Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. Oct. 20, 1998 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 318 [PDA] No cotnpan son, not reported last week SLAUGHTER STEERS few ‘High Choice and Prime 2-4 1165-1360 lbs 62 00-64 75, Choice 2-3 1100-1400 lbs 58 50-62 50, Select 1-3 55 GO -59 25, Standard 1-2 45 00-52 50 HOLSTEIN STEERS few High Choice and Prime 2-3 1215-1725 lbs 55 00-57 00, few Choice 2-3 I ISO -1285 lbs 53 00-53 50 HEIFERS- Choice 2-4 990-1250 lbs 58 00-62 25, Select 1-3 5.3 00-60 25, few Standard 1-2 42 00-50 25 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 29 00-35 25, few 70-75% 23 50-26 50, Boners 80-85% lean 27 00-33 00, Lean 85-90% lean 20 00-27 25 Shells down to 16 50 BULLS few Yield Grade I 935-2050 lbs 39 00-51 00, few Yield Graded 2 1085-2395 lbs 28 75-39 00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium 1 325-575 lbs 53 50-6150, 700-950 lbs 49 00-54 00, few Large 2 475-800 lbs 44 00-46 00, Medium 2 250-825 lbs 46 00-53 00, HEIFERS Few Urge I 475-955 lbs 49 50-57 50, Medium I 225-850 lbs 48 00-57 00, Medium 2 300-775 lbs 40 00-48 50, BULLS Me dium I 325-675 lbs 47 50-56 00, few STOCKTON Jfc FENCE & LUMBER = = Suppliers of Traditional and Custom Fencing for Farms, Homes, and Estates across America “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline.” General Douglas MacArthur 11l CtL_ te n :azzzzrr u & BoarS^ ifl :i ft - Crr. u 2x4 Non Climb h 1 Board Gates f ' i'i 1 i rjHrdLjJi Traditional & Custom Residential Kl OB For Experienced Information & Free Brochure 1-800-441-5832 PO. Box 718 • 1297 Kelsall Road • Umonville, PA 19375 (610) 347-1730 Mon - Fri 8 - 4:30 Sat 8 -12 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will make your path straight" ' Medium 2 375-450 lbs 35 00-39 00 CALVES 89 .VEALERS One Stan dard 170 lbs 40 00, Standard and Good 80-120 lbs 20 00-31 00, Utility 60-85 lbs 10 00-20 00 FARM CALVES No I Holstein bulls few 120-125 lbs 55 00-70 00, 85-115 lbs 60 00-77 50, few to 82 50, No 2 85-120 lbs 40 00-62 50, couple No I Holstein heifers 100-125 lbs 145 00 & 150 00, one No 295 lbs 32 00 Few Beef Type Bulls & Heifers 75-125 lbs 55 00-85 90 HOGS 49 BARROWS AND GILTS one small lot 49-54% lean 250 lbs 26 00, 45-50% lean 210-260 lbs ai 24 00-25 00 FEEDER PIGS 7 US 1-3 80-120 lbs 15 00 percwt SHEEP 1 . NO MARKET TEST' GOATS 1 one Large 43 00 New Wilmington Livestock Auction .New Wilmington, Pa. Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 130 [PDA] Compared to last week s sale slaughter cows mostly steady SLAUGHTER STEERS one Choice 2 3 1345 lbs 57 25, few Select 1-351 00 53 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS one Choice 2-4 1090 lbs 54 25, few Standard 1-2 39 75-44 75 Split Rail Slip Board '* White Vinyl High Tensile Tubular Steel HHi Oct. 19, 1998 SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers 75- 80% lean 12 00-36 25, few 70-75% 24 25-28 00, Boners 80-85% lean 28 75-33 50, Lean 85-90% lean 24 50- 29 00 Shells down to 20 50 BULLS few Yield Grade I 1020-1580 lbs 36 00-40 50, few Yield Grade 2 1125-2145 lbs 30 25-38 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium I 300-850 lbs 52 00-55 00, HEIF ERS few Large I 375-525 lbs 52 00- 62 00, Medium I 275-575 lbs 44 50- 53 00. BULLS few Medium and Large 2 375-850 lbs 39 00-50 00 CALVES 162 VEALERS Standard and Good 70-135 lbs 27 00-30 00, Util ity 60-75 lbs 10 00-25 00 FARM CALVES No I Holstein bulls 95-135 lbs 70 00-80 00 few 90 lbs at 51 00, No 2 85-115 lbs 57 50-67 50. few No 1 Holstein heifers 85-95 lbs 150 00-165 00. few No 2 85-90 lbs 33 00-90 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 90-170 lbs 32 00-95 00 HOGS 246 Banows and gills steady to weak BARROWS AND GILTS 49 54% lean 220-260 lbs 26 85-30 00 some to 31 75, 45-50% lean 220-270 lbs 25 00- 27 00, 40-45% lean 230-300 lbs 22 Ob -24 75 SOWS US I 3 350 600 lbs 17 00-23 00, few Medium 300-360 lbs 13 00-18 00 BOARS’ one 510 lbs 8 50 FEEDER PIGS 41 US 1-1 20-10 lbs 7 00-9 00, 35-45 lbs 13 00-14 00, few 80-90 lbs 18 00-2100 per head SHEEP 50 SLAUGHTER LAMBS High Choice and Prime 65-80 lbs 70 GO -75 00, Choice 50-125 lbs 55 00-66 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP 10 00-30 00 GOATS 19 Couple Large 55 00 & 60 00, few Small & Medium 27 50- 50 00, Small Kids 2 00-7 00 per head P.O. Box 12400 • Lancaster, PA 17605-2400 • 800/776-7929 • NK Brand is a registered trademark of Novartis Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Oct. 19, 1998 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 263 [PDA] SLAUGHTER STEERS’ couple Choice 2-3 1075-1200 lbs 54 00-56 00, Select 1-3 50 00-55 00, couple Standard 1-2 47 50-49 00 HOLSTEINS couple Standard 1-2 37 00-41 50 HEIFERS’ one Select 1-3 49 00, Standard 1-2 38 00-44 50 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 31 00- 35 50, couple to 37 50, Boners 80-85% lean 28 00-33 00, Lean 85-90% lean 23 50-29 00 BULLS Yield Grade I 1200-1915 lbs 40 00-48 00, Yield Grade 2 950-2140 lbs 34 00-40 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS few Me dium and Large I 370-725 lbs 58 GO -48 00, few Medium and Large 2 350-800 lbs 40 00-56 00, few to 36 00. HEIF ERS Medium and Large I 300-650 lbs 54 00-59 00, Medium and Large 2 325- 500 lbs 40 00-50 00. 510-850 lbs 38 00-49 00, BULLS Medium and Large I 300-565 lbs 56 00-70 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 39 50-54 00, 510-950 lbs 41 50-50 00 CALVES 200 [All calves sold per cwt] VEALERS Standard and Good 90-120 lbs 25 00-35 00, 65-85 lbs 20 00- 33 00, Utility 55-70 lbs 10 00-20 00 FARM CALVES No I Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 60 00-82 50 mostly 65 DO TS 00, No 2 85-115 lbs 32 50-65 00, few No I Holstein heifers 90-105 lbs 120 00-145 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 85-125 lbs 47 00-80 00, 165 The Growing tears. M 10 yo Throughout the Northeast —from Burlington, Vermont to the coastal plain of Delmarva—you’ll enjoy top yields and bottomline profits with Hoffman Seeds. Just compare our many technology-driven NK® Brand hybrids with the competition. The performance difference is clear. This season, we’re introducing our strongest product offering ever—more hybrids that will increase your yields and profitability. Contact your Hoffman Seeds’ dealer now for the best-producing hybrids for your area And Maximize your yields Note- The sale of lit h\brids is not permitted In the state of Maine. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24» 1998-Al7 295 lbs 45 00-72 00 HOGS 10 BARROWS AND GILTS 4 45-50% lean 220 lbs 55 75 SOWS US 1-3 560-500 lbs 17 00 54 00, one at 59 25 BOARS one 185 lbs at 19 00 FEEDER PIGS 15 US 1-3 25-40 lbs 6 00-7 00, 80-100 lbs 14 50-24 50 - per head SHEEP 121 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 55-75 lbs 70 00-77 00. 80-105 lbs 55 00-64 00, few to 75 00. Good and Choice 55-100 lbs 45 00-65 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP I 5 00-54 00 GOATS 57 Large Billies 65 00 7150, Medium 55 00-52 00. Large Nannies 45 00-58 75, Medium 50 00 59 00, Laige Kids 19 00 50 00 Small 5 00 per head Dewart Hay & Livestock Dewart, Pa. Monday, October 19, 1998 Report Supplied by Auction STEERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTE. HEIFERS; TOO FEW TO QUOTE. GOOD COWS; 28.00-36.00. CANNERS AND CUTTERS IS.OO-28.00. BULLS: 38.00-41.00. VEAL 130-190 LBS. 90.00-220.00, 90-130 LBS. 25.00-90.00. HOGS: NONE. SOWS: 15.00-21.50. FEEDER PIGS: 8.00-29.00 HEAD. HAY: 50.00-147.50. STRAW: ONE 60.00 WOOD: 10.00-35.00. CORN: 85.00-95.00. OATS: 1.70-2.20. Novartis Seeds Innovation Drives Performance Hoffman IN Seeds 4S&
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