Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1998, Image 36
A36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 State Farm-City Event (Continued from Page All) Centre Hall, owners of past Farm Show supreme draft hoise champ ions, were on hand with Perche rons and a carriage, trotting back and forth in the parking lot. Special needs dogs were on dis play, the PDA Bureau of Dog Law had a display with a warden (field officer) at a booth with a trained golden rctreiver who talked about caring and training a dog and how to avoid getting bitten, and how to avoid stray animals js a precaution to being bitten and perhaps being exposed to rabies. Harwoods Development Coun cil had a display with the Boni Brothers demonstrating chain saw carving. They carved several statues, and donated one of a four foot high Bald Eagle on perch with a fish clutched in the talons of one claw foot. The state Aquaculture Associa tion had goldOsh, koi and hybrid striped bass on display in aquar iums in the lobby of the PDA building. Edible insects chocolate covered roasted crickets were the main attraction at an entomolo gy booth near the aquarium, the PDA had its own display area and along one table pains and brushes donated by one of the participating schools and plywood cutouts to be painted donated by the PDA were provided and PDA staff helped the students paint their Halloween decorations. Many weighed themselves for fun at the Bureau of Weights and The Elizabethtown Area High School Band peformsasong for the thousands of stu dents and participants at the state Department of Agriculture Farm-City event. , d ® L . . - state Department of Agriculture’s new logo, “Products for the Planet blow in the light fall breeze while hundreds of children make their wav toward candy apples and midway rides, or busses back to school Measures’ display; DEP had a hands-on demonstration about ero sion control and nutrient manage ment; Northern FFA had a petting zoo with baby pigs and Milton Hershcy School provided a variety of animals, goats, sheep, rabbits, etc. for the young students to see and touch. Morgan Firestine brought her Polled Hereford heifer project animal for display. ' The building and grounds were filled with displays from a variety of agricultural concerns from dogs to logs, and leaf to beef. The PDA staff, commodity groups and agricultural associa tions that participated provided youth with interesting and attrac tive displays and activities. Children and adults were allow ed to explore, to examine, to leam and to build their own self-esteem through gaining the knowledge they wanted to lake, not what was being forced. There were many and repeated comments about the wonderful ness of the event, coming from teachers, security officers, PDA employees, and students. “Over 2,800 children exper ienced this ‘At ir. the Classroom’ event,” Hayes; aid. “This event is a very positive opportunity to prom ote agriculture and educate our children.” For those interested in partici pating in the event, contact the PDA. For those interested in local activities, contact a local Exten- sion office to find out about programs. Randi Boni puts the finishing touches on this chainsaw artwork -- a statue of a Bald Eagle on perch while a small group of PDA Farm-City paricipants look on. From the left, Cpl. Steve Junkin from the Penns\ „ oiate ;e v racks, and Trp. Lucinda Hawkins, with the PSP Academy, demonstrate the PSP mounted patrol. ‘ . students and teach ers aboutdog care and handling, and how to stay away from costume character that is receiving all the warm hugs from the elementary students, while PDA employee Sharon Trostle helps out as escort. Grenier and Trostle work for the state Racing Commission and volunteered to help with the day’s event.