s \f Galled Horses Sold fy /\ Missouri Fox TYotters Tena Walking Horses 34 Strausstown Rd. (717)933-5202 Bethel. PA 19507 I 1 K & K HORSE SALE Saturday - October 24th Mt. Springs Arena Shartlesville, PA Directions: 1-78 to Exit 8 Schartlesville. Follow signs to Mt. Springs camping resort Tack > 2pm Horses - 6pm Upcoming Sales: 11/28 Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day of sale 610-488-9653 Auctioneer Denny Brownawell AU001604-L | Auctioneer John Regan AU003156-L | Jack RuVsel'i | Stud Service J ! Equestrian International I EX H e rnnfirmat?ln r 1 ■ Horse Supplies - New Items and larger stock including full line of English and m OOnilrmailon, i ■ Western Saddles, Vitamins, Fly Sprays, Halters, Bits and Much More!! 11 ■ I Outstanding I ■ Zimectnn $10.59 25# Strongid C Wormer $4l 99 While Supplies Last ■ _ nt X ■ We also stock a wide variety of products for pets - dogs, cats, fish. _M ( Temperment J I COME SEE OUR NEW STORE AT 116 KING COURT 17171 R 72-8602 I ■ NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 ■ l ' I ■ PHONE 717-354-4822 - 1-800-347-0033 h ■ c E-MAIL answers@equips com “ LEOLA New Hi ■l Rrs. Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat. 9-2 THIS AD IS WORTH 5% OFF ANY PURCHASE EXCEPT^ WORMERS _ ; Cut stall clean-out time by 50% with a Millcreek Compact Spreader. “The spreading efficiency sure outweighs the price. This is a wonderful machine. I couldn’t be more pleased.” EARL SINKS - Brock, Tom Say "Good-Bye" to back-breaking manure handling and cut stall clean-out time in half. Hook an affordable Millcreek Compact Spreader to your 10 hp garden tractor, take it right to the stall for easy loading. No more wheelbarrow. Mlllcreck Spreaders last and last Since spreaders are our CHAtI example our 20-year guaranteed floor will never rust br rot. Positive chain drive provides excellent spreading action. And tough steel construction holds up to rugged farm use. Seven sizes, for 1-horse bams to 50-horse stables. PTO and ground drive models available. We keep on hand year-a-round big draft mules. Pairs, singles, broke & unbroke. If you need a mule, give us a call! We want to work with you. Satisfaction guaranteed. MEL’S STABLE WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT. NOV. 7 - 10;Q0 A.mT~| NOTE NEW SALE TIME! HORSES HITCHED AT 8:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 834 WALLACE RO., NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: FROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE„ GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HILL RD. PROCEED 1.2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT, FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD., 2.5 MILES TO HILL RD., RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. MEL S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE- HOME - 717-354-8397 BARN - 717-354-6431 AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISFS E ■ BLUE BALL* H PEOPLES RE! SAItBARN rAURANT 2 Mmules From SALE STABLES Call or Write for FREE Catalog M B N SHEEP & GOATS (2) Dorset spring bucks, $135/ea. (6) Dorset spring ewe lambs, $165/ea. 717-866-4225 (3) Purebred male French Alpine goats, (1) IVS years old, (2) bom February '96. Very friendly. Their mothers good milkers. 717-272-6720 50 Sheep For Sale. Lambs Due in Dec. (717)362-3932. Boer cross goats. 100 Spanish nannies bred to Boer. 30 V 4 Boertt Span ish nannies bred to Boer. 20 Nubians bred to Boer. 12 Tog. bred to Boer. Some crossbred (V 4 V, %) billies, 1 purebred Boer billy. 765/886-5644. Boer Goat Kids: full blood and percentage, South Af rican. New Zealand and Australian bloodlines. Bing Crest Farm, (717)272-6023. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD ALPINE MILKING GOATS, soma already bred. 717-299-2272 For Sale; Registered Cor riedale Rams, (2) Ram Lambs, & (1) Yearling. Quality Background. (610)792-0568. TWO REGISTERED NU BIAN DOES, Bred. slSoea. Two Registered Nubian Bucks, proven breeders, slooea, excel lent bloodlines. (717)539-2666 For sale: Quality bred Dorset ewes. Call 717-933-8561 K & N Sheep Shearing call now for fall shearing. Balti more, Harford and Cecil counties. Ken Snyder (717)862-3120 and Nathan Good (717)927-9483. LAMBS Ready for your freezer. $2.50/pound hanging weight. (610)792-0568. Percentage Boar goat kids 3/4% to 15/16%. Lebanon 717/949-2968, 717/270-5220. PUREBRED DORSET RAM: 4Yrs Old, Proven. $175.; Black Corriedale Romney-Cross Ram (NCWGA Reg.) Excellent Condition, 3Yrs Old, Proven. $125. Call Before 830 am or After 630 pm. (301)241-4424. Quality Saanen goats, 2 excellent breeding bucks, mature does and dealings. Reasonable prices. 4H/ FFA discount. Northeast Berks Co. 610-767-2629. RAMBOUILLET Spring Ewe Lambe lor sale. Pow ell Rambouillets, Rome, PA (717)247-7316 Reg. Hampshire (lock, ex posed for Jan/Mar lambing. 717-898-7392 Reg. Sulfolks. 2-rams, 1-ewe triplets, born 3/13/98, 1-Sulfolk ewe born 3/16/98. (2) Crossbred Sulfolk A Hamp ewes bom 3/7/98. $125/ea. 717-244-4140 Wrightsville, PA Silver male Pygmy goat, 6 months old. 717-898-6121 Stud service or sale: Pure white cashmere buck. Rea sonable. 717-964-3052 Texel sheep, registered, unregistered, purebred, ewes, rams, lambs. SNOW HILL FARM 660-824-5163 203-366-0214 weekdays TWIN DOES, MIXED Nu bian, 1-1/2 yrs. old, bottle fed and tame. Great Petal s7oea. (717)626-4392 Full-blooded Boar Goals (717) 7)7,77 "0171 173 7, IS I (717) IST) t,t\ .'ii ' > >-J ■ ■ ,*J V : “ - -- Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-836-4431 SWINE BENNECOFF’S, HOGS Service Age Boars & Gits. Farm Show Project Pigs. Hampshire, Berkshire. Po land China, & Du rocs. (610)285-6582. Quality ; FEEDER PIGS : For Sale From ; Ps»udorabies ; Free Herds ; Fred Patterson j 931-364-7050 * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spotted * Chostor * Lasdraca * Hampshire * Pletraln ‘■rod Blits t loan tor sal* Brad gilts srs brsd for purebred • erossbrsd litters Also, Club Pigs lor sals. PRV t Irsc. ualldatsd bsrds. Calvin Lazarus & Sons 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998-021 noi.im vyi.i'M’ni s 1)LU()( S/HWIIN When Gmtics I Figure* HmU Duroc Boars - Gifts A Brod Gilts w/due dal i figures Delivered jusl about anywhere Satisfaction Guaranteed < r Continuing to provid* A tom* of ttw bast gmellct I . In th* country! J Call Dave 717-235-6966 I AINOLDHOG FARMS ROADCI New group of Boars Scanned September 11th Landrace & Yorkshire Call For Figures Handmated due Nov.- Dee. Order Breeding For Jan., Feb , March BRED GILTS OPEN GILTS I Good Selection Crossbred & Purebred. Recorded Heat Dates PROJECT FEEDER PIGS Herd Health Or. Tim Trayer 1-800-222-4084 • Delivery To Connecticut late October • Yorkshire - Landrace - Crossbred - Hampshire - Duroc Leon U- Arnold Lawrence Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd 38 W. Four Point Rd- Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 Duroc and Yorkshire boars w/tcan figures. Priced to selli James Parlatt, (717)862-3610. HOG FINISHING UNIT NEEDED. 200 to 600 head Capacity. Hess Mills (800)635-3592 MOLDS/ I NYCOTOXINS I A PROBLEM? I We can help with | dry or liquid | mold inhibitors. | Also Nutrisound | added at rate of | 1 Ibyton helps in b breeding and | growth rates. | Call for | information | York At I I Products, loc. I 1800/632-1195 I ! G
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