Pa. Weekly Livestock Summary Oct. 16, 1998 Report Supplied By PDA 11 LIVESTOCK AUCTIONS CATTLE 4249 Compared with 4685 head last week and 5314 head a year ago Compared with last Friday's sum mary slaughter steers 100 tb 20C higher mostly advance latter part ol week, si. heifers 1 00 to 2 00 higher on a light test, si cows 1 00 to 300 highei most advance latter part of week, si bulls 100 to 200 higher . SLAUGH TER STEERS High Choice & Prime 2-4 59 25-63 50, Choice 1-3 57 50-62 75, Select and Low Choice 2-3 54 75-59 75, Select 1-3 50 00-57 00, few Standard 1- 2 46 25-49 00 TDLSTEINS' few High Choice and Prime 52 00-56 00, Choice 2-3 50 00-55 00 HEIFERS few Choice 2-4 54 00- 60 75, few Select 1-3 50 25-55 50 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 32 75- 39 50, Boners 80-85% lean 28 GO -38 00, Lean 85-90% lean 26 00-34 00, few to 26 00 Shells down to 14 75 BULLS Yield Grade I 1000-2400 lbs 38 00-46 75, few Yield Grade 2 900- 2000 lbs 32 00-41 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium and Large I 400-600 lbs 60 GO -72 50, HEIFERS' few Medium and Large I 350-600 lbs 50 00-6100, few Me dium and Large 2 300-650 lbs 35 GO -52 00, BULLS few Medium and Large I 300-600 lbs 50 00-60 00, few Me dium and Large 2 330-700 lbs 37 GO -56 00 CALVES 2572 Compared with k FOR SALE - MANURE 20-25 ton trailer loads $9/per ton depending ► VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. W Paradise, PA 17562 W (717) 442-4181 y L. Robert Frame, President on distance Forney Longenecker 717-295-8914 First Vice President 800-441 -1997 Commodities Only Salomon Smith Barney a Member of TravelersCroupT ISO N. Queen Street, Suite 100 Lancsster, PA 17603 Tune-up for winter with these cool weather specials! Depend on the products that deliver! WWWk HIRED-HAHD USI SPACE HEATERS Convenient access to Service Saver Control Unit New side swinging ( door design makes H 1 _ accessible Jj) ' New duct features Modular control panel user-adjustable heat quick-disconnect deflector to suit wiring harness make individual needs. field service a snap! 225,000 BTU electronic ignition CLEARANCE SALE ONE-OF-THE KIND MODELS SCRATCH AND DENT HEATERS AND SHUTTERS 3202 head last week and 3553 head a year ago VEALERS mostly steady few Choice 140-290 lbs 62 00-79 00, few Good 140-230 lbs 35 00-61 00, Stan dard and Good 70-115 lbs 20 00-30 00, Utility 55-100 lbs 8 00-20 00, few to 5 00 FARM CALVES' Holstein bull calves 10 00 to 20 00 higher, heifer calves mostly steady No I Holstein bulls 90- 125 lbs 60 00-110 00, few to 122.00, No 2 85-125 lbs 35 00-72 00, few to 27 00, No I Holstein heifers 80-125 lbs 130 00-237 00, No 2 75-120 lbs 60 00- 150 00, few to 37 00 Few beef type bulls and heifers 85-120 lbs 30 GO -85 00 HOGS 2036 Compared with 2044 head last week and 2169 head a year ago Barrows and gilts steady I 00 to 2 00 higher, sows mostly steady on a ligh» test BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 220-265 lbs 28 50-30 00, 45-50% lean 210-280 lbs 27 00-29 00, few to 32 00 SOWS US 1-3 300-700 lbs 15 00-20 50 FEEDER PIGS 493 Compared with 504 head last week and 367 head a year ago Feeder pigs Few US 1-3 20-45 lbs 6 00-16 00, 40-80 lbs 15 00-21 00 - per head SHEEP 2139 Compared with 1654 head last week and 1281 head a year ago Slaughter lambs under 60 lbs steady to strong, over 60 lbs steady to weak SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 30-60 lbs 87 00-142 00, 60-90 lbs 70 00-90 00. 85-125 lbs 60 00-80 00, few Good and Choice 90-110 lbs 50 GO -65 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 16 GO -43 00 *3Bs°° S Shenandoah Shen Upgrade to (SLMaJL/ Radiant GAS BROODERS One 40,000 BTU radiant brooder does the work of two a 30,000 BTU brooders * JJJ Shenandoah OTHER COOL WEATHER SPECIALS Hired Hand Curtains Shenandoah Repair And Repair Parts Accessories Parts Authorized Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. federalsburg, mo ° ijk 308 UNIVERSITY AVE Fly way Business Park store hours Mon Fn 730t0 4 30 1-«00-735-6361 139 A West Airport Road 24 Hr 7 Dav Repalr Service store hours-, Lltifz, PA 17543 mi 730 a.m.-4 30 P.M. Ph (717)569-2702 Mond,y - Frld,y 1-800-673-2580 TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1815 Compared 616 lost week and 842 head a year ago Feeder pigs very un even, 900 higher to 10 00 lower US 1-2 30-40 lbs 32.00-46 00, 40-50 lbs 28 00-52 00, 50-60 lbs 25 00-54 00, 60-70 lbs 30 00-48.00, few 70-85 lbs 30 00-40 00. few US 2-3 30-50 lbs 17 00-20 00, Slaughter 30-40 lbs 14 00-27 00, some 30-35 lbs 80 00, 40-50 lbs 32 00-46 00 per hundred weight Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. Oct. 21, 1998 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 225 [PDA] [Supply in luded 90 slaughter steers and heifers. 13 slaughter cows and 17 feeder cat le] Sale not compared to last week due o not reported SLAUGHTER STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1255-1465 lbs >lOO-62 75, Choice 2-3 1240-1450 bs 56 00-6150, Select 1-3 53 25- >8 25, Standard 1-2 42 00-52 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS few High Choice md Prime 2-3 1410-1550 lbs 55 00- >7 00, Choice 2-3 1390-1595 lbs >1 00-54 50, few 1640-1735 lbs 48 75- >125, Select 1-2 5)00-54 25. few itandard 1-2 36 75-40 50 HEIFERS - few Choice 2-4 1100-120 C lbs 52 00-55 00, Select 1-3-5100 54 25, few Standard 1-2 36 75-40 50 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 3 3 00 37 50, low dressing 28 25-32 00, Bon ers 80-85% lean 30 25-34 00, few low dressing 27 75-28 50, Lean 85-90% master distributor since 1982 lean 23 00-30 75 Shells down Ic 17 00 BULLS couple Yield Grade I 1335 & 1360 lbs 40 00 & 42.50, few Yield Grade 2 975-1285 lbs 34 00-36 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium and Large 1 400-560 lbs 35 00 46 00, one lot 1250 lbs at 42 00, HEIF ERS few Medium 1-2 375-570 lbs 4100-45 00, Large 1 750-900 lbs 28 50-30 50, BULLS few Large 2 815- 845 lbs 30 50-33 50 CALVES 150 VEALERS Good 115 135 lbs 30 00-50 00, Standard and Good 70-115 lbs 20 00-29 00, Utility 65-85 lbs 5 00-18 00 FARM CALVES No 1 Holstein bulls 95-125 lbs 70 00-92 50, 85-95 lbs 65 00-70 00, No 2 90-130 lbs 40 00 70 00, 75-95 lbs 29 00-40 00, No I Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs 125 00- 195 00. No 2 85-105 lbs 65 00-115 00 Beet type bulls and heifers 75-95 lbs 45 00-85 00 HOGS 150 BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 240-255 lbs 25 75-26 25 SOWS US 1-3 420-540 lbs 15 00- 18 00 BOARS couple 445 & 620 lbs at 6 25 & 6 75 FEEDER PIGS 44 One lot 11 head US 1-3 35 lbs 30 00 perewt SHEEP 58 SLAUGHTER LAMBS High Choice and Prime 50-70 lbs 85 00- 92 50, Choice 95-135 lbs 60 00-70 00, few Good and Choice 85-115 lbs 55 GO -59 00 SLAUGHTER LAMBS 22 00-37 00, couple Yearlings 38 00 & 44 00 GOATS 26 Few Large Billies 52 50-90 00, few Medium 42 50-50 00, few Large Nannies 37 00-45 00, few Medium 30 00-4 5 00. Laige Kids 27 50 52 50, with one at 70 00 - per head Livestock Auction Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 299 [SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION] SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 2-3 1100-1400 lbs 56 00-57 00 HEIFERS Select 51 50-53 00, Stan dard 1-2 44 00-47 75 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 32 50- 35 75, few to 36 00. Boners 80-85% 'ean 28 50-32 25, Lean 85-90% 23 00- 28 50 Shells down to 15 00 BULLS Yield Grade I 1400-1700 lbs 38 00-40 50. Yield Grade 2 I 100-1500 bs 33 00-37 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium 1-2 400-500 lbs 50 00-62 00, HEIF ERS Medium 1-2 550-500 lbs 45 00- >4 00, BULLS Medium 1-2 500-500 lbs Model SGB-1105 900 GBUV Brooders s|Q9°o With 4’ Canopy and S.t.T. Control Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998-A7 Belleville Belleville, Pa. Oct. 21, 1998 Lawn Care Equipment Center, LLP Martindale, PA (717) 445-4541 18 00-58 00 CALVES 113 VEALERS Standard mdGood 80-100 lbs 22 00-24 00, Uni ty 60-80 lbs 12 00-20 00 FARM CALVES No I Holstein bulls >5-110 lbs 67 50-80 00, No 2 80-120 bs 54 00-71 00 HOGS 21 BARROWS AND GILTS 19-54% lean 230-250 lbs 23 00-24 00 BOARS 400-600 lbs 8 00-10 00 FEEDER PIGS 88 US 1-3 7 00- 500 per head SHEEP .43 SLAUGHTER LAMBS ligh Choice and Prime 70-90 lbs 77 00- >9 00 Choice 40-65 lbs 85 00-120 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 30 00-50 00 GOATS 10 Large Billies 90 00- >5 00, Medium 65 00-80 00, Large Kids -0 00-54 00, Small 5 00-10 00 -per lead Frederick Livestock Auction Frederick, Md. October 19, 199 S Report Supplied by Auctiou SLAUGHTER COWS: 103 HEAD STEADY. UTILITY 32J0-35.75; HIGH DRESSING 36.00-37.00, 1 AT 39.25; CANNKRS 28.00-32.00; SHELLY 27.00 DOWN. BULLS: NONE. FED STEERS; 1 STEER HERE 1150 LBS. AT 47.00, LOW CHOICE HOL STEIN 1675-1850 LBS. 46.00-48.00, 1 1590 LBS. AT 49.25. FED HEIFERS: DAIRY CULLS 1300-1450 LBS. 38.00-44.00. VEAL CALVES: 163 HEAD. CULLS 85-110 LBS. 25.00-29.00; 65-85 LBS. 17.00- FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 5.00- HIGHER. #1 90-120 LBS. 80.00- 90 LBS. 40.00-75.00, 80-85 LBS. 30.00-52.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 30.00-40.00 HIGHER.#! 90-120 LBS. 140.00-190.00; 80-90 LBS. 100.00-125.00; BEEF X BULLS 40.00-87.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 30 HEAD GOOD DEMAND FROM COUNTRY BUTCH ERS. #l*2 250-260 LBS. 3ZOG-33.00, 265-280 LBS. 28-30,00, FEW 160-190 LBS. 29.00-30.00. SOWS; 1 585 LBS. AT 25.00. BOARS 1 505 LBS. AT 9.50. STOCK CATTLE: FEW OFFERED. LAMBS: GOOD—CHOICE 70-90 LBS. 64.00-68.50. GOATS: 2 SMALL 25.00 A 31.00. PIGS ANDSHOATS; BY THE HEAD 8 HEAD 25 LBS. 9.00, BY THE LB. 7 HEAD 90 LBS. 25.00.
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