Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 21, 1998, Image 49

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Ida Risser
Almost Thanksgiving and we
do have a lot to be thankful for
again this year. We are both able
to hop out of bed in the morning,
whiqji is more than a lot of peo
ple can do. Recently we’ve been
visiting folks in hospitals and
nursing homes, which helps us
realize our blessings.
This year our gardens have
given us ample produce and I
canned and froze 344 quart of
fruit and vegetables. The only
crop that was not ample was the
sweet corn, which the raccoons
ate. The other week someone
asked what I still had in my gar
den. Till I was finished mention
ing Swiss chard, tomatoes,
radishes, parsley, peanuts,
sweet potatoes, broccoli, squash,
leeks and lima beans, they prob
ably wished they had not asked.
This year we dug several bushel
of sweet potatoes and so our
friends are sharing the crop.
My houseplants are finally
all in the house. This year there
are only 84 on the windowsills
and in the two bay windows.
They keep me busy in the winter
as the blooming ones do drop
their blossoms, and I must
water them quite often.
And, there are nine baskets
of different kinds of bulbs and
tubers in the basement. Not
everything has been dug up as I
really have too many as they
multiply each year. If 1 only
knew someone who wanted red
cannas as I will leave them out
side to freeze.
This year our daughter in
New Jersey has invited us to her
home for Thanksgiving. I shall
miss putting a big turkey in the
oven and making all the extra
dishes. Maybe I can make some
things to take along to her
Paul B
Heavy Duty Bale Movers
Finished with Baked on TGIC Polyester Powder Coating
With Kverneland Forged Steel Spears • Electrically Heat Treated
These spears are stronger & allow easier bale penetration
COM 2502
■■l • Fits any 3pt hitch or loader
■I boom with 1 or 2 cylinders
• Easy to change from 1 to 2
m* • 2500 lb capacity
2 PT 1000
• Attaches to lowe
3 pt arms only
• Safety chains prevent flip around
• 1000 lb capacity
Feed Big Round & Regular Bales
with 4’, s’, 6’, 8’ & JO’ panels
Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc.
295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 Hours-
Call or mite for additional information 717/738-7365 ' Moqbhn,iFa:;7-5
& the name of your nearest dealer 1 mile West of Ephrata _
ANSWER Lynda Bell, Lincoln University, wanted a recipe
for gingerbread with warm caramel sauce, which had
appeared in the "Dinah Shore Cookbook," printed in the 19705.
Thanks to Bonny Ray, Derry; Ginny Wolf, Middletown, Md.;
Stephanie Binner, Westminster, Md., and others for sending
Gingerbread With Caramel Sauce
1 cup molasses
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
V* teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs, beaten separately
% cup sugar
'A cup butter, melted
2 cups flour (scant)
1 cup boiling water
Mix molasses, baking soda, and spices. Add sugar, butter,
flour, and water; beat welt. Add egg yolks and fold in whites.
Pour in a greased ring mold and bake in a 350 degree oven for
35 to 40 minutes. (Don’t worry if batter seems thin, it’s sup
posed to be).
Caramel Sauce:
2 egg yolks
1 cup cream
1 pound light brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
'/• teaspoon salt
Add egg yolks and cream to sugar. Cook until creamy in dou
ble boiler. Add butter. When cool, add vanilla and salt
Serve on a large round platter with bowl thatfits in the center
of the ring after the gingerbread has been unmolded. Ginger
bread and sauce are even nicer when served a little warm
Serves 8.
Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process!
✓l. Five step metal preparation, including iron
phosphate conversion coating, to enhance adhesion
& prevent undercoat corrosion
Cook’s Question
(Continued from Page B 8)
In PFL 4000
pB 'IB • Front end loader fork
M ■ ■ • Includes chain & binders
. 1500 lb capacity
2. Zinc rich epoxy powder undercoat
3 TGIC polyester powder top coat, baked at 400° to
fuse coats, forming a cross link molecular bond
\nge from
1 spear to 2
• 1250 lb capacity
• 1 7/8" CRS-C1144 steel spear
SSL 2500
• Great for front loaders
• Mounts in minutes
•15001 b capacity