834-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg' - ' PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. FBI OCT 30 - 930 AM J&M Leonard Farm Dairy Dispersal At 1833 County Rd 39,3 miles NE of Bambndge, 2 miles SW of Rt 8 and Sidney 1 miel West of Rt 88 Exit 9 J&M Leonard Owners Wm Kent Inc aucts FRI OCT 30 - 1 30 PM Valuable Personal Property & Antiques At 26 S Spruce St Lilitz PA For Henrietta Stoner Elmer Murry Auctions Inc FRI OCT 30 530 PM Real Estate household items & col lectibles 45 miles NW of I 'arns burg Pa 8 miles E of Mif (linlown Pa in the village of McAl isterville PA H Irene Kennedy owner Robert L Leitzel Turn Kline aucts FRI OCT 30 - 7PM Fingerlakes Livstock Exc 3865 Rt 5&20, Canandaigua NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 FRI OCT 30 & SAT OCT 31 - Major Contractors Auction Cochran Auction Complex Boonsboro Md J G Cochran aucts SAT OCT 31 - Preview 8-8 30 AM Red Caboose Tram Auction Charles S Camellm auct SAT OCT 31 - 2nd Annual Absolute Auction at Elk Lake Pa Sponsored by the Endless Moun tains Antique Power Association Wayne Weaver & Harvey Cleary aucts SAT OCT 31 - 2nd Annual Antique Tractor & Machinery Auc tion by the Endless Mountains Antique Power Assoc SAT OCT 31 ■ 8 30AM Fine Fur niture antiques, lewelry collec tion collectibles housewares plumbing supplies tools fromt he estate of Mrs Peggy Brenner late of York Pa Sechnst aucts SAT OCT 31 ■ 8 30AM Antiques furniture china tools held at Florin Fire Hall 134 N Market St Mount Joy Pa By Mildred Brandt Harold "Abe” Shaffner Auction Service SAT OCT 31 - b 30AM Tractor Equip Tools Misc Vehicle Lum ber Blocks Horse Equip Leaving Newburq, ho->d tova" 1 '-'np.ke interchange, turn right at Turkey fool (Rt 997), go approx 1/4 mile to sale on left By Karne R Schmiedmg Terry L Shelter Kelly A Shelter, aucts SAT OCT 31 - 8 30 A M Real Estate, Acreage, Antiques, Furni ture Household Good, Dishers, Toys Dolls Tram Sets Car Van 2 storage sheds At 666 Old Quaker Rd, Lewisberry, Pa Geroge Jr & Sarah Zeider, own ers Little IKE Eichelberqer Auct SAT OCT 31 -8 30AM Antiques & Collectibles Estate of Helen W Snyder, 25 Bentz Mill Rd , Krall town, Pa York Co Rt 74 S of Dillsburg or N of Dover Pa Rentzel s Auction Service SAT OCT 31 - 8 30AM 1863 Civic War Era Musket 1933 Caterpillar Tractor, antiques guns furniture, historical books tools personal property 6742 Div Hwy Beartownb Narvon Pa By Joyce Burkey POA for Henry Longabaugh Martin Aucts Inc SAT OCT 31 - SAM Consign ment Auction, at Buffalo Valley Produce auction grounds near Mifflmburg Pa Kenneth E Mas singer NeHA Courtney aucts SAT OCT 31 - 9AM 32,000 board feet of lumber white & red oak pine poplar ash From Rt 272 at Ephrata take Schoeneck Rd through Shhoeneck turn left onto Sandy Hill Rd to right on Netsley Dr to 65 Netsley Dr Denver Pa By Martin's Sawing Service Aaron E Martin auct SAT OCT 31 - 9AM The Lat eGuy & Rosaline Nichols All Day Dispersal Antiaues collectors A i ipwm a /I PUBLIC AUCTION I niUhNi Oi-Ji PERSONAL PROPERTY VyjSfcSly W/ AND ANTIQUES Saturday, October 31 9:00 A.M. TO BE HELD AT RD #l, Box 284, (443 West) New Ringold, PA Selling for Cathlene Krammes Directions; RT 78 to 61 North to 895 West to 443 West (Watch for signs) WWII Japanese military flag w/signatures, Softwood pine top table, 6-pc Walnut Victorian parlor suite, Softwood jelly cupboard w/old red finish, Cannonball rope bed, Maple china cabinet, Sterling mahg spmette piano, Softwood blanket chest, Child's oak rocker, Modern corner cupboard, Painted oak bureau, Victorian wash stand, Enameled top kitchen cabinet, School desks, Oak bureau w/mirror, Dovetailed cradle, Empire chest of drawers, Sewing table, Workbench, Feed chest, Sm comb gram bucket bench, Wicker chair, Mahg bow front chest w/mir ror, Porch posts, Forge Lovell NJ brass lantern, Fluid lamps, Various books and novels, C I coffee grinder, Marigold carnival pitcher, Old valentines, Disney valen tines, Paper dolls, Comp dolls, black comp doll, Sm bisque jointed dolls, Paper Mache candy container, Post cards, Old paper goods, Scrap magazines, Wooden keg, Prints and frames, Rug beater, Dec china, Depression glass, Baskets, Wooden wheel barrow, Gram cleaner, Saddles, Dimensional lumber, Various hand tools PARTIAL LISTING OF SALE CONESTOGA AUCTION COMPANY, INC. AH-11-L PO Box 1 - Manhelm, PA 17545 Phone (717) 898-7284 items, household goods butcher ing equip , farm machinery On Farm 2 1/2 miles E of Loganton Pa 2 1/2 miles W of Carroll along Rt 880 Fraley Auction Co aucts SAT OCT 31 -'8 30AM Tools guns antiques household goods Jarrettsville Md Mr & Mrs Homer D Bare Isennock Auction Service SAT OCT 31 8 30AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburq A y PUBLIC AUCTION Spfei McNeal’s Auction House !r\ Firehouse Road, Grantville, PA Jt MON., OCT. 26,1998 Timp* DIRECTIONS: From Harrisburg,’PA* Take 1-81 North To The Grantville Exit #2B. Turn Left Going Towards The Penn National Race Track, On Rt. 743. At The Penn National South Gate, Turn Right Onto Fox Run Road. 4th Road Right Onto Firehouse Road 4th Building On The Left. Signs Posted. LOTS OF MISC, HOUSEHOLD AND COLLECTIBLES ITEMS 5 H.P. MTO - Snow Blower 2 Stage GUNS & RELATED ITEMS 50 Cal Flint Thompson Center, Browning 12 Ga BPS SP 28, Winchester Mod. 50 12 Ga. Marlin Mod. 81 .22 LR, Russian 91 Moison 762/54R, Win chester Mod 12 20 Ga. Czech Mod 98 8 M.M. lan rus PT22 22LR, Norinco Walther TT Olympic Tar get 22 LR, FN .32 ACP Auto, Stevens Mod, 94 12 Ga Single Barrel, Dairy Power -Line 856 .177 Cal Pellet/88, Ruger Mod 10/22 Carbine .22 LR Cal iber With Bushnell Sportview Scope, Winchester Mod 94 30-30 Cal With Bushnell 4X Scope, Stevens Mod 22-410 Over/Under, Ithaca 20 Ga Double Bar rel, H&R Mod 999 22 Cal Top Break Revolver, Crossman BB Gun Mod 338 Auto Pistol, Colt Mark 111 38 Special Revolver, J C Higgins Mod 20 12 Ga. Pump, Barrels (Mod 37 12 Ga 2 2/4”, Winchester 12 Ga 2-3/4” Full, Remington 12 Ga 2-3/4” Multi- Choke, Remington 12 Ga. 3” Multi-Choke), 16 Ga. MEC Loader, and a Browning Compound Bow. PATCHES PA Game Patches (1984 to 1995 & Ross Leffler Class Patch), PA Game Commission Decals, PA Fish Commis sion White Hat With Paper, 1996 Ned Smith Chipmunk, 1997 Ned Smith Grouse. PA Fish &Boat Commission Trout Stamp Patches (1991 to 1999), PA League of Angling Youth (1980 & 81,1983 & 84,1986 & 87,1989), and Eastern Sport Show Patches (1991 to 1995). BOATS & JET SKI 1994 Carver 28 Ft Cabin Cruiser With 2 Palmer Ford 302 Engines (needs work-absolute sale), 1990 21 Ft. Baja 210 Sur Open Bow Boat With 350 Mer cruiser 1/0 260 H.P and Depth Finder & Trailer (nice), 18 Ft. Tri-Hull Boat With 135 H.P. Johnson Ob and Trailer, 16 Ft. Tn-Hull Boat With 80 H.P. Mercury OB and Trailer, 12 Ft. Aluminum Duranant Boat and Dilly Trailer With 5 HPEvenrude Motor & Electric Shakespear Motor With Oars & Fuel Tank, and Kawasaki Jet Ski Sts. NOTE: Household & Collectible Items Starting At 5.30, In The Main Room. In The Back Room, Start ing At 6:00 P.M. With The Boats Followed By The Guns, Then The Patches. TERMS: Cash or Approved Checks. No Out of State Checks. All Merchandise May Be Inspected The Day Of The Auction. AUCTIONEERS: Richard and Rick McNeal and Jessie Berkebile Lie #S AU-001380-L, AU-002188-L & AA-002563-L 717-545-5911 or 717-469-7599 SAT OCT 31 - 9AM Personal Property and Antiques Held at RD #1 Box 284, New Ringgold, Pa For Cathlene Krammes Con estoqa Auction Co, Inc SAT OCT 31 - 9AM Quonset Bldg , T railers, Equip 4900 W Market St, York Pa approx 6 miles W of York or 1/2 mile East of Thomasville, PA Robert M Wetzel, owner Mike STermer auct SAT OCT 31 - 9AM At Hills Auc tion on Rt 896 1 1/2 mile sS of Kemblesville Pa + 5 mi es N of Newark Del Howard S Hill & Son aucts SAT OCT 31 - 9AM tractors farm equip tools cars antiques 320 Swamp Pike Limerick Twp Montgomery Co Pa Estate of Mable Jones Nelson C Weiden bauqh, auct ENDLESS MOUNTAINS ANTIQUE POWER ASSOCIATION CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, October 31,1998 At 10:00 A.M. Directions; Rt. 29 to Dimoch light. Go west to Elk Lake blinker light. Sign to Agawan Farm, Montrose, PA. JD: Unstyled ‘3B G. restored; ‘39 H, restored; ‘46 BW. original; early A, all fuel, original; JD A, 4 speed; JD B, 6 speed; JD B parts tractor; AC B, new motor: M-H 101 Sr; Farmall Super MTA, diesel, fenders, original; Farmall Super A with attachments; Farmall H, two Ford BN. M-H 30, IH LA engine, runs; IH LB engine; restored late 1800's cider press; several pieces IH & JD horse drawn equipment; JD reaper binder; JD sulky plow; Case 2 row com planter; JD & IH wheel weights; blacksmith forge; 3 btm. IH plow; JD gram drill; 8 ft. harrow; several tractor parts; more coming m daily. TERMS: Cash or good check. LUNCH For consignments or directions call Robert Warriner at (717) 278-1736 or Richard Naylor at (717) 965-2344. Auctioneers: Wayne Weaver 984-L Harvey Clary AU-1917-L New tractor parts will be on sale during the auc tion by Kevin Stover. All items must be removed from Agawan Farm within 10 days or they will become property of the club. Outstanding Auction Of The Beatrice Lantz Estate Sat, Nov. 7,1998 9:00 a.m. Directions: Approximately 2 miles north of Reading and 5 miles south of Bernville on route 183, take Upper Van Reed road south 1.5 miles to sale site. Local Advertising: Lamm Funeral Home of Wemersville Picture and Thermometer, Old Fan Mt Laurel Springs Reading, Old Postcards of Reading and Surrounding Towns, Lititz Freight Yard Post Card, 11 Dionne Calendars from Cacoosing Dairy (1942 to 1951), Obold-Leesport and Fritztown Calendars, Plus Much More. Antique Furniture: 1930's China Cupboard-Side Board and Table Set, Grained Decorated Pine Chest with Strap hinges, 1940's Philco 9" TV- Radio and Record Player, 40's Upholstered Sofa and Chair, Cane Seat Rockers, China Closet, Assorted Chairs, Camel Back Trunk, Doll Cradle, Oak Parlor Table, Side Table with Drawer, 3 Piece Oak Bedroom suite. Hanging Hall Rack with Mirror, Oak Chifforobe, Assorted Cedar Chests, 6 Piece '3o's Bedroom suite, Drysink with Mustard Paint, Assorted Blanket Chests, Small Jelly Cupboard, Oak Ice Box, Mortised Benches, Adirondack Chairs, and More. Miscellaneous Antiques: Assorted Quilts, Bleeder, Assorted Clocks, German Bisque Dolls with Leather and Composition Bodies, Black rubber Doll, Picture Frames, Assorted Photo Albums and Photographs, Victorian Scrapbooks, Kerosene Lights, Electric Chandeliers, Pin Cushions, Agate Child's Lunch Kettle, Agate Candle Holder, Stereoscopic Viewer and Cards, Small Shoenhut Piano, Assorted Crocks and Jugs, Assorted Throw Rugs, Baskets, Mirrors, Small Wooden Chests and Boxes, Cookie Cutters, Sausage Stuffer, No 12 Meat Grinder, Pencil Boxes, Chalk Santa Bank and Dog, Cracker Jack Rings, Assorted Childrens Books, Agate Strainer, 2 Butcher Scales with Weights, Vintage Clothing, Child's High Top Shoes, Linens and Doilies, Costume Jewelry, Floor Lamps and More. Glassware: Assorted Depression-Carnival and Cut Glass, 18 Piece Gold Luncheon Depression Set in Original Box, Calendar Plate Henne of Strausstown, Rooster Cookie Jar, Rooster and Hens, Majolica Pitchers, Planters, Vases, Goblets, Very Large Assortment of Antique China. Tools: International Cub Cadet Model 1000 with mower and Snowblade, 6" Belt Sander with Stand, Craftsman 12" Band Saw-Sander, 5 H.P. Chipper Shredder, 7 H.P. Rear Tine Cultivator, Mountville Com Shellers, Broad Ax, Wooden Carpenters Tool Chest, Saws and Molding Planes, 30' Extension Ladder, Assorted Hand and Garden Tools, Items Too Numerous to Mention. Auctioneers: Richard A. Kramer y^T^X AU-003135-L fh- 1 jj Rick Kramer AA-002278-L yrdwj (717)933-8219 HT] Terms: Cash or PA check Sale Ordered By: Betty Sands P.OA. Refreshments provided by Fryers On Tires. Auctioneers Note: Announcements day of sale take precedence over all printed material. Phone number day of sale (610) 909-4211. We will have 2 Auctioneers selling as time demands. Public Sale Antiques, Furniture, China, Tools To Be Held At Florin Fire Hall 134 N. Market St. Mount Joy, PA. (Florin Ward) Sat. Oct. 31,1998, 8:30 A.M. Oak Sellers kitchen cabinet (mint cond ) jelly cup board, oak washstands, slant front desk, marble top table, oak library table, cherry DL table, oak claw & ball table, mahog card table, candlestand, wicker rockers & baby buggy, cedar chests & wardrobe, clothes trees, oak high chair, press back chairs, floor safe, sewing machine, wooden cup boaid, 5 pc single BR suite, DR suite, sofas, rcclmcis, sm tables, refrigerator, Ig. oriental style rug. Tiffany type lamps, slag hanging lamp, coal oil lamps, Rayo lamp flooi lamps, mantle & gin gerbread clocks, German cuckoo clock, washbowl & pitcher set, gaudy & decorated ironstone, flo blue, ABC plate, 60+ pcs. Fiesta, Excelsior coffee pot. Bavarian, water set glass baskets. M Parrish mirror, prints & frames, iron banks, iron cats & frogs, sadirons, Ig, candystnpe marble, crocks, baskets, quilts, old valentines, Hershey items, kitchenwares, linens, sm. hand tools, grind stone, and many other items too numerous to mention CLEAN MERCHANDISE. Sale By: Mildred Brandt Harold "Abe" Shaffner Auction Service Auctioneers: Harold "Abe" Shaffner 829-L (717) 653-5689 Marty Fleck (apprentice) (717) 367-9672 FOOD STAND PUBLIC AUCTION Sat, Oct. 31,1998 at 9:00 AM Tractors, Farm Equip. Tools, Cars, Antiques Location: 320 Swamp Pike, Limerick Twp. Montg. Co., PA. Near Light Yellow Auction Signs. TRACTORS: 2025 IH 340 Gas Tractor Tricycle Fasthitch T.A 136552 Farmall F-20 w/Cultivators New Tires, 143776 Farmall H Tricycle w/Air Compressor Farmall C. Tractor Tricycle Scr. #10315 w/Cultivator. FARM EQUIP. 7' Rotary Mower 3 Pt. Hitch, Kewanee B"x24' RTO Grain Auger, 14' Miller Offset Disc. IH 20' spring Tooth 3 Pt Harrow, 10' J.D. KDA Transport Disc, Donahue 24' Combine Head Trailer, Chattanooga 11' Single Packer, 300 bu Gravity Bin No Running Gear, 2 Pt To 3 Pt Conversion Hitch, 6' Pull Type Rotary Mower, Many Used IH Tractor Parts, 7 1/2' Meyers Snow Plow Complete Power Angle 1995 Ford Escort 2 Dr. Automatic 1 9 Liter 4 Cycl 24,000 Miles, 1975 BMW 201 Automatic Transmission, 1984 Chevrolet Conversion Van. RIDING MOWERS 1200 INT Cub Cadet w/44" Deck, 12 HP, Hitch 154 IH. Cub Cadet Lowboy w/Hydro Lift w/60" Mowing Deck 3 Pt Hitch, 8 HP Wheel Horse Tracloi, 5 HP Montgward Front Tiller, Cub Cadet 1200 Lawn, 12 HP. 38" Deck, Ext Ladders, Troy Built Horse Rear Tiller. TOOLS 3 Table Saws, Radial Arm Saw, Skill Sabre Saw, 3 Generators, Honda, Craftsman, Yamaha All Gas Powered, 2-Air Compressors, Gas, Emglo, Rigid Pipecutters I" + 2", Elect H Duty Concrete Mixer, Rigid Tn-pod Pipe Vise, Elec 2 Stage, 5 Horse Sno Blower, 2 Rubber Tire Wheelbarrows, Rigid Pipe Threaders - Sets 1/2", 3/4", 1", Farm Gates, 1000 Sq Ft. Used Random Width Lumber 1" White Pine, Sleds, Baskets, Chicken Equip, 18 Drawer Metal Bolt Bin, Copper & Plumbing Fittings, New Tow Chains w/Hooks, Etc. ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Schader Wood Stove 75,000 BTU, Firebrick Lined, Austria Cast Iron Wood/Coal Kitchen Stove w/Watcr Jacket, 2-20" Apt Size Gas Stoves, G.E. Floor Freezer, Hotpoml Refrig., Wood, Coal, Gas Stove, Maytag Wringer Washer, Elec Range, Lgc Wooden Table, (Kitchen w/5 ext. Boards), Oak Rocker, Childs High Chair, 2 Waterfall Nightstands, Library Table, Cedar Chest, Lge Camelback Trunk, Lge Bench, Cane Seat Rocker, Wrought Iron Childs Crib, Sml. Corner White Cupboard, 2-Dressers, 3 End Tables, Oak Bureau, Kneehole Desk, Bookcase, Chairs, Washstand, Stoneware Crocks, Kitchen Utensils, Meat Grinder, Glassware, Plus Many Fine Items Not Listed. I.D.Required For Bidder No. Estate of: Mable JOIICS Order Of Auction-Furniture At 9:00 AM, Cars- TVactors-Noon Time. Terms: Cash Or PA Check. Good Food Available Nelson C. Weidenbaugh - Auctioneer 2635 Swamp Pike, New Hanover Twp. 610-327-2475 CARS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers