Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1998, Image 86
822-fcancaster Farming, Saturday, October 54, 1998 Monroe County (Continued from Page B 21) Horse Production. Craig Brodt, Nicole Chase, Erin Riley, Mary Kate Riley, Jen Tanner, Jamie Ter hune. • Pennsylvania State Horse Show. Production: Craig Brodt, Julie Dotta, Ryan Eckhart, Audrey Fossett, Stacey Kiesge, Mary LaForest, Audrey Neuweiler, Gabe Nonnemaker, Janelle Strohl, Ash ley Stumpp. Production - Craig Brodt, Nicole Chase, Erin Riley, Jamie Terhune, Jennifer Tanner. Monroe County Outstanding Equine Member for three consecutive years. Stacey Kresge - Competi tive Edge. For more information on 4-H, as a member ages 8-19 or as an adult volunteer leader, call Sherri L. Abbruzzi at the Penn State Cooperative Extension Office. (717) 421-6430. O~S MAILBOX MARKET-' 1- FOR SALE '• - Reg coondogs, walker, female, also Redbone make, can be trained, good hunting farm dogs, your choice $125 ea 717-354-0175 Lane Co JD unstyled B, totally restored steel wheels, skele ton rear serial no 28366717- 263-2050 Frankl Co 1984 Chevy Impala, 4 drs , SDN AC PB AM/FM, new exhaust, $lOOO, Bx4B bull float mars hall town $BO 717- 374-4024 Snyder Co 4 BR rancher attached 2 car gar, 13+ acres, pond, pvt setting, $140,000, near Danville 717-286-3136 North’d Co JD 770 combine parts, top & bottom sieves, fits older 77205, $4OO, can deliver 301-829-0916 Fredenck Co Border Collie pups, 6 wks , shots, wormed, vet checked, ready to go, reg papers 609-769-3717 Salem Co NJ 2 Warm Morning stoves, $2OO ea, Great Majestic range, needs work John M Stoltzfus, 960 Brunnerville Rd , Lititz 17543 Lane Co 1978 Mack tractor, U-model, 237-5 spd fair/poor body, exc mechanically, $2300, Diesel AC Dl7, WF good tin, weights, runs gd $4OOO 717-244-8583 York Co Border Collie pups, reg working parents. $2OO ea ready to go l Eves , 8-8 30 717-656-2477 Lane Co Cat 977 H, $4900 080 127 Bndgeville Rd , East Earl, 17519 Lane Co 14" Hendey Lathe, flat belt drive, taper attachment, quick change gears, 2 chucks, steady rest & face plates, $l4OO 717-244-1349 York Co Antique Int 9 crawler tractor w/gas eng , PTC and live hyd good cond , less than 1000 hrs , $5BOO 717-244- 1349 York Co Newton dowel boring machine 2 spindle $BOO Delta unisaw tablesaw, $650, Oliver 24” wood planer w/kmfe gnnder, 3 ph $3600 717-359-5777 North'd Co Kohler KIBIRT eng , spec #301034 8 hp w/gear box, like new 5-9 pm, 973-875- 1597 Sussex Co Farmall Super C, power steering, 3 pt adapter, front end loader, separate pump, new clutch hyd pump, over hauled eng, $3500 717- 582-2517 Perry Co 1256 Int 2350 loader, cab, TA axle, duals, 3 pt exc retired must sell, will sepa rate 410-758-1524 Q A Co Ontario 12 tine disk drill, 20’ bed ox 85 hp Evmrude cox trailer, 2 3 pt MF plows 14” & 16” 410-364-5447 Talbot Co Old tobacco baler box, good cond, $l4O, Philco floor radio, has remote control. $lOO 717-687-7336 eves , Lane Co 2-seated Mennomte car nage 717-345-5489 Lane Co 4-H Lincoln Idealane MOR3S - mig welder in good cond,sl4oo Lv mssg 717- 354-7737 Lane. Co HD 5 AC tractor loader, rebuilt motor, exc undercar riage, $5500, 1974 C6O Chevy 14' flatbed dump, $3OOO 717-297-4643 Brad ford Co Yanmar tractor sign, 2 side, 4’x6’ e'ec , $250 080, JD 710 loader for 1010, $l2OO 080 John, 301-924-3614 MontgCo Horse oats, bright, clean at ‘B3 1 ton stake body Chevy, $6 50 per 100 lbs w/1000 $3500, Steiner sweeper bu avail straw wheat, oats & compactor, $975 80, 1 row barley $2 304-754-7615 Deerbom com picker, $250 Berkeley Co 215-257-7424 Bucks Co 47 hp Ford eng , w/4 1 clutch reduction Henry Fisher, 38 S Kmzer Rd , Kmzers, PA 17535 Lane Co NH 31 & 273 baler, rebuilt baler engines & engine mounts John Beiler, 41 Slay maker Hill Rd, Kmzers, Lane Co 717-442-1009 8- 8 15 am Central machinery 14” wood bandsaw, 5 spd drill press, mobile home windows, storm door, insulated, expandable heat duct 717-354-7984 Lane Co Great Pyrenees pups, AKC, Ist she's, wormed, family raised 717-762- 5028 Frankl Co Farmall Cub, runs exc , new paint, new tires, has fast hitch & cults, $2600 301-855- 7040 A A Co Hyd press, Manly 40 ton, has arbor press on one end, good shape, $6OO 301-854- 6431 Howard Co 200 weathered 11’ Chestnut rails 50 3-hole Chestnut posts, $2 ea , choice of 1 or all 717-336-6534 Lane Co ‘BB Chevy p/u, 8 ft bed, Kl5OO, 4WD, 5 spd 350 V 8 EFI , A/C, AM/FM stereo, no wheel rear slider step bumper 717-741- 3974 York Co Houle 4300 gal manure spreader, 28 L-26 tires, steering axle, brakes, lights, splash-doors, 2 yr old, must sell, like new 301-790-2052 Wash. Co 1 Ram ready for service, Sauder loader single button plow 717-865-2762 Leb Co Boston Terrier pups, AKC females ready Oct 30-31 Priscilla Stoltzfus, 4994 Stras Rd , Kmzer PA, betw Kmzers & Hoover Rd Hay wagon iron butch ket tle, feeder calf horse, draw manure spreader, milk compressor David Bradley tiller Eves , 717-927-6157 York Co Fireplace stove, good cond , $B5, 3 yr old big work horse, broke, very gentle Lloyd H Hoover, 974, Newswanger Rd, Ephrata 17522 Lane Co AKC Boston Terner male, 7 mos, beautiful markings, all shots, $225 080, claw foot bathtub, $5O 080 717-463- 2157 Jun Co ton, must take out of base- Polled Hereford project ment 717-653-5039 Lane calves, steers, heifers, Co make great 4-H expen- jp flatbed wagon, exc ences for youngsters, conc j i chisem Ryder bean ready to go, on feed 610- picker for parts, eves 410- 589-5617 Berks Co 374-2928 Carroll Co 1 Steel plate, 1-1/8" thick, craftsman mechanics fool 4’x6 $75; G-beams, 10" high. c h es t i Kerosene heater, roof 8" wide, 3/8” web, 16' long, rac ks to fit van, alum side $lOO ea After 7pm 717- boxes to fit truck sides 717- 993-9090 York Co 834-9668 Perry Co 4x5 round bale grass hay/loader, hyd control valve, 2 spool 4 way port w/float 1/2” working parts, ex cond 717-282-2557 Lack awanna Co Woods 7500 backhoe, 3 pt mound, BLD Brodco back hoe frame mount for com pact JD or Kubota, BO both 215-766-7895 Bucks Co Contents of used bookstore, many thousands of used and out-of-print books May buy inventory or poss take-over store 610-326-3168 lv mssg Montg. Co Hay 9000 Ist cutting sqr bales, 300 to 400, 2nd Cat, few round bales, no ram 724-834-7197 Westmore land Co. Old McCormick Deenng Burr Mill, #8 w/bagger, 80, must sell, WFE for M or Super M, $450 080. 410-374-6857 Carroll Co 1995 Geo Tracker LSI 4x4 Hard top, air, AM/FM Cas sette, alum wheels, 5 spd 30,000 miles, exc cond $9300 717-345-2411 Schuyl Co Hay appx 2000 sq bales, 1 st cut, 300 2nd cut, no ram, some round bales, also corn picker 724-834-7197 West moreland Co ‘B3 Fl5O, 134 K miles, 8'8”x6’10" stake body, good cab, 302 eng, helper spnngs, 2” H D Rec Eves , 610-346-8576 Bucks Co AC Gleaner, F 2 diesel com bine w/mce black 430 corn head Asking, $B9OO/pair 717-428-9138 York Co Cat D 690 dozer, low hrs on diesel & pony overhaul, working cond , needs pins & bushings, $3500 215-679- 9701 Beiks Co Snowblower, 5' 3 pth w/hyd or manual spout, rotation, 3 pt rear finishing mower, 5' both exc cond , 10 hp BCS tiller 814-634-5118 Somer set Co 1150 Cat diesel awning, now $2OOO Lane shingle mill, $2500 Paul F Verger, Auburn, PA 17922. 717-754- 4661 Sch Co NH 273 baler w/thrower, VG Cond , Notter compl rebuilt by BHM, NH dealer After 4, 717-933-5232 Berks Co 55 gal oil tank w/pump, in good cond, $5O 080, 2 uni ’cycles, BO 610-693-6134 Berks Co JD #237 2 row mounted corn-picker, good cond , anytime 215-536-4281 Bucks Co MF com heads, 24-W, 63N, 6-row, both in good shape. After 8 pm, 814-674-8257 Cambria Co. 1970 Int. alum, step van, 345 V 8,15 ft. cargo camper, area roll up door, license house car, dual wheels 717-366- 2938 Sch Co 41' Westfield 7" auger, $750, Glencoe 4RW C shank cult., $750, JD 900 5-shank npper 301-297-8501 PG. Co. Woodstoves, Timberime, dbl door, 30x30x30 brick lined $4OO The Furnace Works, stove w/hot water circulator, $300.717-225-4511 York Co 1962 Int. Scout w/snow plow, $BOO, Hobart 400 pump welder, $l2OO, LBOO Ford 33,000 # roll back, $6OOO 717-846-1546 York Co Two female donkeys, mother and 5 mo old, both are gen tle, $295 and $395 neg 717- 677-4622 Adams Co Bee equipment, 150 plus brood boxes & comb supers, most w/comb foundations, never used 717-752-3759 Col Co Rice coal, $95 for about 2 Gleaner 240E111 com head, exc cond , make offer, Rye $5 75/bu 610-689-9266 Berks Co New mower parts, Briggs, Toro & Tecumseh $75 215- 795-0348 Bucks Co 8275 diesel 3 pt new 7’ blade, $2700, McCormick loader, for Farmall C, $5OO, parting out Farmall Super C, &H 717-725-3604 Clm tonCo 92 UD 1800 truck, diesel 56k mi, 17640 wt, $12,300, ‘B5 340 Iveco, 144 k mi, 18,900 M $l4OO 717-244-8702 York Co. Two silent glow space heaters, 160,000 btu, good Ford 900 tractor w/high lift 3 CO nd , $4OO, 41 6 cyl. GM pt and hyd for rear use, truck motor, compl rebuilt, $4OOO neg. 724-254-1537 12K miles $2OO. 717-386- IndianaCo 3143Sch_Co Eshland wood boiler, mcl 6ft 3 pnt. rear mnt. blade, controls, also MTD 42” mow- $275, like new cond ,717- er & 54” blade, early moms, 872-5656 Lane. Co late eves, 410-357-4580 Balto Co Farm 128 acres, beautiful Hawk Mt Valley, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, snowmobilmg, can be farmed, great hunting club 610-756-6172 Berks Co Winchester model 1893 shotgun, very rare, only made from 1893 to 1896 ong cond , $750 717-896- 7775 Dau Co AKC German Shepherd pups. 2 female sables, 1 black & tan male, both par ents on prem beautiful 1 $l5O 814-798-4771 Som erset Co AC G w/plow cults, disc trac tor, runs great, all in good cond $3300 After 6, 215- 721 -7985 Montg Co | New & Used "f 1 Wind Mills j| t| E&RWIND MILL | | SALES & SERVICE jj | 717-354-5554 | | 717-354-9320 I iHHasiasisisßßaHsisgisiaiairtg iKwmms' U.L.RA. & N.F. FREE ESTIMA ter, Owner '4-7090 Hesston No. 10 stack processor, $500; 10 cast Iron radiators & 24 ft. baseboard, 200 ft. 2” SS pipeline w/surge valves. 717-677-8789 Adams Co Nl 737 838 husking beds w/elevators, exc. cond., always housed; Case IH 685 w/loader, 1500 hrs. 724-654- 0106 Lawn Co. Power adjust nms w/13.6x28 tires, nice $400; MF 135, 3 cyl gas, runs, needs TLC, $l5OO. 607-749-4106 Cayu ga Co. NY Purebred billy, kinder breed, born 1/15/98; new quilted orange jackets size 2x & 3x only, $7 ea.; brown quilted pants 2x & 3x only $3 ea., can UPS. 610-944-9973 Berks Co. Wetline tank for tractor or trailer, 60 gal., manure spreader, tires & truck fires, new & used 717-866-7822 Leb Co Shropshire rams- 1 ram lamb. $150; 3 yearlings, $2OO ea, top bloodlines, all reg ram lease also 304- 725-0188 Jefferson WV 100 yr old shutters 16- 1/2"x105” $lO ea.; windows, $5 ea, 36”x24” magnetic boards, $2O 717-339-2252 North’d Co. Lg old farm bell, $l5O, table mounted coffee gnnder $6O, Willys tire gauge w/leather Bucks Co Montadale ram, 4 yr old, supreme champion York Fair, $l5O, 2 dorset ewe lambs, $175 ea 717-432- 3387 York Co. IH 64 pull combine bin, Cub pu spare canvas belts, parts, needs minor work, $5OO Dave Downs, FOB 377, Fountamville, PA 18923215- 249-0377 Bucks Co Backhoe attachment, 3 pt w/pump & 2 buckets, good cond, $3500 080. 610- 261-1015 Northampton Co Truck camper, $2OO truck cap $lOO, 22 rifle, 4x scope, $125; 22 mag scope $2OO, wheel rake, $4OO, grass hay, $lOO 717-532-7837 Frankl. Co. 24” Grizzly double drum sander, used 1 hr w/2 hyd motors or will sell w/o motors Lv mssg. 717-745- 3626 Lye Co Esso gas station window dis plays, 1953 $3OO, William Taft autograph 1097, w/photo in old oak frame $395 610- 287-9897 Montg Co APHA weanling colts & fillies, exc pleasure and perfor mance breeding, brood mare package deals 610-987- 3020 Berks Co STOP Feeding Expensive Feed to Peit Birds Avitrol treated grain baits successfully remove pest birds from feedlots and farm buildings HESSAGRI MARKETING 218 Rookpomt Rd, Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 EPA Approved P.O. B( Freeburg, Jack Russel pups, shots & wormed, ready Oct. 29, also stud service. Gideon Beiler, 186 Geist Rd., Lancaster Lane. Co. 205 acre, mostly wooded lots near Conowmgo Md Lv. mssg., 717-806-0965 Lane. Co. Oliver 70 eng., $l5O OBO; Ford 8N rear wheel weights, $2OO 080. 610-689-9093 Berks Co. 4 acres, approved 8 town house lots, water, sewer, gas, clean 8” block 20 cents, water pump w/pressure tank, $5O. 717-291-9106 Lane. Co. Hobart 20 lb. store scale, new 16 9x24 turf tire, 150 W, 24’ smower elev. $4OO, Fair banks 1000 lb scale, $lOO 717-933-5113 Berks Co. g§ Perkins Sales & Service • Diesel Air Compressors • Diesel Hydraulic Units For Tunnel Ventilation •7-160 HP Open Power Units • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12V Clutch • Ice Boxes • Drydene Heavy Duty Lubes • Diesel Rebuilding LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 Coal stoke hot water model key K 6, exc. cond., $250; 49 Chevy panel truck, body, no motor, $650. 610-286-5311 Berks Co. Farmall M, PS, fenders, lights, hyd. remote, new rear tires, ready to work or show, $2600. 717-484-1302 Lane. Co. Western pro plow, 8' plus wings, used 1 season, VGC, $l5OO 080. 610-562-5612 Berks Co. ‘BB Fl5O 4x4 Lariet, loaded, 8 ft. bed, AT-302, $6800; 114,000, cement mixer on iron wheel, elec, motor, good. 610-286-5746 Berks Co. 1110 Ford tractor 3 pth, 4’ bel ly mower 4’ roller, $3250; ‘B6 Chrysler NY, loaded, msp 6/99 $675 080 610-845- 3829 Montg. Co. r 1 new L PERKINS ENGINES IN U STOCK r