livestock and buildings out of the line of fire.” • Make sure every member of the group wears a combined minimum of 250 square inches of hunter orange on the head, chest and back. •Assume every firearm is loaded. “When you pick up a gun, the first thing you should do is check it for ammunition,” Robbins says. “When you pass a firearm to someone else, leave the action open so there is no chance of it firing.” • Unload guns and leave the actions open when you are transporting them to and from the hunting area. • Always keep track of where your gun is pointed, and keep your finger off the trigger until it’s time to fire at your target. Never aim your gun at anything Martin Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 28, 1998-B9 5 •Unload your gun before climbing trees, scaling fences and logs, or jumping over ditch es. • If you have shot a deer and are preparing to dress it, don’t forget to unload your gun. • Never engage in horseplay using a gun. Youngsters can learn more about hunter safety and shoot ing-sports in programs available at schools and through 4-H. About 100,000 youth in 33 states are enrolled in 4-H archery, air pistol, air rifle, .22 rifle, black powder rifle and shotgun sports. In Pennsylvania, about 2,700 youth participate in 4-H shooting sports activities. “Along with safe hunting," youngsters learn good sports manship and self-discipline,” Robbins says. To learn more about 4-H shooting sports programs, con tact the Penn State Cooperative Extension office in your county. 4-H is open to all youths between the ages of 8 and 19 regardless of race, color, reli gion, sex, national origin or dis ability. BREAKFAST ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SAT. DECEMBER sth 6:00 A.M. -10:00 A.M. *4.50 Per Person *2.50 Children 6-12 Children Under 6 Free Bareville Fire Co. 211 E. Main St. Leola, PA Take Outs Available By The Ladies Auxiliary you do not plan to shoot. • Know the location of all the members of your hunting group. “Before separating, discuss where each hunter will be stand ing on watch and who will be walking through the woods,” Robbins says. • Don’t shoot until you’re absolutely sure of your target. Shooting at a sound or an unde fined shape is inviting tragedy. “During deer season, this also means making sure whether the deer is a buck or a doe,” Robbins says.