A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, OK Wed Oct 21, 1998 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Weekly Cattle Summary Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers 1.00-2.00 higher. Steer and heifer calves 2.00-4.00 higher. Demand very good for all classes. Bulk supply calves. Quality average to attractive, sever al attractive calves. Weigh-ups average to full. Feeder cattle in thin to medium flesh; calves slightly thin to fleshy conditions. Cool front pushed thru the state over the weekend dropping 1-3 inches of rain. Graze-out wheat prospects ate beginning to look better. Slaughter cows and bulls 1.00- higher. Packer demand very good. Demand for stock cows moderate. Total of 950 cows and bulls sold with 60 percent going to packers. Receipts this week 9,175; last week 9,047; last year 15,051. Supply consisted of 45 percent yearlings and calves over 600 lbs; 45 per cent calves under 600 lbs; 10 percent cows and bulls. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large I Calves: 300-350 lbs (331 lbs) 85.50-94.00 (90.55); 350-400 lbs (379 lbs) 85.00-8930 (88.07); 400- 450 lbs (427 lbs) 79.00-88 JO (84.67); 450-500 lbs (485 lbs) 77.00-84.00 (80.12); 500-550 lbs (523 lbs) 72.50-80.75 (76.73); 550-600 lbs (576 lbs) 69.75-76.00 (73.31); 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 67.75-75.25 (70.40); Yearlings 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 70.00- (72.80); 700-750 lbs (723 lbs) 70.75- 75.00 (73.08); 750-800 lbs (763 lbs) 68.25-74.75 (72.60); 800-850 lbs (825 lbs) Lancaster r =^==f ==^ Poured Walls • Agriculture i - • Commercial •Residential h Call for Prices On: • SCS approved Manure Storage Pits • Basements • Retaining Walls I • Footers • Floors Customer Satisfaction is Our Q6al Lancaster Poured Walls 2001 Jarvis Rd. • Lancaster, PA 17601 • (717) 299-3974 77BGDCD@raaEl Loop Stalls Designed For Durability Finished with baked on TGIC Polyester Powder Coating Superior to Epoxy! Wide Front • Protection from rust & corrosion • Resists acid & chemicals Wide Front Loop Stalls t Versatile design offers greater cow comfort Generous lunge space for head & neck between top & bottom of loop Loop Stall Construction Features Heavy Duty Construction with 2 3/8" outside diameter high yield steel tubing with 12 gauge (108) wall Spray arc transfer method used on welds W/T . Added Value With Our 2 Coat Process! jjvam 1 Five step metal preparation, including iron phosphate conversion coating, to enhance adhesion & prevail undercoat corrosion 2 Zinc rich epoxy powder undercoat ‘ 3 TGIC polyester powder top coat, baked at 400° to fuse coats forming a cross link molecular bond Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc. 295 Woodcorner Rd. • Lititz, PA 17543 *717/738-7365 1 mile West of Ephrata Hours' Call or write for additional information Mon.-Fn.: 7-5 and the name of your nearest dealer Sat.: 7-11 66.25-71.50 (69.07); 850-900 lbs (870 lbs) 63.75-66.75 (65.47); Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 Calves: 300-350 lbs (323 lbs) 74.00-77.25 (76.38) 350-400 lbs (382 lbs) 72.00-79.00 (7533); 400- 450 lbs (423 lbs) 69.00-75.75 (72.39) 450-500 lbs (467 lbs) 67.25-73.25 (70.73); 500-550 lbs (514 lbs) 64.50-69.25 (67.47); 550-600 lbs (570 lbs) 62,50-6930 (66.29); 600-650 lbs (608 lbs) 63.25-64.75 (64.36); Yearlings: 500-550 lbs (528 lbs) 6730-72.00 (68.94); 550-600 lbs (583 lbs) 66.00- (67.86); 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 65.00- (67.94); 700-750 lbs (726 lbs) 6330-67.50 (65.20); 750-800 lbs (789 lbs) 62.00- 63.00 (62.57). Slaughter Cows: Head %Lean Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress *Brk 20 75-80% 1050-1975 31.00-33.00 33.25 28.50-31.50 *Bnr 110 80-85% 825-1500 31.00-34.50 32.50-35.00 2830-31.25 Lean 250 85-90% 800-1450 29.00- 31.00-35.50 25.00-29.50 Light 46 85-92% 650-800 2630-28.75 22.00- *Brk*'Breakers (fat cows), *Bnr'Boners (smooth cows) Slaughter Bulls; Head Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Y.G. 1-241 1250-2150 40.50-43.50 43.50-46.00 38.00-41.00 Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards; Lean 65.95, light car casses 60.65; Boners 64.15; Breakers 60.35. Bulls 75.75. Replacement Cows: Pretested for bangs, pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1 Age Weight Months Bred Quality Price 4-6 yr old 825-1075 4-7 months Avg qual ity 415.00-480.00 1200-1250 4-5 months Avg quality 525.00-SSO.OO 4-7 yr old 950-1250 2-5 months Avg quality Conventional • Chip resistant • Smooth finish stays cleaner 345.00-425.00 8-9 yr old 950-1125 2-6 months Avg quality 275.00-365.00 Grantsville Livestock Grantiville, Maryland Report Supplied by Auctiou Sat, October 17, 199* STOCK BULLS AND STEERS 200-500 LBS. 50.00-73.50. STOCK HEIFERS 35.0043.50. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 57.00; MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-53.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS GOOD 30.00-45.00; LIGHT 40.00-48.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE 53.00-58.25; MEDIUM TO GOOD 42.00-51.00. BULLS: HEAVY 37.00-41.00. LIGHT 40.00- COWS: UTILITY HOLSTEINS 32.00- CANNERS 23.00-30.00, CULLS 22.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 85.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 35.00-55.00. 808 CALVES: 25.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 LBS. UP TO 60.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM NONE. BEEF X CALVES RETURN TO FARM, UP TO 57.50. HOGS: TOP QUALITY 34.00-42.00, HEAVY 34.00-40.00, LIGHT 20.00-38.00, FEEDER PIGS BY THE HEAD, UP TO 22.00. SOWS: UP TO 39.00. MALE HOGS: UP TO 25.00. LAMBS: 70-85 LBS. UP TO 74.50; 85-125 LBS. UP TO 65.00:30-60 LBS. UP Freedom ROTARY CUTTERS REAR SCRAPER BLADES WOODS - Dual WOODS - GANNON WOODS - GILL R.S. HOLLINGER & SON, INC. Mountville, PA 717-285-4538 PIPERSVILLE GARDEN CENTER Pipersville, PA 215-766-0414 LINCOLN SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. REIFF FARM SERVICE Somerset, PA Shlppensburg, PA 814-443-1691 717-632-8601 TO 95.50; CULLS 60.00 AND DOWN. SHEEP: UP TO 34.50. GOATS; ALL BY THE HEAD, LARGE 40.00-74.00; MEDIUM 20.00-50.00; SMALL 10.00-35.0 a FALL FEEDER CATTLE SALE SAT., OCT. 31. IN CONJUNCTION WITH SALE. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Oct 19, 1998 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 196. STEERS CHOICE 60.00-63.35; GOOD 54.00-58.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 60.00-62.50; GOOD 53.00-57.00. COWS: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 32.50-39.00; CANNER & LOW CUTTER 15.00- BULLOCKS: GOOD & CHOICE 40.00- BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 37.00-45.50. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 52.00-71.00; BULLS 42.00-68.00; HEIF ERS 32.00-65.00. * CALVES 160. PRIME. NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 66.00-79.00; GOOD 54.00- STANDARD 15.00-30.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 45.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 60.00-130.00. HOGS; 241. US NO. 1-2 28.50-29.50; US NO. 1-3 27.50-28.00. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 15.00-23.00. BOARS: 9.00-15.00. FEEDER PIGS: 26 HEAD. US#l&3 20-50 LBS. 8.00-17.00. SHEEP: 50 HEAD. CHOICE LAMBS WOODS Model MRIOS, MBIO6 & MRIO7 Heavy Duty Single Spindle Cutters 1.60, 72 & 84 inch cutting widths 2. Cuts brush up to 3 inches in diameter 3. Woods exclusive Quick- Change blade holder assembly 4. Available in mounted or pull type configurations. LOADERS Model R 8750 & RBBSO Heavy Duty Rear Bladeg 1.84 & 96 inch working widths 2. Reversible high carbon steel MHI curved cutting edge 3. Manual angle, offset and features adjustment) up to 100 HP (10,000 lb. max weight) WOODS ... come in for a demonstration NORMAN D. CLARK & SONS Mam Street, PO , Box 27, Honey Grove 17035 717-734-3682 MESSICK'S Elizabethtown, Pa 717:367-1319 Abbottstown, PA 717-259-6617 75.00-83.00, GOOD lAMBS 72.00-78.00. SLAUGHTER EWES 11.00-39.00. GOATS: 10.00-74.00 EACH. USDA-IL Dept Ag Market News Farmers Livestock Marketing Associa tion Greenville Illinois Receipts this week: 125 Last week: n/r Last yean na Compared to last Monday, slaughter steers jind heifers 2.00 to 3.00 higher. Cows 1.00 to 2.00 higher. Bulls fully steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-4 1025-1200 lbs 60.00-62.00. Select and Choice 2-3 900-1175 lbs 57.00-60.00. Select 2-3 900-1175 lbs 54.00-57.00. Hols tein steers: absent SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 900-1150 lbs 60.00-62.00; Select and Choice 2-3 850-1100 lbs 57.00-60.00. Select 2-3 825-1100 lbs 54.00-57.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: % Lean Weight Price Breakers 75-80% 850-1200 lbs 30.00- Boners 80-85% 850-1200 lbs 32.00- High Yielding Boners 80-85% Overt 100 lbs 33.00-36.00 Lean 85-90% 850-1200 lbs 27.00-31.00 85-90% 750- 850 lbs 24.00-27.00 85-90% Under7so lbs 21.00-24.00 COWS: Cutter, Breaking and Boning Utility 1-4 30.00-34.00. High Yielding 34.00- Canner and low Cutter 1-2 26.00- Shelly Canner 1-2 22.00- BULLS; Yield Grade 1-2 1250-1600 lbs 35.00-40.00. 7 Models to choose from. Whether your tractor has two wheel or four wheel drive and falls within the 11 to 200 HP range Woods has a DUAL loader to fit your needs.Fast-D-Tach attaches to your tractor in minutes. Available in tractor matching colors ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT New Ringgold, PA 717-943-2131 Orefield, PA 610-366-2095 D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO Frederick. MD 301-473-4250 Westminster, MD 410-848-4585 St. Louis Cattle, Hogs Springfield IL Mon Oct 19, 1998 HBCCS3
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