North Atlantic Shell Eggs October 22, 1998 Atlanta, Ga. In Philadelphia, extra large, large and medium prices were unchanged to one cent higher, in Boston, extra large and large were unchanged to one cent higher, and mediums were unchanged to two cents higher. In New England, extra large, large, and small prices were one cent higher, and mediums were two cents higher, and jum bos remained unchanged. The market tone was fully steady to firm. Demand continued light to good with few features noted for upcoming shopping traffic. Supplies were generally adequate with jumbos and mediums usually adequate for the light to moderate demand, and lhe,undertone was steady to fully steady. Light type hen offer ings were sufficient for hill slaughter schedules. PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGOS IN CAR TONS, DELIVER STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: RANGE: EXTRA LARGE. 76-82, LARGE 74-80, MEDIUM 59-69. BOSTON; PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE 1.02-1.06; LARGE .9S-.99; MEDIUM .63-.72. NEW ENGLAND: PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS. CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGGS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE: JUMBO 1.32-1.35; EXTRA LARGE .86-.59; LARGE .79-.52; MEDIUM .53-.56; SMALL .21-.24. Delmarva Broiler ATLANTA, GA OCTOBER 22, 1998 DELMARVA BROILER/FRYER MARKET. FEDERAINSTATE Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was light and unaggressive. Seller offer ings continued to vary by size and volume; however, extra production was generally difficult to place. Live supplies were most For more Information, call toll free: East Coast ARMPPA Office 1-877-367-6455 ly moderate; weights varied in a full range of light to heavy. Processing schedules were moderately heavy. Less than trucklot asking prices were 1 cent lower at 59 to 73 cents. Trade sentiment was barely steady to weak. In the parts complex, supplies were fully sufficient for current inquiry. Bone less skinless breasts were generally noted as in best balance. Leg items and machine cut wings were in ample supply. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 10/22 10/20 10/20 10/15 10/13 2,430 2,172 4.94 2,394 4.97 *BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 55-82 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 63.53 NO. OF BOXES 10,034 *7 of 9 plants repotting. NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. OCTOBER 16, 1998 EASTERN REGION FROZEN EGGS, OCTOBER 16, 1998. Price ranges were unchanged to higher for whole and salt yolk, and the balance of prices were unchanged. The market tone was steady to fully steady. Demand was light to moderate. Supplies were generally adequate. Raw material supplies tightened and were no more than adequate. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 51-54 52-53 55-61 BLENDS (J) TFEWR 67-85 WHITES 42-44 43-44 45-50 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOUDS) 70-74 72-73 75-81 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOUDS) 67-70 67-69 71-78 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, October 20, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .35-.40 LB. TURKEYS .50-1.05 LB.. 7.00 EA. MIXED FOWL .05 LB. ROASTERS .50-.70 LB. PULLETS .60-3.25 EA. GEESE .45 LB. BANTAMS .20 LB., .90-2.00 EA. ROOSTERS .40-1.05 LB., 1.35-4.50 EA. BUNNIES 2.75-3.25 EA. DUCKS .40-1.40 LB.. 1.75-3.00 EA. RABBITS .45-1.45 LB., 3.00 EA. PIGEONS 1.25-3.75 EA. GUINEAS: 6.25-8.75 EA. GRADE A EGGS: WHITE JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .85-1.01, LARGE .72-.80, MED. .50. BROWN JUMBO, EX. LRGE. 1.17-1.22, LARGE 1.00-1.05, MED. .60. North Atlantic Shell Eggs October 20, 1998 Atlanta, Ga. NEW ENGLAND WEEKLY SHELL EGG REPORT, OCTOBER 29, 1998. FEDERAL-STATE PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE A BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR. RANGE: EXTRA LARGE, 110-120, LARGE 103-113, MEDIUM 73-82, SMALL 45-51. New York Egg Market ATLANTA, GA. OCTOBER 22, 1998 NEW YORK EGGS, OCTOBER 22. 1998. FEDERAL-STATE All prices increased one cent. The mark et tone was firm. Demand ranged light to good, mostly moderate. Supplies of jumbo and mediums were occasionally tight, and the balance of sizes was generally adequ ate. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS. USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR. CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 82-84 LARGE 79-82 MEDIUM 69-82 National Grain Market SL Joseph, MO Wed Oct 21, 1998 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market News DAILY NATIONAL GRAIN SUMMARY Cash wheat bids finished mixed, with pressure due to active hard red winter wheat planting in the Southwestern U.S. and lack of fresh export sales. Strength in wheat came from fund buying on the Boards. Com bids were slightly higher in reaction to continued good export orders. Gains however, were limited due to rapid harvest progress. Soybean bids were steady to weak on increased harvest prog ress and some profit taking on the board. Light export sales overnight, underpinned bids. Wheat mixed. Com steady to 2 cents higher. Sorghum steady to 5 cents higher. ©1998 CASE CORPORATION OiICCIH Visit us on the Internet at Case IH Is a registered trademark of Case Corporation Uncattef Farming, Saturday, October 24, 19M-A? Soybeans steady to 3 cents lower. U.S. Export Sales: Purchasers Commod ities Tonnage Del Date Taiwan Com 54,000 Feb/Mar South Korea Com 52,000 Nov South Korea Soybeans 25,000 Oct/ Nov Totals: Com 106,000 tonnes. Soybeans 25,000 tonnes. Date Change Year Ago Track Bids: 10/21/98 10/20/98 10/22/97 Wheat: Kan sas City (HRW, ORD) 3.05-3.06 unch 3.78-3.80 Minneapolis (DNS, 14pct) 3.69 up 2 1/4 4.20 1/4 Portland (SW) 3.14-3.15 up 1-dn 3 4.02-4.03 St. Louis (SRW) 2.18-2.19 dn l unch 3.62-3.66 Corn, US 2 Yellow: Kansas City 1.94-1.96 unch 2.74 Minneapolis 1.81 up I 2.69 3/4 Southern lowa 1.95-1.98 unch 2.80-2.81 Omaha 1.84-1.86 up 2-1 2.60-2.62 Soybeans, US 1 Yellow: Kansas City 5.31 unch 6.88 Minneapolis 5.11 1/2 dn 1 1/2 6.77 1/4 Southern lowa 5.22-5.24 dn 3-2 6.82-6.86 Cent IL Processors 5.33 1/2-5.48 1/2 dn 1/2 6.83 1/4-7.12 1/4 Futures: Kansas City (Dec) Wheat 3.19 3/4 dn 1/2 3.84 1/2 Minneapolis (Dec) Wheat 3.59 up 1/4 4.05 1/4 Chicago (Dec) Wheat 2.87 up 3/4 3.74 Chicago (Dec) Com 2.19 unch 2.93 3/4 Chicago (Nov) Soybeans 5.50 1/2 dn 1/2 6.98 1/4 Export Bids: Barge or tail. Port of New Orleans or North Texas Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord. Protein: 3.39 3/4-3.51 3/4 up 1/2-1 1/2 4 20 1/2 US 2 Soft Red Winter Wheat; 2 94-2.97 up 3/4-2 3/4 4.03 4. 04 US 2 Yellow Com: 2.45-2.46 1/2 up 1-1/2 3.16 3/4-3.17 3/4 US 2 Yellow Sorg hum: Rail 3.98-4.09 unch 5.39 Barge 4.18 unch 5.39-5.42 US 1 Yellow Soybeans: 5.76 1/2-5.78 1/2 dn 1 1/2-1/2 NA
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