Steigman uses a 43-foot bale mover modified for square bales, which he purchased in the spring. Bottom Line Better Silage Income per acre calculated at $25.00 per ton of corn silage. Please contact your Pioneer sales representative for information featuring silage moisture, measures of silage digestibility, and protein levels. All Pioneer silage plots are reported with moisture adjusted to 70%. Charles T. Wiles Chopped 9/5/98 Hybrid 31G20 4672 Brand Pioneer Novartis Damascus, Maryland Montgomery County Tons/A % DM Income Brand Hybrid 70% Moist. Harvest /Acre Doebler's 737XP 19 44 42.5 $486.00 Piooe«re: flaYta ■' „ o 43.4 J55ft7.75 Donald Leishear Chopped 8/25/98 Jed Ef»3"‘ ri ' Chopped 9/15/98- Hybrid Brand Cargill Pioneer F 657 3335 Spring Lawn Farms Brand Hybrid DeKalb DK6B7 DeKalb DK6B3 Pioneer 31G20 Preplan Gen 674 George Mason Chopped 9/1/98 Brand Hybrid Pioneer 3335 Pioneer 32K61 Pioneer 33Y18 Pioneer 33Q26 Pioneer 33Y09 Field Che 9114 Mycogen TMFII3 / Qq\ PIONEER® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions o( purchase which are *'• part of the labeling and purchase documents Pioneer is a brand name, numbers identify varieties and PIONEER products ®, SM TM Trademarks and service marks, registered or applied for, of Pioneer Hi-Bred ■RAND PRODUCTS International, Inc, Des Moines, lowa, USA© 1998 PHII Taneytown, Maryland Carroll County Tons/A % DM 70% Moist. Harvest 39.3 40.6 19.37 16.55 b 80013 ‘ York County Tons/A % DM 70% Moist. Harvest 16.67 34.2 25.64 35.4 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Lancaster County Tons/A 70% Moist. % DM Harvest 35.9 34 0 39.5 46 1 27.86 28.07 30.49 26.44 Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Franklin County Tons/A % DM 70% Moist. Harvest 25.63 49.6 28.00 53.1 26.12 53.8 25.54 50.8 25.50 46.2 25.06 45.8 25.82 48.9 Barley Star Rock Farms Chopped 8/21/98 Income /Acre $484 25 $413.75 Brand Cargill Pioneer Pioneer Cargill Pioneer Pioneer Cargill Pioneer Lloyd Oberholtzer Chopped 9/16/98 Income /Acre $416.75 $641.00 Brand Field Che Pioneer John L. Landis Chopped 9/17/98 Income /Acre $696.50 $701.75 $762.25 $661.00 Brand Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Novartis Pioneer Novartis Pioneer Novartis Pioneer' Income /Acre $640.75 $700.00 $653.00 $638.50 $637.50 $626.50 $645.50 Novartis Pioneer Pioneer Conestoga, Pennsylvania Lancaster County Tons/A 70% Moist. 23.11 25.36 24.74 22.05 24.37 23.46 24.14 22.53 23.33 Hybrid 7511FQ 3260 32K61 7301FQ 33Y09 31G20 8511FQ 3173 K|fFQ Myerstown, Pennsylvania Berks County % DM Income Harvest /Acre 34 0 $572.25 33 0 $605.50 Tons/A Hybrid 70% Moist. 8309 22.89 3260 24 22 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Lancaster County Tons/A 70% Moist. 28. IB 26.56 30.85 27.40 29.78 27.83 27.87 27.78 30.48 25.65 27.66 30.23 Hybrid 31G20 3173 3260 N76398T 33Y09 N6BOOBT 32K61 MAX6O7 33A14 MAX2I 3335 33Y18 PIONEER Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 199ft—Page Income /Acre $577 75 $634.00 $6lB 50 $551 25 $609 25 $586.50 $603.50 $563.25 $583 25 %DM Harvest 33.1 33.1 33.5 29.8 33 2 31.2 29 6 27.3 31 9 % DM Income Harvest /Acre 35.3 $704 50 30.7 $664 00 37.6 $771.25 35.6 $685.00 36.3 $744.50 35.5 $695.75 37 0 $696.75 33.3 $694.50 37.3 $762.00 38.9 $641.25 37.4 $691.50 40.6 $755.75 SEED CORN For him, that means taking care of the feed requirements of the crop. “If you don’t use fertilizer, you don’t have anything,” he said. Steigm.'ji has been willing to test new markets and products. For the first lime this year, he has tried growing edible soybeans for the organic food grade market. Steigman also wraps hay, including straight alfalfa, an alfalfa/timothy mix, and straight grass (timothy and reed canarygrass), into large square bales. About 300 bales stand in outside stor age for sale. Steigman sprays inoculant on the hay as it is being baled for wrapping all the time. eliminate trips up and down the silo CALL US TODAY FOR A VIDEO AND BROCHURE. The W I Silo Unloader Experts 11 \si ii ionn ui in iim I'miiMiimw ★ STAR SILOS ★ Striving For Quality ? (Continued from Page 2) of 9.9 percent faoisture and 90.1 per cent dry matter content. The sample tested at 18.8 percent protein. Calcium content was 1.22 percent, phosphorous 0.30 percent, potassium 2.10 percent, and magnesium .30 percent. Cattle TDN was at 66.23 percent and cattle NEL .69 percent. Relative feed value stood at 158 percent. Steigman sells a lot of hay through the Lancaster Farming mailbox market, what he calls a “hot deal. I sell a lot of hay through that,” said Steig man. Many of his customers don’t purchase hay on looks alone, but demand to look at the “pedigree” of the hay, the analysis that tiygjeed vahjg^ He said a lot of Amish customers analyze it or have their feed represen tative come and analyze it, and purch ase it by the “way it feeds,” said Steigman. For those who need forage during the winter months, he provides a good source. Customers demand that the bales be (Turn to Page 8) 1-800-431-7709 603 E. Lincoln Avenue, Myerstown, PA 17067 47 — r ~