Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 28, 1998, Image 101
815468 CIH 2188 4WD Combine, 1997, 929 Hours, 18.4x38 Drive Tires 18.4x26 Steer Tires, Spec Rotor, Rock Trap, Chopper, Reid Tracker, Chaff sprdr- LI A 202401 H 1480 2WD Combine, B 15864 CIH 1660 4WD, 1991, 1984,3587 Hours, 30.5x32 Drive 2565 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock Tires, 18.4x16.1 Steer Tires, Spec Trap, Chopper, 30.5x32 Drive Tires, Rotor, FDR Rev, Auto hdr ctl, Accumulator pi ,t , a ,> «• f j 815624 JD 9500 4WD Combine, 815501 JD 9600 4WD, 1992, 1991,1535 Hours, 30.5x32 Drive 2200 Hours, Rock Trap, Chopper, Tires, 18 4x26 Steer Tires, Hydro, Chaff Sprdr, 18.4x38 Drive Tires, Rock Trap, Chopper, Chaff Sprdr, 18.4x26 Steer Tires Rotary Air Screen I, «* ‘ $ * "t X- ’-T*"*’ ' i»'; * A150981H 1460 2WD, 1984, 2191 Hours, Rock Trap, Chopper, 30 5x32 Drive Tires, 18 4x16.1 ADDITIONAL USED COMBINES FOR SALE (NOT PICTURED) * •t i 1&. Steer Tires CIH COMBINES 2188,1688,1680,1666, 1660,1640 IH COMBINES 1480,1460,1440,1420, 915, 815, 715 lIOOBER ■ ■ ■ THREE LOCATIONS HOOBER Im, i! " 1 " " '^TsSKm * f w =• .:j| " * , ,’ •* 813434 CIH 1660 2WD, 1988, 2154 Hours, Chopper, Chaff Sprdr., 30.5x32 Drive Tires, 18.4x16.1 Steer Tires .■ w k. -i: 18.4x26 Steer Tires ’ V * ' ( * jtt; V in? .■■ i 813922 CIH 1680 4WD, 1992, C 20553 CIH 1660 4WD, 1989, A 21636 CIH 1640 2WD, 1986, 816367 JD 9500 2WD, 1991, 2850 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock 2747 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock 2137 Hours, FDR rev, Gram Loss 1992 Hours, Rock Trap, Chopper, Trap, Chopper, 30 5x32 Dnve Trap, Chopper, Field Tracker, Monitor, 28L x 26 Dnve Tires, FDR rev, 30 5 x 32 Dnve Tires, Tires,lB 4x26 Steer Tires, 30 5x32 Drive Tires, 11 xl6 Steer Tires 14 9x 24 Steer Tires Field Tracker 18 4x26 Steer Tires JD COMBINES B 16367 JD 9500 2WD B 15655 JD 7720 4WD AU9841 JD 7720 2WD B 13422 JD 7720 2WD A U 9639 JD 7700 2WD A U 9764 JD 6600 2WD A U 9922 JD 6600 2WD B 15158 JD 6600 2WD OTHER COMBINES A 21439 AC M 3 2WD A U 1043 AC 12 2WD 816591 AC R6O 2WD r-' ' W **B||Ws fm A 20963 CIH 1680 2WD, 1990, 815660C . H , 188 4WD .995 B 21929 CIH 2188 4WD, 1996, 2300 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock sqo r Hn . ire <?nenaHu Pnt’nr Rnr'k 81 IE Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock Trap, 30 5x32 Dnve Tires, 14.9x24 D™ Trap Reid Tracker 30 5 x 32 Drive Steer Tires Tires, 18 . 4 x 26 Steer Tires Tires ' 18A x 26 steer T ! !es A 20999 CIH 1660 4WD Combine, A 20953 CIH 1680 2WD, 1990, 8 16589 CIH 1680 2WD, 1991, 1991, 2000 Hours, 24.5x32 Drive 3656 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Rock 1907 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, Tires 16.9x26 Steer Tires, Spec Trap, Chopper, 30.5 x 32 Drive Chaff sprdr, 30.5 x 32 Drive Tires, Rotor, Rock Trap, Chopper, Tires, 14.9 x 24 Steer Tires 14 9 x 24 Steer Tires Chaff sprdr •V »w«'»i»iwiii < - -.1 ' r- ' **• P 815460 CIH 1660 2WD, 1989, 2400 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, Chaff Sprdr, 30 5x32 Drive Tires, 18 4x16.1 Steer Tires fPPMIR I A; A-INTERCOURSE, PA • B - MIDDLETOWN, DE • C - McAUSTERVILLE, RA INTERCOURSE, PA MIDDLETOWN, DE McAUSTERVILLE, PA 800 732*0017 800 3414028 800 43*6679 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 28, 1998-C2l am..'**" 1 V it i nl A 21931 CIH 1666 4WD, 1994, 950 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Gram Loss Monitor, Auto Hdr Ctl, 30 5 x 32 Drive Tires, 18.4 x 26 Steer Tires HP Hoober has had another great year in new combine sales in 1998. With a great selection of reconditioned combines, and with 0% financing ‘til 1/1/00, now is the time to plan ahead for next year’s harvest. ‘ 9 B 15636 CIH 1660 2WD, 1991, 1500 Hours, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, Gram Loss Monitor, 18 4 x 38 Dnve Tires, 14 9 x 24 Steer Tires __ _ .-'— - ■ ;-j|