Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 24, 1998, Image 102
838-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 QuenlinJones HO ward t Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. MON NOV 2 - 7PM Fauquier Lvst Exch Inc , Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling Grey H Puckett, Jr, Manager, 540-364-1566 TUES NOV 3 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249-4511 TUES NOV 3 - Rogers Comm Auct, 20 mi S of Youngstown, OH on St Rt 7, to Rogers, OH, 1 mi W on SR 154 to auction Equipment Consign Auct lawn & garden firewood, lumber & more Rogers Community Auction, Inc, 330- 227-3236 TUES NOV 3 9AM Large All Day Equipment & Nursery Slock, Peter Novak Mohnton, PA Pen nypacker-Andrews Aucts TUES NOV 3 -10 AM Fencing Equip & Supplies Bobcat skid loader dump truck, Kubota Loader/backhoe Along Rt 903 E of Jim Thorpe, Pa For A to Z Fencing Ralph W Zettlemoyer, aucts TUES NOV 3- 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle livestock Market, Inc 717 249- 4511 WED NOV 4 109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane Co PA Lum ber & Building Materials Sale Woigemuth Auction 717-656 2947 WED NOV 4 -10 AM Woige muth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co PA Woigemuth Hay Sale Dennis Woigemuth Auct WED NOV 4 10 AM Real Estate & Restaurant Equipment Intel s Sandwich Shop, 1420 Elizabeth Avenue Laureldale Pennypack er Andrews Aucts WED NOV 4 - 2PM Antiques household goods primitives & Tools Held at the Horst Auction _ f ■% sS^^J m A.C. Diffenbach Auction, Inc - Witman Auctioneers. Inc , ANNUAL FALL COM RAC TORS LARGE EQUIPMENT • TRUCKS • TRAILERS CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1998 9:00 A.M. 100 West Jackson Street, New Holland, PA (12 Miles East of Lancaster, PA, 15 Miles West ot PA Turnpike Exit #22, Morgantown, PA) ★ IMPORTANT • CONSIGN NOW • SELLING ★ CONSTRUCTION - Case 4-Wheel Rubber Tire Front End Loader, 4-m-l Bucket; Smith 160 CFM Air Compressor, Pettibone Block Lift; HD-7 Crawler Loader; Various Forklifts. Crawler Loaders - Dozers - Forklifts - Loader Backhoes - Air Compressors - Skid Steer Loaders - Rubber Tire Loaders ROAD TRUCK TRACTORS - 1984 Peterbilt COE Double Bunk, 400 Cummins, 13 Spd , 1985 Kemvorth COE 400 Cummins, Big Com, 10 Spd Overdrive, 8 Bag Air Ride Susp, Conventionals - Cab Over - Non Sleeper/Day Cabs, 1979 Peterbilt Conv. 400 Cummins, 8 Spd , Air Ride Susp DELIVERY TRUCKS • (2) 1979-80 International School Buses, 1982 Ford LN9OOO Cab & Chassis w/Lift Axle, 238 Detroit, 13 Spd Trans, P.S., Air Brakes, 208” Wheel Base, 54,000 GVW, 1981 Ford LNBOOO Cab & Chassis, 3208 Cat, 5 Spd. Trans, 2 Spd Rear, PS . Air Brakes, 250” Wheel Base, 35,000 GVW, 1979 Ford LNBOO Cab & Chassis. 429 Gas, 5 Spd Trans, 2 Spd Rear, PS . Air Brakes, 33,400 GVW, 1977 Ford LNBOOO 18’ Flat Dump, Rgm 3208 Cat, 5 Spd Trans, 2 Spd Rear. PS , Air Brakes, 33,400 GVW, CAB AND CHASSIS - Dump Trucks - Single and Tandems, 1987 Ford F-700 Flatbed Stake Body Dump, 1975 International Loadstar 1800 Cab & Chassis, 392 Gas, 5 Spd Trans, 2 Spd Rear, Air Brakes, P/S TRAILERS -Thiele 10" Dump Bed (Complete), (2) 24’ Van Body, (3) 22’ Van Body, 18’ Van Body, 14' Van Body, 30’ Pup-Trailer, Rollup Door, 30’-40-45’ Van Storage Trailers, 45' Van Trailers, Swinging Doors 1985 Beck 10,000 lb GVW, Dual Wheels w/Fold-Up Ramps, Dumps - Flatbeds - Over The Road - Vans - Storage - Reefers - Lowboys - Equipment Tagalongs - Tankers SHOP AND GARAGE EQUIPMENT - Campbell Hausfield 3 Phase 2 Stage Air Compressor, Bishman 2100 Air Operated Rim Clamp Tire Changer, Coats 10-10 Air Operated Tire Changer, Graco Air Operated Grease Gun, Cases of Pennzoil SAE 50 Oil, Garage Doors, Lincoln 180 Amp Electric Welder, L-Tec Mig Welder, 28A - Linde Mig Welder 31 A, 500 lb Sandblaster, Chains, Binders, Shop Air Compressors, Tools - Tires - Rims PARTS - (4) Electric Lift Gates, Used sth Wheels, 1/4 Fenders, Plow Frame, Air Ride Susp Air Bags, Hitch, (4) Axle Hubs, 65" Western Star Sleeper Truck Rims and Rings, 25570 R-22 5 New Recap Tires 11 22 5 Budd Wheels, Trailer Load of 22 5 & 15” Lowboy Tires (some mounted), Construction and Trucks Consisting of Engines, Rears, Transmissions, Landing Gears, Pickups and 4x4’s - Autos, Cylinders CONTRACTOR’S TOOLS - Air Jack" Hammer, Air Operated, and Hand Tools OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Panasonic FP-1550 Copier w/Stands 2-5-4 Drawer Metal File Cabinets Wooden Executive Office Desk & Creden/a, High Back Swivel Office Chair, Office Arm Chairs, IBM Electric Typewriters, Office Dividers, Brunmng PD-80 Blueprint Machine, Remington 26 Electric Typewriter, Powcrflex ALR Computer w/X-Tron MF 147 Monitor, Epson Equity II QIOIA Computer. IBM AT 5170 Computer w/IBM 515 1001 Monitor, HP I aser Jet Printer, Katpro PC-10 Computer w/X-Tron MF 147 Monitor, Rexon Summit 2000 Computer w/Supertron SM 1421 Monitor, 2 Trailer Loads Consisting Of Wooden & Metal Desks - File Cabinets - Copiers - Fax Machines - Conference Tables If you have current or surplus equipment, job completions or excess inventory you wish to liquidate, contact us to get it placed in this large auction. To consign now • Call 717-665-5735 WITMAN AUCTIONEERS INC. Jay M. Witman, AU001127-L Luke R. Witman Alan Diffenbach 657 Fruitville Pike, Manheim, PA 17545 (717) 665-5735 Fax (717) 664-2737 Center, at the corner of Rt 322 and Durlach Rd Ephrala, Lane Co, Pa Horst Aucts WED NOV 4 - 3PM 29,000 Sq Fl Building with Endless Possibil ities Hassmqer Courtney, aucts WED NOV 4-630 PM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co , Pa Wmross, Hess farm & toys A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc THURS NOV 5 - Chambersburg, PA Ricecrest HoKlems Select Sale, 80 of the finest The Cattle Exchange. 607-746-2226 FRI NOV 6 - 9AM Antiques, HH goods hand & garden tools, Gravely tractor Held at Lampeter Community Building, W Lam peter Twp village of Lampeter Lane Co, Pa By Mr & Mrs Consignment Sale Sat., Nov., 7,1998 9:00 AM On Site At Koser Building Materials 523 Koser Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-0283 Directions: Take 283 to E-town/Hershey exit, turn north towards Hershey on 743, turn right onto Beverly Rd., turn left on Koser Rd., go 1/4 mile. Plywood. Roofing, Trusses, Lumber, Insulation, Doots, Windows, Cabinets, Paneling, Counter Tops, Lights, Tub And Shower units, Carpet And Vinyl Flooring, Some Appliances Look For Complete Listing Next Week. Truckloads Welcome Day of Sale. John Koser AH-006140-L Wolgemuth Auction Service 'Shaub auct FRI NOV 6 - 9AM Mid-Allantic Contractors Auction Frederick Co Fairgrounds, Md Selling excess equip no longer needed in current operation from Mont gomery Village Golf Club, County Agencies, Rental Co’s, WRF PLBG & Others Wolfe Aucts FRI NOV 6 -10 AM Farm equip truck, dozer, backtioe, pheasant equip, incubators East of Palmerton, between Little Gap & Kunkletown, turn off 57 Rd for 1 1/2 miles to farm, Northampton Co, Pa For Spruce Hollow Farms Ralph W Zettlemoyer Aucts FRI NOV R ' , HI NOV 6- 11AM Mr &Mrs Randy Messenger Warren Co No 1 Herd Located 8 miles E of Corry, Pa on Rt 6, 2 mile S of Rt 6on Sears Hill Rd Raleigh & Todd Cheslev, aucts FRI NOV 6 - 5 PM Tool & Shop Equip Consignment Sale Millers Auction Ctr, Bethel, Pa Dwight D Miller, auct FRI NOV 6-7 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Ful ton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale 717-354-4341 FRI NOV 6 - 7PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc Middleburg York Holstein Harvest Sale The Bremze owner Terry L Shetter, als. antique tools, pony size PA Graded Feeder Sale Cattle Exchanqe 607-746*2226 Kelly A Shetter aucts buggy, Plasticville Pcs & more Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, SAT NOV 7 - SAM 15153 Pax- SAT NOV 7- SAM 1044 Ridge By Clare A Kerns ills 111 Owners,7l7-837-2222 ton Run Rd, Shippensburg, Pa Rd , Shippensburg, PA Toys, Eicheiberger, Auct. 717-432 SAT NOV 7 - Ithaca, NY New in village of Mowersville Daisy R tram set S aoc, literature, manu- uuut> PUBLIC AUCTION MON., OCTOBER 26,1998 - 3:00 PM Murry Auction Emporium 23 N. Water Street/Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-2636 Household: nice collection of platters, set of china, cookware, glasses, and others. Collectibles: Letton figurines, Westmoreland sea scape (covered, Westmoreland love birds on nest, Schmidt and Goram music boxes, Memories of Yesterday, 2 cut glass baskets and more Appliances: apartment size refrigerator, microwave. TV sets. VCR vacuum cleaners, other small appliances Furniture: chests of drawers, rechner, chairs, end tables, card tables, wicker pieces, water bed frame, office chair, lamps, clothes tree. Outside: small work bench, heaters, exercise equipment, wheelbarrow, seeder, tools and box lots SttH&l “THcWUf, f4ctCtcOH4,, *}nc. Lititz, PA (717) 626-2636 -AU-648-L PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ANTIQUES - PERSONAL PROPERTY FRL, OCT. 30. 1998 Auction Time 9AM Real estate IPM LOCATION: Village of Martmdale - 498 Gristmill Rd., Martindale. From Ephrata Rt. 322 East to traf fic light in Hmkletown Turn left onto Martindale Rd. to Martindale. At Eby’s Store turn right onto Gristmill Rd ‘ rty on left. Earl Tw" L.' O Real Estate consists of 2-1/2-story log & frame house w/Ist floor eat-in kitchen, living rm, family rm., 1/2 bath & laundry. 2nd floor has 3 bdrms & full bath. Full bsmt w/cold cellar. Attic storage. Oil forced air heat. Detached 2-sty. frame 3-car garage/shop bldg. 30x30. All on large 6/10 acre lot w/large mature shade trees. ' ’ (Edge of NOTE: This is a rural town) property w/deep country size lot Early log house w/frame siding ideally located w/easy access to Rt. 322 & Rt. 23. Terms; 10% down, balance 60 days. For plotting of property, details, etc., call Auctioneers at 717-445-4309 or 717-733-1006. Inspection by appointment or open house on Sats , Oct. 10, 17 & 24 from 1-4 PM. Personal Property - Antiques - Furniture Fngidaire 17 cu ft Refndge, Chest Freezer, Gas Range Hotpomt H D Washer, G END Dryer GE Microwave Pine Ext Table w/11 Boards 4pc Cherry Bdrm Suite, Modem 3-pc Bdrm Suite, Decorated Pine Blanket Chest, Cedar Chest Walnut Drop Leal Table Walnut Marble Top Washstand Jelly Cupboard Cherry Dry Sink Oak Bow Front China Closet w/Shelves Cherry Dropleaf Table Victorian Marble Top Table, Slant-Top Walnut Desk, Walnut Secretary Desk w/Bookcase Oak China Closet, Sm Pine Table w/Drawer 2 Sets - 6 Plank Bottom Chairs - 1 Set Decorated, Boston Rocker, Pressed Back Rocker, 2 Sm Plank Bottom Chairs, Cane Seated Rocker, 2 Arrow-Back Chairs, Youth Chairs, Sm Rockers, Sm Cradles, 2 Sofas, Sofa Bed, Platform Rockers, GLASSWARE: Japan Tea Set, Flow-Blue Plates, Cup & Saucer, Celery Stands, Spooners, Green & Pink Dep Glass including Cookie Jar, Carnival Water Set Marigold Pitcher w/6 Glasses & Other Carnival Dishes Crooksville Dinner Set - Serv fortOw/Extra Turkey Platter Flomer Laughlm Dishes Ironstone Platter, PG Wines Opalescent Glass Basket, Gold Trim Tea Set 3 Sets Black Handle Knives & Forks Lots Pressed Glass: Pressed Glass Water Set Flatware Pots & Pans, Griswold #lO & Others GH Canister Vac Cleaner, Table Lamps, Kero Bracket Lights, Kero Finger Lights Wall Mirror, Sessions Mantel Clock & Others, Decorated Milk Can & Hand Saws Corn Dryer, New Brighton 4- Gal Jug Dolls & Doll Cradles Doll Coach Horse & Cart Toy New Holland Toys & Lots o( Others, New Holland Innovators Book NY Times in Book Form Old German Bibles & Other Old Books Lap Robe Quilts Bedspreads, Crocheted Doilies Assorted Linens & Tablecloths Pocket Watches Pocketkmves Rogers Bros Flatware for 8 New Holland Machine Co &V F Weaver Adv Pcs Martmdale Restaurant Liquor License Few Garden Tools 14 Fiberglass Canoe plus many other items NOTE: Auction to begin w/sm items & household goods followed by furniture after Real Estate at 1 Pl\£ A lot of nice items to be sold to highest bidder l Food stand ESTATE OF MAGDALENA MITCHELL Auction conducted by Randal V Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good Jr, Auctioneers Lie #2116, #499, #513 717-445-4309 Linda Klmg Atty TERMS by Owen Mitchell, Ex., 717-445-4976 Melvin Mitchell, Ex., 717-859-1258 KLINE, KREIDER & GOOD AUCTIONEERS Owner Closes Doors! PUBLIC AUCTION Forklifts * Pallet Lifts * Man Lift * Professional Tools * Machine Shop & Woodworking Tools * Lift Parts SAT., OCT. 31st 11:00 AM A-ONE FORKLIFT SERVICES, INC. Rt. 390 (1 1/2 Miles North of 1-84) Tafton, PA. Inspection: 1 1/2 Hours Prior to Sale. Terms of Sale: Payment due in Full on Day of Sale Vis CASH #Col. Steve Sitar (717) 586-1397 PA Lie. #AU2I24-L lira S4TI MW AItTICN! FINE FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, JEWELRY COLLECTION, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEWARES, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, TOOLS, ETC. From the Estate of Mrs. Peggy Brenner, Late of York, PA; From the Home of Estelle Hershey of Red Lion; from another Fine Home in York; and an Inventory Reduction from a Plumbing Contractor. Note: This is a very fine selection of furniture, etc. Take a look! To be held within Chanceford Community Hall, Brogue, York County, PA. Rt. 74 south east from York and Red Lion to right turn at Brogue Post Office. From Maryland and south, MD Rt. 165 N. onto PA Rt. 74 and N. to left turn at Brogue Post Office. Continue 1/4 mi. to hall on left. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1998 8:30 A.M. FURNITURE, ETC: at approx. 1:30 p.m. Round oak ped. table; cherry slant-front desk; fine maple dropleaf table w/6 braceback chairs; Ig open maple hutch; maple dinette table & 4 brace back chairs; beautiful Colonial maple BR suite; cream leather sofa - mint cond.; Thomasville cher ry BR suite w/bed, armoire, lingerie/jewelry chest & nightstand; Fr. Prov. bed, dresser & nightstand, several sofa & chair sets; 7 pc. oak dinette set, double bed, dresser & chest; oak stand w/b&c feet; nice knotty pine sofabed; cedar chest; water fall chest; many nice reclmers & chairs of all kinds; Gold Star microwave w/tumtable; 6 ant decorated plank bottom chairs; Ig. painted country hutch - mint cond.; 2 stepback maple china clos ets; Mission wall clock; Apt. size Kelvmator refrig.; Magic Chef gas range; Phantom upright sweeper, Ig. stnadmg jewelry cab; bucket bench: 4 color TV sets; VCR; odd dressers; stands; etc, mahog. typewriter stand/desk; patio table & 6 chairs, lounge w/cushions - like new - lamps of all kinds and housewares too numerous to list COL LECTIBLES, ECT: Separate jewelry & col lectible auciton in Room 2at approx 10:30 A M 335 stickpins of all kinds & descriptions; small bell collection; lots of good costume jewelry; 10 Reed & Barton sterling crosses; small pitcher col lection; Lady’s Omega watch from 19605; a few Hummels; Boehme figures; Roseville & Nontake pcs; music boxes, doll making supplies; set of new Pfaltzgraff dmnerware; coffee mill; Va. Rose dishes; quilts & hnenes; small appliances; dishes, cookware; etc, etc TOOLS, PLUMBING SUP PLIES, ETC: To be auctioned at 8:30 A M sharp, before jewelry auction: Good metal work bench with storage below; two 8 ft. truck toolbox es; metal job box 2x4 ft.; Kennedy toolbox; used items: 2 tub enclosures, nat gas floor furnace, flu orescent lights, oil and gas furnace parts, bath fix tures, etc., 2/0 underground elec cable; squirrel cage fans, etc New & used water closets, lavs, seats, paper & soap dispensers; used 8 ft truck cap new in box tub/showei enclosures, 3 Geibci urinals like new, galv & alum spouting and parts, used Raynor Bx 9 garage door. Porta Heat 105 toi pedo heater, generator; piston pump: 2-way radio system, new 5 ft x 3 ft whirlpool tub; wooden fireplace front, boxes of used tools, fittings, pails, etc too numerous to list Hall will be full 1 TERMS Cash to strangers and out of state Local checks w/good I.D. in «s«ififf nn Auctioneers RklLoo PA Ph 717 244-0295 Lie. Nos. 820 & 821 Home-made soups A pies; smoked hot dogs, etc. by Chanceford volunteers. :e IKI II til Li Ittl Yo* PA Ptl 717 741-44 H:)