State Farm-City Event (Continued from Page A 1) belted out a repertoire of country hits as well as other currently popular songs such as the theme to the movie “Titanic.” In between sets, she signed numerous autographs. Two mounted state police were r r Joween pumpkin, as part of an art activity about agricultural products and traditional festivities. In the background, a couple of PDA employees dressed in white lab coats help tfie youth with their painting. SCHEDi (Form 1 SCHEDULE F Ken Michele Sue Doug Andrew Elizabeth Darlington Bogucki Beshore Snee McLean Anderson PANJMDVAWV PA MD.VA.WV PA.MD Southwest PA,WV Delmarva Delmarva 610-793-0150 717-244-3665 717-932-1715 724-627-5941 410-827-5052 410-6514128 Mike Dixon Fred Dixon Mike Fullam Frank Hunter Lisa Francisco Sonnen Southeast PA,MD Northwest PA Central PA Northwest PA Northeast PA North NJ 814-684-5707 724-346-3455 717-966-9202 716-595-3954 717-866-9217 <mi hand, talking to children and adults about their horses and for what and how they are used. Three rows of tables were setup in the lot where PDA employees distributed the 3,000 packets of agricultural information they put together to give to the students. Profit or Loss From Farming At a booth of the Pennsylvania Nut Growers Association, these children, several clutching apples, look at the variety of nuts that can and are grown in the state. The nut meats and several nut crackers were on display as well. Other employees volunteered to wear costumes of Hcrshey’s candy characters and roaming the grounds with another volunteer escort, making sure the costume wearer didn’t fall. The costume wearers received lots of hugs and smiles. The Elizabethtown Area High School band played songs, that some of the children began to spontaneously dance lo while waiting in line for a ride or an apple, or while watching Deputy Secretary Chris Herr shear sheep, or painting a Halloween decoration. A radio station was on hand to If Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agricul.ture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa. 17603 (717)299-6480 ♦ Fax (717) 299-6390 POLRRIS RIDE THE BEST I & H Cycle Accessories, Inc. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1995-A|t continue providing music in the absence of Ciystal Marie or the school band performing. For hours the grounds were filled with hundreds to thousands of kids, until winding down in the afternoon. I** ■ Abe and Mary Allebach, of (Turn to Page A 36)
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